ForumsWEPRIs Stealing for Survival: Good or Bad?

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139 posts

In these troubling times we see in the news that more and more people are losing their jobs. Hence, we see a rise in criminal activity. There was a news article that just recently caught my attention in the Wall Street Journal, âBusinesses Say Theft by Their Workers Is Up.â Here is the link to the article if you wish to see it, just copy and paste it in your search bar:

The article is not the main topic, but it serves as more of a reference to this discussion.

Is stealing for survival good or is it still considered as plain stealing no matter what the motive?

  • 199 Replies
139 posts

I have read all of the comments left on this thread, and I have noticed this.

To sum it all up stealing for survival, in the views of most people, is not bad. You must put yourself in an absolute desperate situation. Of course you'll go out and steal. First of all when the human body is starving it shall begin to digest itself. It is a very painful process so I have heard. However there is also thirst involved too.

When someone is dying of thirst, the first symptom you feel is an intense migraine. To survive, some people that have been in this situation, actually go out to a near by stream, river, and/or street curb for water. We all know how un-sanitary street water is but when you have lost everything and have nothing for some apparent reason the water you find on the ground and in the street seems very promising and the next thing you know you are drinking that particular water even though it is bad for you; although that particular person could have gone to a nearby park and drank from the public drinking fountain. The point I have is this, when it comes to survival, you are going to try to survive no matter what, but what about religion?

Thou shall not stealâ¦

True this is one of the Ten Commandments and I have to say that this commandment also related to the commandment Thou shall not kill. Stealing and taking life is in general stealing! Here is the thing; God does not want us to kill offensively. An example of this is gangsters killing each other in the name of their turf. However if I were to take a life away with the purpose to preserve others, then it is fine. The same thing goes with stealing. If I had stolen some food knowing that I could have paid for it with the $20 that I have in the bank, then that is a sin. However if I had nothing and the charity had run out of food and what not (unfortunately this happens often), then it is understandable.

Iâm a Catholic. If it is one thing my family has taught me was that God is an all loving and all-powerful God. Our Lord is very understandable, and as long as you ask Him for forgiveness and you really mean it, then all is forgiven. To say that stealing is automatically wrong is completely ridiculous.

The sure-fire-way to eliminate stealing in my opinion, is to have many people make many donations!

1,076 posts

When you sum it up like that mate, I suppose it's alright to steal, a little, not a lot

129 posts

well it depends because if ur christion it a sin but i dont know ........................what im talking about forget me

945 posts

Everyone steals from something else. We steal from the plants and animals all the time without giving anything in return. We steal from countries and nations by paying them a slave's wages. Chances are, the clothes on your back cost a child his life, the food on your plate was taken from starving farmers.

1,532 posts

Well this thread really all depends on 2 questions: Is the country you live in in a state of emergency? (lol kinda like the movie cloverfield) or is it not? If the country your in suffering an attack from a giant monster? Yes looting is okay when else are you going to get than big screen tv you wanted?

1,036 posts

Ok stealing can be bad and good. You can steal a persons life by enslaving them(bad) You can steal the hope diamond(bad) But the real thing is that do you want be in a record showing the good things you did or the bad things you did.
I think that the rich people should instead of buying exspensive stuff should by cheaper brands and donate a little more but then there are the people that donate by selling a piece of art and then donating the money to the People to people or Salvation army or red cross or to missions in Africa.

254 posts

I think that if someone steals, whether it's good or bad, they need to be willing to cope with the consequences of the action. "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime"

Stealing is, of course, bad; and to steal from someone else for the sake of survival may seem necessary, but it is still, in essence, wrong. As pointed out constitution after constitution...

945 posts

stealing helps no one except the thief. This works for most businesses that take money from people without giving much back.

13,817 posts

That depends on the views of different people. Some may think stealing is bad, others may think it is necessary. What I can say is people always steal from each other. There will always be someone stealing for some reason.Stealing for survival is bad. I believe stealing, whether taking a coin from someones wallet or robbing a bank full of gold is always Borrowing is different.

1,076 posts

It really depends on the person's beleifs of what is right or wrong. If he or she feels it's alright to steal in order to survive, then it's morally acceptable to them. If not, they will probably die, bummer for them mates.

3,675 posts

I've had to liberate foodstuffs before to keep from starving. If I did not, I'd be dead more than likely.

I'm not proud, I'm not bragging. I did what I had to do. Liberate from a different store eachtime I needed to eat or drink.

Am I a bad person for it? Maybe. Yet am I glad I survived in those trying times? Of course I am. If I had not taken what I needed to survive, I would potentially of died.

Sometimes morals and ethics must be bypassed for survival.

139 posts

Most of us agree that stealing for survival is a necessary tactic when in a desperate situation. Which raises this question.

We know that survival is what drives us to steal for our own survival.

Would oppression done by the rich would be the cause of people stealing?

20,591 posts

Well, everything you know for the good becomes washed away when everything comes down to your survival. It's in our instincts to fend for ourselves first, and think about others later.

Stealing is never correct, but we can also never help it.

77 posts

Survival is nessisary for life. Life is driven by instinct. Istinct is moved by adrenalne. Adrenaline is the key of survival. Answer any questions?

1,044 posts

Do you want to hear my saying?
Here it is:

It is only illegal if you get caught!
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