ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMixed World Tournament - Reason (page 175)

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This tournament have been created on the basis of a discussion between Thoadthetoad, Zophia and I. We were just talking about who would win, Strop, the Nergyl Child, Zophia's Hallow or my char. So, who will win, any of you, or none.


-You know this will end up a cliche, right, Ma'm?- The white clad figure turned to look at the lanky young man behind her, her multiple eyes blinking in the light from the sinking sun. She smiles, an eerie smile, before turning her back at the humanoid again. .You should not say such a thing. Words bind, as you remember.. She looked out the window in the tall building, staring blankly at the many fields made for battle in the mixed city. It had been important to the designers that this test would push the contestants to the limit and beyond.
-This is not a good idea.- She did not even look at him, did not take his warnings seriously. [b].This will make my Lords happy. New warriors, stronger, different..
-But they don't... They will not belong here. And you know it.- His voice were angry now, but it did not touch her the slightest. .Just wait and see, little Sururrian..
She smiled once again, then waited until the sun had disappeared, and the lights had turned the main streets into rivers of light, and the alleys to dangerous traps of darkness.
It was to begin.[/b]


Mixed World Tournament.

This is a Multi Media Tournament. This means that both drawings, writings and mixes will be allowed, as long as it is self made.
The first couple of rounds will be used for trying to get to know the city, and fight of any creature that might attack you.
The next rounds might end up as a tournament between the contestants, for survival.
What will happen next, you will see.

The world is made up by different territories, which you might get to discover soon after arriving. The setting is much like that of a city, but with a twist, a grusome twist.
The beast living in this deserted city is something many would hope not to meet even in dreams, along with creatures of imagination and fiction.
And of course, there will be other, intelligent traps to get past.


They first thing to do is to either write or draw your contestant, with their equipment and pets, if there is any. Describe the contestant, how they are, their powers, strengths and weaknesses. Try to keep it as natural as possible, so your contestant will not be overpowered and without faults, or I will give them penalities sooner or later.
Also make a quick describtion or drawing of where they are at the moment before they are called. The arrival I will post as soon as the contestants are submitted.

You have untill Friday the 14th to submit your contestant to this tournament, or at least say that you will join (And is just missing a few details before you can submit)

  • 1,813 Replies
10,816 posts

2-dimensional is better than one-dimensional >:3

And Strop just blew the cover again~

As if, need I remind you people that you were talking random things in Danish on the art thread? Hmmmmm?

As usual, my updates are on my thread.
9,434 posts

Softass?? *snickers*

As if, need I remind you people that you were talking random things in Danish on the art thread? Hmmmmm?
:P Vi er haabloese~ Ah, not really. Just "misplaced" 's's.

I really should have finished that entry by now...
13,657 posts


And I am a softass for not kicking you out, Zophia... At least no one is finding it unfair, I hope...

4,375 posts

Strop, he speaks dutch right?

Zoph, I was refering to Cen there, as a question TO strop.

O well. I am still waiting for the descriptions of everyone on sllims team! I only have phil and can't write about the other two with out them.

P.S. Sllim, he still has his sword i nthis round mister. >:0
4,375 posts

Ok, sorry people i didnt see he had posted it on my page. So Here is my entry!

Ding stood off to one side staring up at the tower. Somehow he hated it, but felt a deep desire to enter it, no matter what stood before him. And it seemed, that three things stood before him. There was a slim figure, who if it weren't for the clothes could not have been seen at all. He carryed a scythe allmost as big as him. Next to him was a small portly man. And next to him a tall creature. It carryed to axes one i neach hand. It had the face of a dog, but with skin instead of fur. Thats when they turned to look for him.

"So your that dingsly guy?" Said Phil with a smirk, clearly unintimidated. Dingsly only nodded feeling a response wasn't necassary. "Well good luck then, becuse ithink your gonna need it." Sllim said and walked away.

Ding pulled his gloves tighter onto his hands, and went abpout shapening his sword. The battle would start in a few minutes and he wanted his strength. He spent a minute examining the scren. How was it working? "His time period hadn't invented electonics yet" After he gave up on it, he turned to phils team again. It seemes that Phil had amazing speed, and a very unique fighting style. Then there was Bob. he was just sitting there, eating a sandwhich. he seemed rather slow, and ding figured he could over take him quickly enough. There there was the dog creatre, who according to the screan was named jack. He was average at speed, but the most impressive part was the small impish creatires who he could endlessly generate. Ding knew he was in for a world of hurt.

"Hello, would all contestents please stand next to there opponents. Once you do that you will taken to your place f battle."A voice said fro the speakers on the screen. Ding drew his sword and said one finall prayer. He wanted to be reunited with his brother, but not today.

"Hey......Don't let your selfs get killed." Ding said deeply. They all looked confused, so he shock his head and turned away. And thats when it happened. It was the oddest feeling, the ground suddenly dropped away, and they were engulfed by darkness. I tfelt as though they were throw some great distance, and then droped. Ding got dizy, and then blacked out blacked out.

"Theres my dingsly! Such a big man! You will lead my company one day!" It was the man ding had grown up with, hecter. He owned a mercany company, and tommorow was the day him and his brother would make there first apperance in combat. In an instant there he was fighting to stay allive, with his brother. He looked down to see the arow stiking in him, then slicing his brothers chest open with out realizing who he hit. "Dingsly.....Ding....why...?" His borther wispered.

Ding bolted awake. The dream, it still haunted him. noticed his new surrondings. There was statue of a women in the center of the town, with 4 roads leading away from it. Each road went on for about 500 yards, then ended in a brick wall. There were stores and houses lineing the streets, and they all smellesd of decay. Thats when he saw Phil and his team sitting off by the statue. He walkd over to them and Phil spoke, "God, we thought you would never wake up!" he taunted. "Thank you." Ding said quickly and quietly. "Wait....what"? Phi lsaid coCking his head slightly "I'm still alive. You had the chance to kill me, and you didn't. Now then, if you are to ever beat me my left side would be the way to do it." Ding drew his sword, "Ready your selfs. i have no intentions of holding back."

With in a few seconds, the area was filled with a hundred of jangos, and thousands of minions. "What in the hell......" Ding gasp, he couldn't possible take them out on his own. He ran into the nearest building, but slipped on a large pile of blood on the way in. His sword flew from his hand burrying its self in the wall in front of him. The blood was still warm, and soaked his clothes, and stuck to his skin. He threw up, and quickly retreved his srowd. he ran oput side, and quickly started slashing away at the hundred Jangos. They simply fell apart and dissapeared. He didnt have to to kill all of them now, becuse he had to get rid of the minons. It seemed Phil, bob, and jack were gonna sit i nthe back and wait for him to be softened up. The minions could float a few inches off the ground and all fought with diffrent weapons. Ding dodged, blocked, and slashed his way down to about 20, when they all fanished, and he was smashed hard i nthe skull. He flipped over and fell face first o nthe ground. His sword had gone flying in the hit, and he couldnt see it, which wasn't good. The thing that had hit him he now realised was the broad side of phils scyth crashing into him whil phil was at top speed. Phil was wizzing around the arena. His eyes fell on bob, who had just finished pulling the statue of the women over, and picked up her broken arm as a weapon. Jack had drown both axes, and they were both closing in. Ding did a quick sweep of the area and saw his sword stuck in the second story wall of a building. He pulled him self to his feet, and was phil come charging towards him. He dove out of the way of Phils desending scyth and took of running toward the building with his sword. he was carefull to avoid any blood as he made his way up stairs. He slamed the wall with his shoulder, and it crumbled and fell to the ground. His sword fell with it. The wall quickly replaced its self and ding made his way back out side. he picked up his sword and blocked a decending axe and quickly doged the other. A large stone arm fell a few feet shy of him. and he swung out at the man holding it. His sword entered his arm, and went clean through. He pulled it out, and using the side of his sword knocked the man out. The jango seemed enraged, and satrted hacking away at dingsly. Phil was ripping a peice of cloth from his shirt to tie the wound closed. jack was furious, and his blows were starting to wear dingsly down. He missed a block, and the axe cut into his coat. It ripped his coat and shit clean in two, and the terrible wound as well as the rest of dingslys muscled chest was reveiled. Jack stoped slashing when he was it, taken back by the horrificness of it. Dings eyes were ocne again cloaded by the memorys of the day he got it, by his brothers crys, by the searing pain. "You bastard.....YOU BASTARD!" Dingsly screamed. He knocked both axes out of Jacks hands with two hits, which were extremly powerfull. He then reached for jacks neck. He threw him in to a wall and resumed his hold on his neck. Phil ran at dingslys back hopeing to score a kick to his skull, but dingsly moved out of the way, as he heard him comeing. The kick instead Conected with jack, sending him through the wall, and knocking him out as well. This left only phil. Phil was leaning over his freinds body trying to wake him up. Ding held both of jacks axes in his left hand. "give up, please. i dont want to kill you. You remind me to much of him." Ding wispered. "To much of who? What are you talking about?" Phil demanded. "My borther. he gave me this wound here. it tore my muscels, and I killed him. I can hardly move it now." he slid jacks axes over to him and drew his sword again. "If you must fihgt, then I understand. But i will show no mercy to you as I have both your friends."

Ding left the building, and waited for phil to come out. he actually came out of the second story window, and brought the scyth down allmost hitting Dingsly, who barely had time to side step it. Phil started connecting with kick, after kick, after kick all over ding. It drew blood from his nose and mouth, though you couldn't tell due to the fall in blood earlier. Ding fell sideways and had to roll to avoid a decending scyth. When it hit it stuck in the ground a bit, and ding sliced the handel in two. he then kicked Phils legs out from under him, and pressed the point of his blade into phils neck. "This battles over." Ding said. "You fought very well, all three of you.

The darkness engolfed him again, and he was taken back to the screen area. It seemed he was the first back, and it seemed his cloths had been returned, and unbloodyed. He looked around for a moment, and then collapsed.

Ok, Well.....there tyou have it! Sllim, I really look forward to what you have comeing my way.

I hope you all enjoy that. it took me close to two hours to write that thought it may not look like it.

9,434 posts

Zoph, I was refering to Cen there, as a question TO strop.
I realized that after posting, just didn't bother correcting it.
None of them speaks Dutch, though. :P

*will read entry later*
13,657 posts

Will read it later, headache destroying concentration.

Hmm, I wonder why I bothered to make an actual intro for Hallow this round. Oh, yes. Because Zophia asked me, scolded and yelled at me, and then "had misunderstood it all". Demanding something better than "gets captured". But why should I have done it, there is not even an entry for Masquerade... But well, never listens, never cares.

I think I will eliminate myself.

1,463 posts

Skater, I am going to lose.

That was fricken amazing dude!

*Facekeyboard*vdr v vzhv.


Part 2:

Dingsly passed out.
"Dude....Dude!....Wake up man....Helloooooooo." I said as I waved my hand in front of his face.
"He's out cold." said Jack.
"No..... He is awake." I said sarcastically. He reached out and slapped me in the face. I slapped in back. This process continued for a couple minutes until Bob started screaming "Guys.... Guys!!!! GUYS!!!! HEY LISTEN THE F** UP!!!!"
We both turned to him.
"Were are we?"I asked.
"I don't know, we were transported while you were fighting." He said, calm now.
"What happened to that Dingsly guy?" Jack spat out.
"Over there." said bob as he pointed to a limp body about 7 yards away.
I went over to him and slapped him a couple times. I went over to a statue that seemed to be in the middle of the place. Bob was just sitting there, eating a sandwich.
My stomach rumbled.
"Think I could get some sandwich?" I asked Bob.
He handed me a piece.
I sighed and ate my piece.
"This is so F****** boring." I said. I smashed my face on an imaginary key board.

1,463 posts

I'm kinda bored and want to post another part to my entry.

Sorry for double post.

Part 3:

"Hey, hey guys I think he's waking up." I said halfway done with my sandwich.
I walked over to the young man that was waking up. "No...No, aaow...." He said as he grabbed his left side.
I turned around and said "He's still asleep, just having bad dreams or something." I looked down at him again. It looked like there was something wrong with his muscles on the left part of his abdomen.
His eyes bolted open.
"You scared me there for a bit." I said, holding out my hand for him to grasp.
"What do you mean?" He said, taking my hand and using it as leverage to pull himself off the ground.
"You were talking in your sleep." I said.
"Oh, yeah, just...Dreams." he replied.
"Ok," I said as I took out my scythe, "When I give the signal, help me out."
"What do you - aoowhhhwaaa....." He said as he was hit in the head with the broad side of my scythe.

4,375 posts

Sllim, just remember. Length dosn't matter, as long as the context is good.

ANy way, have any of you ever tryed typeing in the dark? I have all the lights of, and my screen dosnt light the keys to well..... lol

1,463 posts

Sllim, just remember. Length dosn't matter, as long as the context is good.

I'm not talking about length dude, That story was just...Epic. Awesome epic.

I'm worried about my place in this competition. lol.

If I lose, I want to give my characters a good death.
13,657 posts

Do people ignore my posts? (probably)
slliM, if you characters lose, they DO NOT DIE!!!!!!!
Bah. What was it, oh, yes. Eliminate myself from this tournament... Some know, some does not...

1,463 posts

I didn't ignore your posts, I was just saying if I lose, please kill me.

If you don't want to, O.K., I just thought it would make you have to do less work, instead of writing another part of a story, you can just kill em' off, or put them through torture.

Kai looks evil in that picture...Don't know why.

13,657 posts

I had a happy ending in mind. Let them recover a little after the battle (again IF they lose), descuss all what have happened, look at the fights, and see the winner enter the tower. Waiting out the consequenses.

He is in the "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" mode. He really does not want people to enter that tower, not even the winner. They have to get pass my broken character... He still have some energy left, so will probably try and defeat the opponent as fast as possible, without fainting himself.
Besides that, that swordthing in his left hand is made of darkness. A little spooky that the one supposed to be one of the good (though probably just neutral) has the element of darkness to his help, eh?

1,463 posts

Part 4:

He looked at me like what I had done was an abomination. He was ready to destroy something, me....Well not so much.
I side stepped just in time to dodge a powerful jab. "YOU" he said as he swung at me. "DON'T" another powerful swing. "ATTACK" They kept coming "A" I stopped him this time. Before he could say another word, I blocked his sword and swatted it from his hand.
I dropped my scythe. I was pretty good at hand-to-hand, but I didn't know about this guy.
He rammed me as hard as I thought was possible. I landed on the ground next to a building. There was blood all around the building, and I now had it on my jeans.
Just as he closed in for a really hard punch, the creature that was making the blood came out the window and onto the ground, 4 yards in front of us.

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