This child comes along and says he believes in the church of a "Spaghetti monster". The teachers and staff were obligated to devote 1/3 of their time on a lesson about the giant flying spaghetti monster. Soon, they came to their sences and cut it out of their learning seesions upon discovery about the fact that this child completely made it up. How do you explain this? please post your opinion here!
the child really didn't know any better. Kids have overactive imaginations and it's fun to randomly spurt out what you ate for dinner last night, and then preach it to your science teacher. I did it once only it was "The ultra-planatary meatball meateor" and that only the muffin man could stop the meateor (intended spelling errors, both). thus we should praise him, I thought it was hilarious, it's like making fun of the pledge of the allegiance each morning.