I've been thinking about this a lot lately, and I would like to see what you guys think. Is America a Christian Nation founded on Christian Ideals, or is this a secular Republic that happens to have Christians in it? Try to provide evidence for your thoughts whenever possible. I also have a decent amount of evidence for both sides at my disposal to help the discussion along if that's necessary.
I think I'll throw in my 2 cents: I believe this country was founded as a secular Republic that just so happened to be founded by people who believe in a god. Several of the "founding fathers" were deists which I think is significant. Also, look at the Constitution - god is not mentioned at all (except in the phrase "in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred... which isn't really calling to or evoking god). I think that the treaty of Tripoli, as Razaki mentioned, is really compelling evidence. Many of the ideals in this country do happen to be christian ideals, but that just reflects the ideas of people forming our government, not necessarily the government itself. Any thoughts?
all the signers of the deceleration of independence were masons which is a religious social group, proclaimed Christians but their belief system doesn't really line up with the Christian belief system also there are many radicals sects who take part in occult practices, allister crawley was one such popular mason, who is said to be a founding father of modern wiccan practices among other cults.
my statement about the US as an atheist country, was that although a large portion of the country is "Christian" our moral system does not match that "majority" rather a blend between atheism and unitarianism ethics and morals, because nearly every Christian or other religious phrase is being revoked as well as holidays in order to host all religions. and belief systems
Of course, certainly not all of our laws are based on religious idealism: taxation, immigration, maritime, habeus corpus, just to name a few are all laws that aren't based on any sort of religious notions (as far as I know) but I think they are necessary and effective in this country.
the whole idea of America is that people of any and all religions can live here. Saying that the country belongs to one religious faction goes agenst one of the main ideas that the people of early america had in their minds. The whole reasion most of them came to america was to be free of the king's made up Church. You all learned this is middle school. I am athiest myself...just saying. Also i dont think that this topic will stay up much longer. it is certan to get locked.
If you look deep within the text they are hypocripts christ the 13 "savior" the day of the month that they had there first major attack on the knights templar on the 13 the simalartys go on all the holidays are put over the pegan holidays
Asherlee, I think 300 means that The US was supposed to be free of religion. 300 is saying that some people are saying that this country has turned Christian. I'm not sure he understands that everyone can still choose their religion, it's just that the US is more Christian
That's about as true as saying that Christ was a contemporary of George Washington.
Which is the kind of consensus you get if you toss a group of representatives of these so-called Christians into a room and ask them to figure out among themselves who Jesus Christ was.
Fact being that a great many US citizens call themselves Christian purely on the basis of geographical or familial history. Not because they actually subscribe to the tenets of Christianity, or even know the first thing about them.
When america was founded there was nothing in its constitution about God. Lots of its founding fathers were deists or atheists. Stuff like in God we trust was added in 1959 and wasn't part of the foundation of america