I hate how much people are taught that sex is evil and wrong so they won't do it as kids, but as soon as your 18, it's ok and good and clean and healthy.
sex ed classes do nothing but make a bunch of kids uncomfortable, or hysterical..
We had good sex ed classes in my school. It just needs to be handled correctly... If the teacher is uncomfortable teaching kids about that stuff, the classes won't be good, that's obvious. I've heard that most American sex ed classes aren't particularly informative?
Nice way for vigins to know what to do first I suppose.
sex ed classes do nothing but make a bunch of kids uncomfortable, or hysterical..
I actually agree with this statement. No matter how well it is handled the kids will always be immature about it. I had sex ed when i was 12. Most of us already knew about it, but formalising it made it seem comical. I say let kids find out what happens on their own. They didnt have sex ed hundreds of years ago so why do we need it now, interrupting the natural course of things.
We had good sex ed classes in my school. It just needs to be handled correctly... If the teacher is uncomfortable teaching kids about that stuff, the classes won't be good, that's obvious. I've heard that most American sex ed classes aren't particularly informative?
Not really no, e have abstinece education not sex education it's not near as good. Also we should start teaching the basics in 2nd grade it would make it more comfortable, and i think would prevent teen pregnencys more.