ForumsWEPRRepublicans, attacked?

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232 posts

I cannot stand to hear or read another thing about republicans being hicks and rednecks and that democrats just understand everything and that there sooooo much smarter. When i read movie reviews if the movie is about global warming it's a masterpiece if it's about the POSSIBILITY that conservatives are right it's TERRIBLE. And the worst is global warming let me say this we could not have caused global warming! it's not possible that a few plastic bags and some cars are destroying the planet! if dick cheney had the idea of global warming every scientist out there would try to prove global warming doesn't exist. list of idiots: barack obama he and all the other chicago politicians are like gangsters
Michael moore how is this guy rich? all he does is run around like a prophet of death let me say something jet fuel isn't hot enough to melt steel but it does weaken and then bend!!
bill clinton #1 for doing nothing in office

sadly i know this will be locked =(

  • 255 Replies
506 posts

lets bring bill clinton back! great idea lets have sex scandals and do nothing!

Did you ever hear the slogan "Nobody died when Clinton lied?" Obviously it means that lying about a hummer is a lot better then lying to put us at a state of war.

barack obama has not been in office yet but when your buddies with a TERRORIST there might be a problem plus chicago politics are dirty no doubt he was involved with bribes.

Please. Lets hear some proof.

i believe in freedom of the press but almost all editors are liberals so if you pick up TIME magazine or rolling stone

Rolling Stone is probably a bad example. But you have obviously never read my local paper.

it's kinda sad looking at all the great things we did like help out in world war 2 while having an economic crisis so kris go live in europe forget everything that makes ME proud to be an american.

Who is downplaying the good things done by the US?
2,662 posts

i have an idea! lets bring bill clinton back! great idea lets have sex scandals and do nothing!

He actually managed the American economy pretty well and did a lot for the education system. Talking about doing nothing, remind me how long it took Bush to react to hurricane Katrina please.

bush tried to help america

How exactly?

barack obama has not been in office yet but when your buddies with a TERRORIST there might be a problem plus chicago politics are dirty no doubt he was involved with bribes


it's kinda sad looking at all the great things we did like help out in world war 2 while having an economic crisis so kris go live in europe forget everything that makes ME proud to be an american.

again ahahaha

That wall of text pretty much summed up why i am proud not to be an american, because i would have to share my country with people who write garbage like this.

Who is downplaying the good things done by the US?

*Raises hand oo me me!*

ps help out in WW2??? 3 years bloody late i might add. More Brits died than yanks and thats a fact so dont give me that BS. More Greek civilians died than yank soldiers. ahh off topic. bliss.
232 posts

soooo frustrating all people wanna do now is act is if they know everything i display my thoughts and criticize others. If there were no parties every body would be screaming at each other if it was like you all want it to be like democracy would fail. and fox news just says the headlines (except for o'reilly) cnn is like a news channel for liberals to feed off of.

146 posts

But the liberals have the comedians... )-;

I'm starting to think that bladerunner's thoughts here are just farces, but I could be wrong. Here means this thread. Just in case I'm wrong, I have no choice but to dissect his post point by point, fallacy by fallacy. Comments by me are in bold.

wow i am truly amazed do you wanna see what will happen without political parties? nothing will be solved. It would certainly be a different place, but I think things would get solved. It would remove all of the "If you are liberal, vote for the Democratic candidate" things. People's views aren't necessarily black and white, or blue and red. Having all independent candidates would force voters to value all issues by themselves. woody_7007 i will not criticize your politics but did you just say george bush was bad? About 2/3 of USians agree with him. i have an idea! lets bring bill clinton back! great idea lets have sex scandals and do nothing! Imitating your opponent's point of view never works. bush tried to help america I think every president tried, too. The question is whether they succeeded. but no one cared they wanted him to do it Clarify, please. Wanted him to do what? all barack obama has not been in office yet but when your buddies with a TERRORIST there "Obama is a terrorist" is blatant propaganda. I'm surprised anyone actually believed it. Presidential candidates go through extensive screening and background-checking. might be a problem plus chicago politics are dirty no doubt he was involved with bribes. kris seriously? i believe in freedom of the press but almost all editors are liberals All ___ are <adjective> is always going to be a fallacy. All editors can be liberal compared to something else. If just standing alone, all editors are normal. It's the same thing with days. By definition, all days can't be good unless you're comparing them to something different. They're just normal by themselves. so if you pick up TIME magazine or rolling stone it will be completely left wing nut jobs So pick up the remote and watch Fox news if you want. TIME magazine and the Rolling Stone aren't all of the news sources. and i guess no one really cares about the U.S.A As I said before, the vast majority of people in the U.S. care about the U.S. They make mistakes and their opinions might be wrong, but they're still trying to help. They still care. it's kinda sad looking at all the great things we did like help out in world war 2 while having an economic crisis so kris go live in europe forget everything that makes ME proud to be an american.

Forgive me for the wall of text. Ask me questions if you want.

2,301 posts

Some scream anarchy you scream monarchy
Of the two, I would prefer the former.

Also parties get nothing done, O haven't seem much improvement since well Abe,
Ha ha, I hear that.

Great tv
TV: In my experience, British TV is like American TV only less ads and more mindless T&A. Yeah, great.
and more diversity in your political process.
Not that I acctually know, but: They just don't have democrats and republicans. They have, I don't know, shirts and skins, but it's about the same anywhere.

I really need to move there.
I wouldn't risk it. You may regret that in ten years.

ps help out in WW2??? 3 years bloody late i might add. More Brits died than yanks and thats a fact so dont give me that BS. More Greek civilians died than yank soldiers. ahh off topic. bliss.
We were busy ending Japanese imperialism.
506 posts

years bloody late i might add. More Brits died than yanks and thats a fact so dont give me that BS.

Well, come on. Sure the US entered late but you can't say what they did was nothing. No need for the US bashing. It has its flaws but it is still my home. The US has done plenty of good things as well as bad just like any country.

i display my thoughts and criticize others.

Yes that has been all you've done. Show us some proof of the things you say.

and fox news just says the headlines (except for o'reilly) cnn is like a news channel for liberals to feed off of.

Uh, fox news is mostly opinion shows.
2,662 posts

We were busy ending Japanese imperialism.

Ahh thanks for that.

O wait what were we trying to do 3 years before??
158 posts

That wall of text pretty much summed up why i am proud not to be an american, because i would have to share my country with people who write garbage like this.

woody, i bet there are people in Britain who write garbage just like this about Britain.

and bladerunner, i am a conservative also. but you are disgracing us with your mindless rants and yelling. take a calm take on disagreeing with someone. look at their idea and fairly consider it before you disagree with it.

and no complaining about Obama being president. he got elected, it's over. yes, i was against him and i would have voted for McCain. but he got elected, so you need to be full force behind him and support him as the President. you haven't even see him act as a president yet; you have no idea how good/bad of a job he will do
2,662 posts

Well, come on. Sure the US entered late but you can't say what they did was nothing. No need for the US bashing. It has its flaws but it is still my home. The US has done plenty of good things as well as bad just like any country.

I am not trying to US bash. I come from 3 counries with bad things too of course. But i hate the whole 'we saved your ass in WW2 thing'. It gets old. Especially when you look at the military history and realise it was in fact the Russians who won the war.
I actually like americans, they are definitely one of my favourite nations, but things like that annoy me. Enough of this off topic though.
506 posts

TV: In my experience, British TV is like American TV only less ads and more mindless T&A. Yeah, great.

Seriously, people have their own tastes when it comes to TV. Just because you dislike it doesn't mean other can't people can't. I prefer it over American TV. The comedies far surpass the crap you find over here.

I wouldn't risk it. You may regret that in ten years.

If I had the money I would risk it in a heartbeat. You can't regret what you never dared to try.
4,871 posts

If there were no parties every body would be screaming at each other if it was like you all want it to be like democracy would fail

Not at all, first were not even a democracy, were a republic, and I think that in our system no parties would benefit us.
2,301 posts

O wait what were we trying to do 3 years before??
Buildin' nukes! That is clearly a falsification. My post was slightly ashamed sarcasm, as we should have entered the war sooner, but we did a lot, and you can't deny that.

ahh off topic. bliss.
This thread has no topic.
2,662 posts

The comedies far surpass the crap you find over here.

Ye but u guys have the best writers, i mean the wire, what a show.
232 posts

let's restart this we saved your asses is ww2 so shut up woody. george bush was a fine president political parties are needed that doesn't mean you have to agree with everything your party says but it keeps things organized global warming does not exist if you believe it does you obviously don't know what you're talking about mccain was actually a bad choice in my opinion but obama was worse.

2,301 posts

Kris: Oh, this is new. You perceived sarcasm where their was none. Usually the opposite online. I don't really have a preference when it comes to English or American TV, except I have better things to do.

global warming does not exist
Why do you say that?

mccain was actually a bad choice in my opinion but obama was worse.
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