In these troubling times we see in the news that more and more people are losing their jobs. Hence, we see a rise in criminal activity. There was a news article that just recently caught my attention in the Wall Street Journal, âBusinesses Say Theft by Their Workers Is Up.â Here is the link to the article if you wish to see it, just copy and paste it in your search bar:
Well, if you steal because you do not have anything to live (money, food and such) i think that sealing is acceptable even that people think that you are a thief. But if you steal for greed it is WRONG.
There is no overiding moral argument in my opinion. Everything has to be looked at a case by case basis- thats why there is a judicial system. Everyone has their own motives and reasoning behind it. Its impossible to generalise on such a cmplex issue. Let the judges decide.
An otherwise honest person who steals because they themselves, or their family, are starving, is not necessarily "bad," or "wrong," however, there are so many charitable organizations they should have exhausted in an attempt to find food before they resort to theft.
According to our government stealing is bad, and since we abide to them, then it would also be considered bad for us to step outside the law and steal.
With the state and federal provided funds, it is literally impossible to not have enough money if you have not A) Dropped out of Highschool B) Are addicted to alchohol or drugs C) Had a baby before you were ready. I am not just blowing smoke, my dad was laid off last christmas, and we were on food stamps. but, he got a new job, and now we're fine.
Stealing is stealing, which is illegal. Just keep in mind, if you steal, it's always at the expense of someone else. Moreover, you have no idea what "situation" that person/people are in either.
Take for instance, you're a hostess at some small mom and pop joint. Every night you work, you take a couple bucks from the cashier whenever a waitress asks you to help out and grab a couple checks (which isn't technically part of your job). So you steal from this mom and pop restaurant, because you're some student, barely cutting it, studying and working for minimum wage. Plus, it's a couple bucks every time, not much and never noticed.
Now what if that mom and pop were barely cutting it? They were sacrificing all they had for this restaurant? Took out multiple loans, were thousands of dollars in debt, and were pinching pennies at the end of every month. You just make $100 bucks last month stealing from the cashier. You just stole $100 from that mom and pop, who are working hard as hell to make ends meet.
To make it interesting, you just found out that mom and pop are now borrowing from your parents to make ends meet since financial institutions won't loan them any more money.
You never know who stealing will affect. That's why I'm all against it. Work hard for you life, don't f-ck it up for others and spend your life looking/depending on shortcuts and/or handouts.
i frown upon all who said that stealing is ok. usually, if you are put in a position that you justify stealing to yourself, usually, you put yourself there with drugs or your just not capable of swallowing your pride and admitting that it's wrong. it will hurt some one, as was said before. if it's not your fault that you're in said position, then it should be fine to ask for help. there's always someone who cares. so instead of stealing what isn't yours, take what's offered to you. stealing hurts everyone, and in the end, the only one that you hurt is yourself.
lol..... that was simple, but brought up the fas that there is a perspective part to this argument too: if your stolen from, you'll say it's bad, but if you're the theif, you'll say it's ok..... try putting yourself in the otherperson's shoes