ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMixed World Tournament - Reason (page 175)

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This tournament have been created on the basis of a discussion between Thoadthetoad, Zophia and I. We were just talking about who would win, Strop, the Nergyl Child, Zophia's Hallow or my char. So, who will win, any of you, or none.


-You know this will end up a cliche, right, Ma'm?- The white clad figure turned to look at the lanky young man behind her, her multiple eyes blinking in the light from the sinking sun. She smiles, an eerie smile, before turning her back at the humanoid again. .You should not say such a thing. Words bind, as you remember.. She looked out the window in the tall building, staring blankly at the many fields made for battle in the mixed city. It had been important to the designers that this test would push the contestants to the limit and beyond.
-This is not a good idea.- She did not even look at him, did not take his warnings seriously. [b].This will make my Lords happy. New warriors, stronger, different..
-But they don't... They will not belong here. And you know it.- His voice were angry now, but it did not touch her the slightest. .Just wait and see, little Sururrian..
She smiled once again, then waited until the sun had disappeared, and the lights had turned the main streets into rivers of light, and the alleys to dangerous traps of darkness.
It was to begin.[/b]


Mixed World Tournament.

This is a Multi Media Tournament. This means that both drawings, writings and mixes will be allowed, as long as it is self made.
The first couple of rounds will be used for trying to get to know the city, and fight of any creature that might attack you.
The next rounds might end up as a tournament between the contestants, for survival.
What will happen next, you will see.

The world is made up by different territories, which you might get to discover soon after arriving. The setting is much like that of a city, but with a twist, a grusome twist.
The beast living in this deserted city is something many would hope not to meet even in dreams, along with creatures of imagination and fiction.
And of course, there will be other, intelligent traps to get past.


They first thing to do is to either write or draw your contestant, with their equipment and pets, if there is any. Describe the contestant, how they are, their powers, strengths and weaknesses. Try to keep it as natural as possible, so your contestant will not be overpowered and without faults, or I will give them penalities sooner or later.
Also make a quick describtion or drawing of where they are at the moment before they are called. The arrival I will post as soon as the contestants are submitted.

You have untill Friday the 14th to submit your contestant to this tournament, or at least say that you will join (And is just missing a few details before you can submit)

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OK since thoad won't show up.I doubt I will have time to draw everything up.So I shall just type up the story and not really bother with the art.I'm also a bit lazy so I probably wouldn't have gotten it done anyways.So...

The First Conflict
Sasquatch looked at the screen thinking it was some strange street fighting game the women wanted them to play,but then looked closely and asked his sister "Hey why are we featured in this game,are we celebrities here or something?" Yeti looked at him with utter amazement as to how dense he was acting."That's not a video game that's an information board telling who is going to be competing against each other in some kind of fights." she paused for a moment "At least I think thats what it is supposed to be" Sasquatch looked at the screen again and then looked at Yeti "So thats not a video game?"Yeti almost instantly smacked her palm against her forehead in anger and embarrassment then yelled "No!!! Its not a Video Game!!!"She looked back at the screen and was looking for who they were going to compete against."Lets see so we seem to be fighting against these two creatures over there"She pointed towards the Nergyl and Fallen Child.Sasquatch still looking at the screen tried to decipher their names"OK so lets see Fallen Child and!? how do you even pronounce that?"Yeti looked at him and smacked him across the back of the head to get his attention."Does it matter?Point is we need to fight them,OK"Sasquatch rubbing the back of his head in pain responded "Fine"

The opponents look at them in total disbelief as if these two fools they were about to fight didn't really seem like they were worthy of even competing.They decided to stay silent when everything turned dark around the group and they were transported to where they were to compete.Sasquatch freaked out when they got there because he didn't know what had just happened,when Yeti told him to get himself together and calm down.They looked around and saw that they had been taken to a barren icy tundra.Yeti looked at Sasquatch"Its a good thing we have fur,otherwise this would be quite difficult to endure"Sasquatch agreed but they couldn't see there enemies,"So where are those strange...things we were supposed to fight anyways?" Sasquatch asked confused as to why they were even in this environment.Yeti looked around and made a quick conclusion"If they were brought here then it is possible that they may have been dropped off a distance away from us." Sasquatch looked at her once again,but this time with a less subtle tone"WTF why would that old hag do that?" "You act like I would know the answer to that"she said quietly."Also I don't think calling her an old hag when she apparently is watching us is such a good idea"She added.Sasquatch sat there quietly for a moment then agreed."So then what shall we-"Sasquatch stopped talking.Yeti looked at him as he stared off into the horizon"What shall we what?"Sasquatch looked at her and pointed towards the direction he was looking at prior to her question"Look!?" she looked to see two figures in that direction on in the sky a creature with wings and another on the ground walking slowly with what seemed to be spider legs and tentacles.She realized quickly enough what these figures were they were the opponents they were matched against."Sasquatch prepare for battle quickly!!!"Sasquatch didn't even bother asking as he turned into his elemental form.His eyes glowed red as her did blue.His hands set ablaze as hers spark with electricity.The creatures started getting closer.The one that flew got there first.

The Battle Begins...
The creature grabbed a hold of Sasquatch almost instantly pinning him down and clawing away at his face.Sasquatch started freaking out telling the creature to get off of him when yeti shocked him.The Nergyl Child(or whatever you call it now) got stunned momentarily giving Sasquatch the chance to grabbed its hands and break one of his legs free.He kicked the creature in the chest and off of him straight into the air.The creature revived himself quickly before he hit the ground and once again tried to attack the Sasquatch once again only to fail because yeti once again came to the aid of Sasquatch.The Nergyl creature soon got aid of his own as the other creature finally arrived.Although this time it didn't matter as it seemed the creature had no starting berserking this time attacking Yeti.She quickly dodged his first lunge,but the other creature started attacking her as well.Sasquatch grabbed the Fallen Child and attempted to throw him.It was not successful as the other creature used its tentacles on its arm to wrap around Sasquatch and his arm to impale Sasquatch's left arm.Sasquatch yelped in pain as Yeti tried to dodge another one of the Nergyl's powerful lunges.Sasquatch punched the annoying creature with his right fist straight into what he would assume to be the creatures stomach,then kicked him in the skull managing to get the creature off of him.He grasped at his arm as it was in great pain.Yeti looking at her brother knew that she needed to come to his aid.She though quickly and casted another at her foe which he easily dodged as he tried to lunge at her.She now didn't have enough time to get out of the way of the creature and he manage to pin her to the ground.Of course this was her intent from the beginning,as she grabbed his arm and sent a long streak of voltage throughout his body almost paralyzing him,but once again only for a moment.She gathered her surrounding as the last attack cost her a fair amount of her own health.She saw the fallen child attempting to strike her brother once again when she used her control over the wind the quickly push him back,even though it didn't harm him,it cost her very little to use.Now they were regrouped together,Yeti looked at Sasquatch wounds and her won.He would not be able to fight with his left arm for the remainder of the battle and she herself was fairly weak.She told her brother that they needed to be more tactical.They quickly combined their abilities and created a dense fog,to cut off their opponents sight.What they hadn't realized was that these creatures didn't rely only on their sight.The Nergyl lunged once again towards the yeti,but this time all she could do was block the enemies attack with her wind,throwing him off course.The other one came towards them with the sword at his...feet and tried to take out Sasquatch's other arm.This time with less success.Sasquatch grabbed the sword like leg and set it on fire in desperation.He kicked the creature again,in the chest,sending him flying.His brother assisted him since this one did not have wings,he was sure to hit the ground,unless the other one did anything.He summoned a Bell Pepper which started withering away almost instantly from the cold.Without a second thought He set it on fire and threw it at them both.It missed going passed them before it exploded.They heard the explosion and went after the culprit of the loud sound.Yeti realized two things instantly,that summoning Over Growth was out of the question and that the creatures attacked anything they heard.She knew exactly what need to be done.She looked over at Sasquatch and told him what she wanted him to do.A perfect plan....

The Plan in Action
He didn't agree with all of her methods,but he didn't really want to argue with her.So he summoned a large Bell Pepper and a vine covered with many small bell peppers,and he wrapped the small ones quickly around the large one.He set the small magical bell peppers on fire and threw them.The opponents now realizing that the sound was gone were coming back after Sasquatch and Yeti when the bell pepper pipe bomb landed in front of them.They quickly surrounded it,and just as quickly Sasquatch casted a fireball at the main Bell Pepper causing and explosion that sent both of the creatures flying in opposite directions.Yeti and Sasquatch acted quickly as Sasquatch went after the Nergyl,Yeti went after the Fallen Child.Sasquatch was told to rip out the feathers that helped the creature fly and break the bones within its wings so it could not take flight again.He ran towards the creature holding his injured arm all the while and did as she told him to.He made sure that the creature was left living as she also told him to do as she didn't think killing them was necessary,and he would rather leave them living anyways if at all possible,as he had no real reason to hate them.The creature no longer could fly ,and couldn't stand if it tried.The other creature managed stay awake,but didn't manage to stand back up before Yeti got to him.She grabbed his sword like leg dislodging it,quickly soon after grabbing the creatures arm.This time around rapping its tentacles around her arms wasn't going to work like it did for Sasquatch as she sent voltage through each one of them causing his whole body to become completely paralyzed... momentarily.She knew she had her chance,and she took it.She used what little energy she had left and she threw him up into the air using the wind.Since the creature had no one to aid him he fell to his fate.Half of his bones broke upon impact with the ground.The strange creatures were finished.

Post Battle
Sasquatch and Yeti regrouped slowly as they were returned to the place they were at originally.They looked around noticing something strange had happened when they returned.Their wounds were healed,their energy restored and most importantly Sasquatch could use his arm once again.They didn't understand what was going on,and didn't even care.They didn't even bother looking to see if their opponents had returned.They Looked at each other and decided that they should wait to see what happens next...

OK so thats the story as I have it right now.I made sure not to kill the other creatures,like you wanted me to do,and thats all I can think to say right now,except sorry its so long.

1,463 posts

Part 5:

The creature had for legs that were covered in hair, 3 heads that were those of a Wolf, a giant furry torso, and a long tail, with barbed wire wrapped around the end.
I looked at Dingsly, he was already charging the monster, somehow, he had his sword back already.
I whistled like a bird.
Bob came crashing in to Dingsly, the size of a semi truck, going as fast as he could. He was sent flying into a wall, about 20 meters back.
"I meant help with the dog!" I screamed at them.
They both just looked at me strange and turned to the ruthless looking hound. They charged.
I turned around to see the broad end of a sword hit my stomach.

5,642 posts

alright, I altered Nergy a bit for this occasion, but great one crimson, you did a great job!
Go scanner, go scanner!

PT. 1 of maybe 3

I was standing outside the mansion, triumphant, when I saw "stropina's" true from. A male. . . .I writhed all around and nearly threw up.
"Something wrong brother?" brother asked me.
"Just, a. . .trans!" I gasped a bit, he laughed at me. I looked around my shoulder and saw all of them burning, their screams inside the air, squirming into my ears and into my brain until it was burned into my brain. I couldn't get the screaming out of my head, and to say the truth, I didn't want to!
"Haha! Die faster! Harder you bloody banshee!" I screamed at the mansion. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I couldn't help but think that one of them was calling me curses behind the screaming. The children came, and screamed they're terrible screams.
"Faster! Faster! Scream! Slaughter is oh so fun!"

<Insert further part until the message board thingy, yes, I am lazy>

The names beeped and booped until it showed everybody's names. Strop and blah blah blah, someone and a thingamajig there. . .ah! there's. . .Sasquatch? Yeti? Who in the world are they? I stood silent, waiting to see who my enemies would be. I saw them, and I think it was time to play this game.
After I was transported, I immediatly brought out my wings and tail (of which I won't show because I crapped out :P).
"All out brother! We die here or go in a cage screaming and killing!" I yell out as I charge toward the tiny being in the far distance.
srry, I crapped out :P I'll do better next time @_@ gosh I'm tired. :P

10,816 posts

Argh, deadline looming @.@ I need to do what, like 7 pages a day!? At least I'm seeing the entries come in. That is good, ya?


He is in the "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" mode.

*snicker* do I have to go through that list of injuries again?
13,657 posts

I did not even go through the list, I just had to get it out~

10,816 posts

Suffice to say all one would need to do is kick Kai in the shins and he probably would be unable to get up, kekekeke >:3

13,657 posts

Yes~~ Or punch him in the stomach?

10,816 posts

That's just too hardcore :P Maybe I should really be thinking judo...

13,657 posts

Grap him by the ear. Or by the small hairs on the back of his head. That would probably help~

4,375 posts

lol, I can see it now, Strop grabing the hairs on his neck, and Kai squirming like a small child being pulled away from a candy

Any how, I liked your entry crimson! And await yours strop! And.......Yeah thats all i got.....O, and thoad, you did good to!

13,657 posts

He is actualle a child > >.. If transformed to an actual human, he would be 12? Hmm, that could actually be.. fun? He would be squirming~ *distant gaze*

I need to read them all!! *curses exams coming up*

9,434 posts

Hmm, I wonder why I bothered to make an actual intro for Hallow this round. Oh, yes. Because Zophia asked me, scolded and yelled at me, and then "had misunderstood it all". Demanding something better than "gets captured". But why should I have done it, there is not even an entry for Masquerade... But well, never listens, never cares.
You said I weren't allowed to quit. You actually yelled at me (through writing) when I said I'd quit because I couldn't keep up and kept failing.
And yes, I misunderstood, but since when don't I. At least I ask before I do anything.
13,657 posts

Because... Fine, bad guy that is me. I know. Bah. Forget it.

4,375 posts

Cen, you is da' bad guy!.....and the good guy!.........and a Big explosive bunny!

Any ways, i am sure if strop could find some time he would help you judge them. I mean he iis faceing another of his won people so he could help you know?

That is if you want to strop.

13,657 posts

Well, Strop is going on a vacation the next month, so he cannot do that. Mainly because of that, I put his characters together.
That is why the next round will be a "lie".

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