ForumsWEPREvolution, creationism and the school cirriculum

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Well to start out i dont beleive in evoltuion so the fact that other things cant be taught really ticks me off but i just want to see what people think and why.

  • 697 Replies
13,657 posts

Evolution is not based on the intelligence of the creature itself. It is just about steadily improving over time. You don't have to be complex to improve yourself.

But the eyes? Of a creature that does nothing but float? It does not move by itself, it cannot move by itself, it "hunt" by using tentacles, free floating tentacles with poison. Why does it need a super eye?

Anyway, just wondering why evolution is that weird.
4,871 posts

If you've got a problem with evolution, send your kid to private school, or teach them creation at home or at church. Problem solved.

If youve got a problem with them teaching creationism why dont you just homeschool your kids????
4,871 posts
Nomad you serious?

You REALLY think that evolution is a monkey to a man? *sigh*

Evolution states that homo sapiens and what we would consider to be a monkey evolved from common ancestors, not in a linear structure.

If I'm not mistaken, we are 98% genetically identical to a chimpanzee.

How can you NOT say that we are evolutionarily related?

First it IS man to monkey mabey way back...but it is and second yes we do have 98% of the same dna as monkeys...BUT that 2% is millions of changes in dna, and almost all of that is changes in our brains. How can i say were not evolutionarily related?because were not :P
1,828 posts

lol i think humans act like monkeys more then they realize theres also somthing called speciesism. what you imply is we are superior, only in one way I can see is that our technology defines us, you must remember they were more the one type of human we are just the last so far,HOMO literally means human, also humans have know how to use fire for hundreds of thousands of years. Also the ice age didn't allow them to plant seeds so they couldn't farm, we got lucky cause the ice age ended when we came around. Also if you didn't have any writing, therefor education we would still be smashing stones in animal furs

1,523 posts

First it IS man to monkey mabey way back...but it is and second yes we do have 98% of the same dna as monkeys...BUT that 2% is millions of changes in dna, and almost all of that is changes in our brains. How can i say were not evolutionarily related?because were not :P

First off, man didn't immediately change from monkeys. At some point or another, the monkeys branched off into a different species, and the subtle changes over time lead to homo sapiens. Evolution is not a fast process at all.

If youve got a problem with them teaching creationism why dont you just homeschool your kids????

Because creationism isn't, and shouldn't be taught in schools. Evolution is. If you don't like it, suck it up.
6,823 posts

They can teach religious theory as an optional course, it can't be mandatory (again returning to my previous point of schools being publicly funded). Teaching an exclusive religion is what churches are for.

Yes. If intelligent design is going to be anywhere in a school, it should be in theology. Because the fact is, it isn't science.

If youve got a problem with them teaching creationism why dont you just homeschool your kids????

Or you homeschool your kids about creationism. You cannot teach religion in a publicly funded school. Violates the separation of church and state. If you want to teach your kids about intelligent design, do it at home or church.

First it IS man to monkey mabey way back

Noooooo! It is not man to monkey or monkey to man. People need to actually read the Origin of the Species. You show me once where Darwin ever says we are descendent from each other. You won't find it! That is because we had a common ancestor. We branched away from each other into different lineages. One of us did not evolve from the other.
263 posts

Anyway, just wondering why evolution is that weird.

Well, that's because you think evolution can be weird. You treat evolution like a designer. Like a sentient being. It's not.

Evolution is pretty sloppy, pretty scattered all over the place, and has no purpose but to keep living.

It's not hard to see how an eye is better than a non-eye, and how a super eye is better than a normal eye. That's ALL that evolution "cares" about, not how intelligent it actually is or how great it would be, just that it IS better, even if slightly.
243 posts

i belive that evolution is the realy thing cause like realy all other things have gone through it as well and realy wat are the odds that god just happend to put us here and who gave birth to god and if you no the answer to that who gave birth to that person ect. and im kinda atheistand i dont realy pay attention to god so i may be wrong but it5s jsut me thery

13,657 posts

You treat evolution like a designer

Comes with being an artist.
So eyes to see the preditor/prey: Good!
Way to get away/catch prey: Bad!
Yes, evolution surely is sloppy.

Anyway, have already staed my oppinion several times, so will leave you with your evolution now, Razaki.
3,176 posts

Noooooo! It is not man to monkey or monkey to man. People need to actually read the Origin of the Species. You show me once where Darwin ever says we are descendent from each other. You won't find it! That is because we had a common ancestor. We branched away from each other into different lineages. One of us did not evolve from the other.

I specifically quoted this, because this is 80% of the reason why people detest Evolution, because they are ignorant of what the meaning of evolution really is. THIS IS ALL TRUE!

Every single species had a common ancestor, and we have fossil evidence to back it up. We had a common ancestor too guys. And NO it was NOT a monkey. It was a Neanderthal, that resembled a monkey in APPEARANCE. It was in actuality, a common ancestor to us, and to those other primates that are linked to it.

Why should this be one of the only origin of life taught in schools? Because this is a form of Biology, it deals with life, species, and how those organisms came to be species that they are now.

Evolution is pretty sloppy, pretty scattered all over the place, and has no purpose but to keep living.

It's not hard to see how an eye is better than a non-eye, and how a super eye is better than a normal eye. That's ALL that evolution "cares" about, not how intelligent it actually is or how great it would be, just that it IS better, even if slightly.

Uhm, no, not in the slightest, and your post didn't make any sense whatsoever. What's this talk about eyes, and non-eyes and super eyes, and other nonsense? Back up here a second.

The definition of Evolution is "Change over time". THAT is all it is. It also explains how species become better suited to their environments. As for a purpose, it is just a purpose as any other religious purpose is: to get other people to believe in it. Evolution is true, whether you believe it so or not, and the users that are religious will agree with me in this.

Have we not become smarter over the thousands of years? Stronger? Taller even? All this is all because of Evolution, that we become better over time by the exchanging of phenotypes. Back in the 1800s, it was considered a miracle for a person to become higher than 5'6". Abraham Lincoln was over 6 feet tall. Now, in the present time, the majority of heights is around 5'8", and more and more of us are getting over 6 feet tall, and our current miracle is over 7 feet tall.

How, religious people, could you explain the fact that bacteria, at this very moment are resisting our medicines and becoming immune to them? Because God made it so they could? Bacteria are non-living organisms! They are not supposed to be able to perform these actions, according to your beliefs. How are you supposed to explain the fact that bugs are resistant to some fertilizers that are supposed to keep them away, but they are becoming immune to them so they are continuing to affect our crops?

Back then, you guys believed that the Sun revolved around the Earth. You ridiculed us when we believed it was vise versa, but when the time passed, you believed in it, even though it was against the texts. Back then, you guys believed that the earth was only thousands of years old, and ridiculed us when a geologist thought the earth was over a couple billion of years old. Then, when the time came, you accepted it, even though it was against your beliefs. Yet again, we found that dinosaurs have existed in those millions of years ago, while you still ridiculed us for believing that the earth was older. The dinosaurs hold irrefutable proof that Evolution is taking place. If that same meteor killed every single species on earth, how the heck did we humans get here?!? We did not suddenly spring up out of nowhere and start living. Explain this for me, I have all the time in the world...
263 posts

Um...Shin...I'm not sure if you read my post, and read the post that I was quoting, but I'm of the same opinion as you. I was saying that evolution has no sentient thought to make itself look smart. It has created lots of weird things, simply because of the fact that it is not a designer.

And to Cenere, does it need that ability to move? Not really It's quite beneficial to stay in that spot, be able to spot its prey, and to kill it. Could it possibly evolve to gain some sort of mobility over the next 10,000 years or longer? Sure. Does it need it now to survive? No. We are merely looking through a small window of its evolutionary life.

If you think about it, though, the whole example smacks harder at creationism than evolution. Evolution never claimed to be intelligent or perfect, because it is not done by a designer. What would a god's purpose be in designing that jellyfish?

1,523 posts

I think that I've got a more modern example of evolution...

Braces. As time has passed in the last century or so, the FDA created strict regulations on food. Meats became more and more processed until they were up to standard, and thus became easier to eat as well. In addition to this, the recent studies that a healthy diet requires fruits and vegetables have pulled people from eating as much meat.

Because food is becoming easier to eat, and our diets are changing, our mouths are becoming smaller, less useful instruments. However, we still have the same amount of teeth. Because of the cramped space, the teeth push against each other, and braces are used to correct this. I'm not saying that people had perfect teeth thousands, even hundreds of years ago. But close to 90% of the people I know have had braces to straighten their teeth...

469 posts

Hmmm... that seems more like just normal environmental effects rather than mutations or natural selection (not that these are the only rules of evolution). Unless my knowledge of epigenetics is wrong, it cannot be directly passed as genes.

5,642 posts

yes, it might be offensive otherwise.

136 posts

Who told you that evolution was the only origin of life taught in schools?

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