As a precautionary system, many schools across the nation have been searching lockers to eliminate the school of weapons and drugs that the students had. The schools had probable cause, meaning that they did have some piece of evidence that says that particular person had illegal objects. This caused an outrage with students and parents alike, saying that this was an invasion of the student's privacy. This case was taken to the supreme court, who ruled that the schools did have the right to search.
What I have to say is that they should search lockers after school ends. So no one gets mad. They did that at my school, and they found 12 lockers with weed.
I think the school should be able to search, if not, a kid could easily just bring in a gun, some drugs, maybe a BOMB and no one would know. If there was a deal where the parents/students had to say it was ok to search, the student could remove said items, then say ok, or just say no"you cant search". I think the only way is to have random searchings of lockers during the school day.
While searching lockers in schools is important, I do not believe that students should be subjected to these searches without probable cause. In the Supreme Court case, Goss v. Lopez, it was decided that constitutional rights also belong to students. Therefor, they should also be protected under the 4th amendment against unreasonable search and seizures.
You have got to be kidding... I've seen this thread around and I never went to it. Now I realize I should have because some people aren't too bright.
Reasons to/Why can you search lockers: -School's property -Protection -Felonies (Possession of illegal drugs, unprescribed medication, etc.) -Identification (To find someone, you look through personal stuff!)
Reasons why not/why you can't search lockers -Student's property No other reasons unless you can think of some
After looking through this thread I've found that almost all posts support the right to search lockers, where as the others say "invasion of privacy." Seriously, who doesn't know what you have? Someone ought to know. That, and the ones against were very flimsy because when they were argued against they repeated what they had originally said. The "gummit" established these laws for a reason, you know.
I think that since kids aren't supposed to have much other than school books and stuff in their lockers then they shouldn't have a problem with searching. There's not much personal stuff that is supposed to be brought into school and if they are searched without making too much mess it should be alright to do it.
What I'm saying in my post above is that schools should wait until they receive a tip saying that there are illegal items in possession of a student. Otherwise, Goss v. Lopez would apply.
Many times, things have been stolen from my locker and many other's lockers. Kids in my school are also heavy "chew" users and that needs to be stopped. I feel as though the school has the right as well as reserves the right to search lockers. They explain that at the beginning of the school year in my school.
Given that its a caution as a result of idiotic behaviour, I'm fine with it. If someone had to search my bags all I'd remember was to keep it tidy, of course retards will refuse for the sake of refusal and that's one of the reasons this rule rocks - because it says "**** you" to them.
Also... privacy? What privacy is there in school bags apart from your phone? If people know their privacy is compromised they want bring privacy will they?
Well, of course they have the right. What's the difference between searching the locker of a kid and the bedroom of an adult if they are likely to have committed a crime?
A search warrant means probable cause. If people have probable cause to search a locker, then they might as well search it.
The reason that people don't need a search warrant to search a person's locker is because lockers are public property; they are owned by the state.
School officials have warned us students over and over not to put personal belongings in our locker; lockers are very easy to "op" open, and are meant for school supplies only.