I cannot stand to hear or read another thing about republicans being hicks and rednecks and that democrats just understand everything and that there sooooo much smarter. When i read movie reviews if the movie is about global warming it's a masterpiece if it's about the POSSIBILITY that conservatives are right it's TERRIBLE. And the worst is global warming let me say this we could not have caused global warming! it's not possible that a few plastic bags and some cars are destroying the planet! if dick cheney had the idea of global warming every scientist out there would try to prove global warming doesn't exist. list of idiots: barack obama he and all the other chicago politicians are like gangsters Michael moore how is this guy rich? all he does is run around like a prophet of death let me say something jet fuel isn't hot enough to melt steel but it does weaken and then bend!! bill clinton #1 for doing nothing in office
[/quote]I don't. He has too much already. tipping the scale in favor of totalitarianism, which would be the doom of us all.[quote] i don't understand why everyone says that. There are counter balances in our system for a reason so that each branch has an almost equal position of power. The president does not have too much power! he has an appropriate amount. Everyone thinks that because the president can veto and mobilize troops that he has too much power! but what is his job then if he can not? veto is a counter so that an off balanced congress can't just ram rod ridiculous laws. and veto's are rarely used. and if they are ever used improperly usually senators and house members get annoyed and override the veto out of disrespect for the president
I understand that you feel very annoyed to this but you should get used to this and here on Armor Games we will not tolerate even the slightest bit of cussing or spam... lower on the spam and you may be very well known here
I understand that you feel very annoyed to this but you should get used to this and here on Armor Games we will not tolerate even the slightest bit of cussing or spam... lower on the spam and you may be very well known here
Urge to respond overwhelming. Oh well, I will take the moral high road and dis Strop instead.
I agree with blissinpergatory to some extent. The US system does seem to be balanced, more so than the British one at least where the PM can declare war ( well its the queen really but in practice the PM) without asking parliament's (congress' equivalent) permission. However in practice Bush has had free reign for a number of years disguising many of his bills using patriotism and national security as veils.
ah that is very true woody, and whether he used was justified to do so is a different topic, But congress is full of some of the brightest people in the world, yet they can't see through his covered up bills. I think if there is a problem with any part of the system it is congress. there is so much corruption especially when it comes to lobbyist (wich affects the president as well) and lets not forget that in order for the bills to pass there is always another amendment on that bill that has absolutely nothing to do with it just so that it will pass. This is not what our founding fathers wanted our government to be like
52 and I've probably given more than that away in my time here.
I wouldn't define it as corrpution because that implies that it is illegal. If you are reffering to lots of backroom deals and cynical deals being struck then that's known as horse trading, (at least in the UK it is). That always does and will for the forseeable future play a role in politics.
I cannot stand to hear or read another thing about republicans being hicks and rednecks and that democrats just understand everything and that there sooooo much smarter. When i read movie reviews if the movie is about global warming it's a masterpiece if it's about the POSSIBILITY that conservatives are right it's TERRIBLE. And the worst is global warming let me say this we could not have caused global warming! it's not possible that a few plastic bags and some cars are destroying the planet! if **** cheney had the idea of global warming every scientist out there would try to prove global warming doesn't exist. list of idiots: barack obama he and all the other chicago politicians are like gangsters Michael moore how is this guy rich? all he does is run around like a prophet of death let me say something jet fuel isn't hot enough to melt steel but it does weaken and then bend!! bill clinton #1 for doing nothing in office
In a strange way, that makes a good point and you are actually...getting somewhere *gasps*.