Well to start out i dont beleive in evoltuion so the fact that other things cant be taught really ticks me off but i just want to see what people think and why.
Don't say that! Creationism doesn't go through one ear and out of the other - it goes in one ear, bounces off of solid fact and then retreats into a corner to cry.
no, i was reffering to you not wanting me to preach to you, about stuff you wont even listen to, but critisize
I listen, I also refute when I find flaws.
According to my biology book over millions of years non living things became living to make the first cell
That's abiogenesis, we also have evidence of this being the case.
The 'Big Bang' cosmological model, simply stated, tells us that a very long time ago the universe was very dense and very hot. As time goes on the universe expands and cools. That's it, no explosion, no miniscule point in space occupied by all matter, none of these misconceptions which are unfortunately so prevalent.
Abiogensis shows how, given the conditions on the early earth, standard and even common chemical reactions can form simple amino acids, the building blocks of all cellular life, which became capable of self replication.
Evolution explains how organisms have varied expression of genes, most notably through allele frequency, and how these variations alter the appearance and structure of organisms. Evolution also explains how genetic drift and natural selection stimulate certain genetic expressions and allow for favorable traits to survive and flourish, while detrimental traits often lead to the extinction of the organism, or the modification of the expressed gene in such a manner that the trait itself becomes extinct within the genome.
wow a good way to start a creationists vs evolutionists sflamewar
Care to actually add something constructive? Just because we have apposing views doesn't mean we are getting into a flamewar. I'm guessing since your saying evolutionist that you are in the creationist side of this debate.
wow a good way to start a creationists vs evolutionists sflamewar
sorry, but I was just asking what the problem is. You can't say that there are flaws in evolution but not saying what the flaw is. And you can't say that you're studying stuff like that when you're studying theology... Why? Because there's no science in theology so you can't debate about it. Religion books claim to be the books of God and are therefore the truth. So they are not debatable. Even if there are many things proven to be wrong or there's total bull**** that's against our moral (killing homosexuals, having slaves etc.)... back to the topic: I haven't heard yet one flaw in evolution but many flaws in creationism (and religion).
The problem is that Creationists try to disprove Evolution using 'knowledge' garnered from the Bible (which is hardly scientific) - rather than trying to find any actual scientific flaws.