ForumsWEPRA Christian Nation?

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3,826 posts

I've been thinking about this a lot lately, and I would like to see what you guys think. Is America a Christian Nation founded on Christian Ideals, or is this a secular Republic that happens to have Christians in it?
Try to provide evidence for your thoughts whenever possible. I also have a decent amount of evidence for both sides at my disposal to help the discussion along if that's necessary.

  • 61 Replies
639 posts

if jesus wanted that he would have gone around ****ing some people up, but i don't want a religious debate on here that's all that's on these forums now a'days

3,817 posts

if jesus wanted that he would have gone around ****ing some people up, but i don't want a religious debate on here that's all that's on these forums now a'days

Yahweh wanted this, so if you believe in the bull crap about the trinity then yes Jubuhahbauz wanted that to.
9 posts

I know. But if we where formed on biblical "Morality" we would. The bible says do do all those things.

I feel a lot of anger from you my friend. These things you keep using to try and make Christianity look bad are not what you they seem. The truth is, God never wanted things like "stoning" adulterers etc. to even be the solution. That is why He sent his Son, Jesus, to take the punishment for our sins. Consider this story in John chapter 8.

At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group and said to Jesus, âTeacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?â They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.
But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, âLet any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.â Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.
At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. Jesus straightened up and asked her, âWoman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?â âNo one, sir,â she said.
âThen neither do I condemn you,â Jesus declared. âGo now and leave your life of sin."

This is the mercy that God wishes to show to all the peoples of this Earth. Notice that the men said that It was Moses' law that commanded the stoning of the adulteress, but it was Jesus who told them to back down. Notice also that once the realizes that Jesus wasn't judging her, all He asked of Her was to leave Her life of sin, which, as you can see, was only leading her down a path of death and destruction. The woman in the story is representing everyone, all of us humans who have "sinned". The men who wanted to kill her represent the old laws that the Jewish nation created when they decided to put law to the commandments of God. These laws were set in order simply to satisfy the "hardness of mens hearts". Did you know that before the Kingdom of Israel had Kings, God Himself wanted to rule that nation directly. But men decided it would be better to have their own king and to make their own laws. I tell you today, 314d1, that your bitterness is focused in the wrong direction. God loves you and, all people, what you should be angry with is the hatred that satan has instilled into our race and be angry with those who defiled Gods pure laws because they believed they could do it better.

The purpose of this thread was to discuss whether the founding fathers based this nation we live in off of Christianity, and you have taken the liberty here to strike out at Christianity and pull it down. And guess what, I strike at it with you. Christianity is now a wolf in sheep's clothing more than most things on this planet. But I promise you this; God Loves You. Jesus Died For You. You are Important to Him. Say all the things you want about Him to lessen Him, but He will never turn His back on you. You can only do that to yourself. I am not saying that you have to believe the founding fathers were Christians, that point is ultimately moot, and arguing it will not lead anyone, anywhere in the end, but do your self the honor of at least re-evaluating God for what you have learned from this wicked world of Him to be, and see Him for the Being He truly is. He is the father you never had. The Mother who's love never fails. The friend who's confidence is never broken. The lover who's words will never hurt you. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the End. And He will always Love you.
3,085 posts

God can take a flying leap - he's not loving, caring or kind but instead a cruel and vindictive sadist who likes to see his 'loved ones' suffer.

3,371 posts

Well you can't make people perfect because then they'll have no free will.

9 posts

God can kindly suck my nuts. And before you get all preachy, I am speaking as a gay man in the bible belt, Quite frankly, you need to pull your head out of the sand and look around.

What does your sexual orientation have to do with God? He loves you still. He knows how he crafted you. He knows you better than you know yourself. You can say all the mean things you want to say, you are still precious to him.

God can take a flying leap - he's not loving, caring or kind but instead a cruel and vindictive sadist who likes to see his 'loved ones' suffer.

Again with the cruel things about God. I am sorry to say this, but He still loves you. Be hateful, be cruel, be justified in your own vicious words, but He still loves you. Both my parents died while I was a teenager, guess what got me through, the Love of God. THe best part is that He doesn't even care about those nasty words you say on some dumb forum, on some dumb gaming website. He still loves you. Saul, from the bible was a Christain hunter. He killed christians by the dozens for fun. Then he realized God loved him. He then became known as Paul, and was one of the most influential Christ-Follower in the history of the faith.

Listen to yourselves. You make God out to be the enemy. That is exactly what satan wants you to do.

One last thing, E1337, My head is out of the sand and guess what I see. A bunch of kids playing in a sandbox. I also see a car speeding toward that sandbox. I am yelling at them to move or they will die, but none of them can hear me because their heads are stuck in the sand. I don't care that you are a homosexual or where you live, but I do care about you. Otherwise I would just stop writing these long winded messages and go back to playing the silly games. I am just the messenger, trying to share with you the great things I have learned. Go ahead and live your life how you deem worthy, but i beg you, don't die before you ask God how He sees you, you might be surprised. I can guarantee you one thing, He wont Tell you to kindly suck His balls or take a flying leap, or any other mean thing. He only has good things to say about you.
554 posts

The purpose of this thread was to discuss whether the founding fathers based this nation we live in off of Christianity, and you have taken the liberty here to strike out at Christianity and pull it down. And guess what, I strike at it with you. Christianity is now a wolf in sheep's clothing more than most things on this planet. But I promise you this; God Loves You. Jesus Died For You. You are Important to Him. Say all the things you want about Him to lessen Him, but He will never turn His back on you. You can only do that to yourself. I am not saying that you have to believe the founding fathers were Christians, that point is ultimately moot, and arguing it will not lead anyone, anywhere in the end, but do your self the honor of at least re-evaluating God for what you have learned from this wicked world of Him to be, and see Him for the Being He truly is. He is the father you never had. The Mother who's love never fails. The friend who's confidence is never broken. The lover who's words will never hurt you. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the End. And He will always Love you.

The founding fathers were mainly not christian. I live in England so it's not the "nation we live off". God told Moses all those things about stoning people who commit adultery and if God is moral why would his morals change over time. It may be great having this amazing guy but I've never seen him, have no proof he never breaks my confidence. His words have hurt many, many people. He is a man and not a mother. And I have a perfectly good father thank you very much. Yes, Christianity is a wolf in sheep's clothing. You talk about the sheep and we see the wolf. He show himself if I am important, never needed to commit suicide over a myth eating a magic apple because of a reptilian apple salesman, never shows his love and if we are all important why do some go to hell. I call that turning your back. And the being he truly is is the being with the power to help everyone. Starving kids in Africa, homeless people, but he doesn't. He could snap his fingers and do it but he doesn't. I call that being a bit of a b******. I began with my parents and when I die it will have nothing to do with God. He is just a fantasy. He is the end result of a meme evolving for thousands of years from when an Israelite said "what made this tree"
4,871 posts

Nearly 25% of our nation's children live in poverty; we do not live in a Christian nation.

3,085 posts

I fail to see the connection between Christianity and poverty - am I missing something here...?

4,871 posts

I fail to see the connection between Christianity and poverty - am I missing something here...?

Assuming here that a Christian Nation would be one that had laws based upon biblical laws as well as the direct teaching of Jesus poverty should be a much smaller problem. Or, rather, problems connected to poverty such as hunger should be a much smaller problem.

Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, a stranger and you gave me no welcome, naked and you gave me no clothing, ill and in prison, and you did not care for me.' Then they will answer and say, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison, and not minister to your needs?' He will answer them, 'Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.' And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life."

-Matt. 25:31-46

How often do we see laws that reflect that sentiment? Moreover how often do we see churches that wholly reflect that sentiment? That is how the connection is made.
554 posts

I think it means that in a christian nation since the bible says give to the needy poverty should be a lot less.

1,036 posts

Grab your left nut make your right one jealous... hahaha
But if I tell everyone that I was gay they would first think I would be joking. Then probably say your dead to me. Then I would be spending my nights alone maybe going to a gay bar and making ok to little or no money at all.

1,036 posts

Did I say there were no rich gays? No I didn't but the chances of becoming rich an being extremely openly gay is slim. Unless your a fashion person. (I know I'm terrible using a stereotype)

1,036 posts

Lol I'm not a hick I'm a city slicker.

4,005 posts

Famous Gays

Hey, let's not forget Freddy Mercury and Rob Halford!
Showing 46-60 of 61