It's November and already here in Ireland is the christmas "spirit" buzzing. But what is the meaning of christmas? it certainly isnt the fuss of how the christmas decorations look in or city centre, or what celebrity will be turning on the lights at city hall, it isnt the comercialism, or is it?
You won't like it when you're an adult, that's for sure. It switches around when you're over 20; you buy presents for other people and hope that you yourself earn one. Now about my opinion... I think I already posted somewhere around here, but I'll just say it again.
My opinion of the true meaning of Christmas is the part about having all of your relatives around, sharing the gossip, relaxing over a warm fire, and caroling while having fun. Yes, there's the part about giving and receiving gifts, but children these days usually receive and not give. I at least tried when I was younger. While it wasn't packing gifts, I instead made sweets for the family, so I was good on that one.
I just got back from midnight mass and the sermon was pretty good. The priest used a metaphor to describe it so bear with me as i explain it.
In the biblical times (v.long time ago) if u were unable to repay a debt it wasn't uncommon to sell your children to your debtor as a means of repayment. When adam and eve were kicked out of the garden of eden we (humaity) had a debt to repay god. Jesus, when he died on the cross for us took on board all that sin to save humanity and to repay our debt to god so that when we die and go to the pearly gates we will be let in because of Jesus' sacrifice and that is the true meaning of christmas...
according to the priest anyway, being Greek Orthodox i find it odd how much importance is polaced on christmas when easter is meant to be the most important date in the calendar.
It is a well documented fact that no one knows when Jesus was born exactly. 25th December was chosen by the heads of the church way back when because it replaced the pagan festival of Yuletide so the recently converted could ease into the transition.
No i read it in a book about the origins of religious festivals. Wikipedia isnt the sole source of knowledge on the internet, although i am sure you could find something from there on the subject.
Christmas really means christ day in Latin referring to the day Jesus was born even though he was supposedly born in April. But Christmas has been taken over by commercialism and companies. Like the symbol for Santa Clause(modern fat one) was designed by Coca-Cola. Remember keep Christ in Christmas.
December 25th is Christs birthday, which is the day we have Christmas on. So it is celebrating Christs birthday.
Sorry mate, but this thread was already answered three years ago. Also, your answer is not the correct one, as you'll see if you bother to check some of the other pages.
If you read a few pages back you'll see that the date was chosen because pagans already had holidays on that day. It had nothing to do with Jesus originally. So there was no screw up, it was just something they used to help spread Christianity to those people. Apparently, the Bible doesn't at all mention at what time of the year Jesus was born.
If you read a few pages back you'll see that the date was chosen because pagans already had holidays on that day. It had nothing to do with Jesus originally. So there was no screw up, it was just something they used to help spread Christianity to those people. Apparently, the Bible doesn't at all mention at what time of the year Jesus was born.