ForumsWEPRTrue Meaning Of Christmas?

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It's November and already here in Ireland is the christmas "spirit" buzzing. But what is the meaning of christmas? it certainly isnt the fuss of how the christmas decorations look in or city centre, or what celebrity will be turning on the lights at city hall, it isnt the comercialism, or is it?

  • 49 Replies
4,871 posts

If you've actually read the Bible, nowhere does it specify when Jesus was born.

In fact, the Bible is a collection of mostly recycled myths from civilizations that predated Judaism.

The first thing is true the second thing isn't but the rason we started celebraitng it is because idk why you celebrate it now but thats why we started..
9,434 posts

The first thing is true the second thing isn't but the rason we started celebraitng it is because idk why you celebrate it now but thats why we started..
You do realize you forgot to actually give the reason? Because is not a reason...

At some point, Christians picked that date to cover up the Pagan celebrations of Yule and Winter Solstice (as they also did with many other pagan holidays).
Thanks for stating that so I didn't have to.
Danes still call their Christmas Jul (Yule), and originally the vikings had some solstice celebrations~ Wen Denmark was made a Christian country, the Christian holiday was put there to make the transition from the old religion smoother.

So the true meaning of Christmas... A solstice celebration of light that has been taken over by Christianity in later times. Nowadays mainly a celebration where families get together and are kind to each other...

I so hope I'll be able to participate in an actual solstice event this year...
3,041 posts

It (to me) is God's birthday..and caring of course..

1,101 posts

Isn't it true that the Pagans normally would have rituals, normally like one person or something per year to the God of winter solstice... I read up about that on the internet and in a book about mythological Gods..... But yea, which I think is why christians definately wanted to cover that up. The whole thing is about love, and celebration and embracing each others hearts in a community. I'm Christian but i actually don't beleive christmas was when he was born, as well I don't beleive that he died on wat we now call easter. These things were made to help children enjoy there life at a young age.
Christmas in itself has already begun, and its nice to see decorations out, since they look so nice outside when its night time and its snowing. And for most people (thow they will deny it) its the recieving of gifts. They love the element of surprise, and they love getting/ recieving gifts for free.

13,657 posts

Oh, yes, I had to. From wiki:

The date of celebration is not thought to be Jesus' actual date of birth, and may have been chosen to coincide with ancient Roman solar festivals that were held on December 25.

Solstice celebrations, yes.

A winter festival was the most popular festival of the year in many cultures. Reasons included the fact that less agricultural work needs to be done during the winter, as well as people expecting longer days and shorter nights after the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere.[18] Modern Christmas with pagan customs include: gift-giving and merrymaking from Roman Saturnalia; greenery, lights, and charity from the Roman New Year; and Yule logs and various foods from Teutonic feasts.[19] Pagan Scandinavia celebrated a winter festival called Yule, held in the late December to early January period. As Northern Europe was the last part to Christianize, its pagan traditions had a major influence on Christmas. Scandinavians still call Christmas Jul. In English, the word Yule is synonymous with Christmas,[20] a usage first recorded in 900.

Fantastic thing, this Yule, right? Not at all christian. But still a religious event.

Dies Natalis Solis Invicti means "the birthday of the unconquered Sun."

So the birthday of the sun became the birthday of Jesus.

Santa is generally believed to be the result of a syncretization between St. Nicholas of Myra and elements from pagan Nordic and Christian mythology, and his modern appearance is believed to have originated in 19th century media.

A little too random, but had to throw it in.
336 posts

Did you know that for awhile it was illegal to celebrate Christmas in Massechusetts Bay Colony? The reason whas that the Bible does not specify when Jesus was born, and the colony leaders felt that any celebration of the spirit of Christ should be celebrated 365 days a year instead of only one.

336 posts

Whoops, mispelled Massachusetts, sorry...

305 posts

i agree 100% tennisman24

1,523 posts

Personally, I love the sense of fellowship that comes along with Christmas time...Everyone just puts aside their differences and comes together to celebrate.

Did anyone else know that Santa never had a face before Coca-Cola started putting the Santa Claus design on their bottles? Coca-Cola created the modern-day image of Santa. (I did a project on Coca-Cola and how it's effects on the world, and that was one of the ones that I wrote about.)

13,657 posts

And he was made by combining Saint Nicholaus and Pagan myths? Had a friend doing a project about Father Christmas, and one of the tv-shows through Christmas was about how Saint Nicholaus because what he is today.

3,139 posts

At some point, Christians picked that date to cover up the Pagan celebrations of Yule and Winter Solstice (as they also did with many other pagan holidays).

100% correct. thats why we have 'all souls day', pagan new year.
its also technically where the "son" of god came from, it was apparently changed here in ireland, from sun to son for christians trying to adapt pagans to their way so intertwined the two religions.

Anyways, yeah, christmas obviously has a pagan sense behind it. im pagan, therefore celebrate it more as the winter solstice. Although, i do believe its a time just to be around friends and family. and help those who can't have the christmas that im having.
idk, i just think the holidays are so corrupt now.
1,353 posts

Because I've studied religion and mythology extensively

For one I do not agree with you at all.
But do you belive in mythology?
522 posts

Well, dispite the fact I'm atheist, I celebrate christmas because it is a national holiday of joy and giving as well as spending everyone's money!

9,434 posts

For one I do not agree with you at all.
But do you belive in mythology?
You know, I don't think that even relates to the point of tanstaafl28's post...
What is it that you disagree with? Do you not believe that Christians placed their holidays on top of the pagan ones?
1 posts

how do you know that?
i thought christmas was the day that jesus was born
and that was the only thing christmas stood for

and if it isnt about jesus
and if jesus was a lateconer to the holiday

what is it called christmas

I think we can desribe this as epic fail. The Bible states many facts about the story of Jesus' birth that only happen during the spring/summer, such as the animals being out and stuff. Also, the "Christmas Star" is theorized to have been the light that emerged when Jupiter and Saturn became so close, they would have shown one beam of light. And also, the Christians made many of their holidays on the same days as Pagans in order to mask those pagan holidays, and to create a transition for pagans to convert to Christianity.
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