This child comes along and says he believes in the church of a "Spaghetti monster". The teachers and staff were obligated to devote 1/3 of their time on a lesson about the giant flying spaghetti monster. Soon, they came to their sences and cut it out of their learning seesions upon discovery about the fact that this child completely made it up. How do you explain this? please post your opinion here!
Look, from all things a flying Spaghetti monster is just and I would say retar.ded, how the heck would it fly?
And most of all, how would religion be real - look at a religion topic and soon you'll find one I've spoke on disproving it - So read that then answer this
As Pastafarism is not an official religion, the kid should not have done so, and the teachers were right in punishing the boy.
No, if he wants to believe in something else he can, check out a religion topic and there's alot of stuff saying religion is not real, and religious people say that u should believe in god, why not something else...
And Pixie I know you're funny but that was a kick in my stomach, he can't fly through nothing.... So clearly not real
hmm well this wouldn't happen in my area,as the schools can not teach religion in school,because of a thing called the separation of Church and State.While at this point I really see no point in teaching religion at schools,as kids in our time can be told things a million time over and will still reject ideas.Like for instance kids are told not to smoke,but just today I had one smoking at my own bus stop.Things like this make me wonder what countries actually do try to teach all forms of religion in school...
[quote]Does it really matter what people believe in, so long as they aren't hurting anyone? .
Well, if you want people to know the "truth" (either way) then yes, buts its when they kill people in the name of their god/gods then youve gotta do something.
My seventh grade science teacher said that he was part of the Church of The Flying Spaghetti Monster. He's actualy a Christian, but he said it basically as a way of showing that religion would have no bearing on the way he taught about the scientific theories of the start of the Earth and Evolution. I always thought he completely made it up.
No FSM is too show how stupid the Kansas education board are for putting Inteligent design on the curriculum. Same with lack of pirates make global. It shows that cause isn't always effect.
That's insulting the beliefs of pastafarianism. It's just of of the beliefs of the religion. ------ This is a funny subject. The Kansas Board of Education is just stupid for teaching a religious belief in public school, so I say that as long as intelligent design is on their curriculum, then they should teach the beliefs of pastafarianism as a punishment for how stupid they were.