ForumsGamesThe Official Suggestions Thread

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There seems to be a whole bunch of recommendations at the Sonny 2 v1.3 thread, and I doubt that was Krin was looking for. Post all your suggestions for future versions of Sonny here.

  • 187 Replies
1,252 posts

you should get a reward mode mode in which you start out with lots-o-money (not infinite) - all zones available (not unlocked) - you can play each of the story battles more then once - you level up a little faster - and you get 1 more ability point per level and 2 more attribute points. it could be unlocked by:

getting all achievements
beating the game on heroic without any training battles
beating the game without ever buying anything

501 posts

Wait are the last two conjunctive or separate goals... I don't think its possible to go without buying anything... Or at least not unless you train a lot...

Whatever... Idk... It seems like a sandbox mode, but it would be cool to see what happens with all those AP's...

Personally, I still think that in S3 there should be evolution classes which would allow you to spend a few AP's to go to a higher powered ability tree (and increase the level cap so it would work...) Perhaps have each standard class have three evo classes (one per build). Ex:

Tempest: extreme electrical attacks. Very much about bombardment attacks. Little in the way of defense.
Shadow: Rediculous debuffs, but more importantly, a version of Epiph that is on steroids...
Twilight: has some of each, based on Percip's hybrid power build

Super-Cold: would have attacks with the sole purpose of obliterating the enemy's attack/defense. Perhaps an Ice Age (buffed flash freeze) or Absolute Zero (buffed shatter)
Healing: Ought to have some good healing spells and blocking... Perhaps a few guarding moves too...
Volcanic: Would have DoT's and super high direct damage.

Physical: Let it have less of a rythem and more random attacks...
Speed: almost to the point where it is assassin style. Can't be hit/high crits
Poison: Let it have an actual purpose other than withdrawal.

Ehh... I may develop these over time but for now... I'll shut up...

3 posts

This is a chain of issues that sort of start with this:


The fact that pretty much every build will throw 90+% of their stats into the primary means that either damage calc or accuracy/blocking calc needs to be looked at more. Especially when certain stats seem to just be superior to others. Bios pretty much break Speed for the fact that it allows them to (a) Go First (b) Deal Damage (c) Crit more reliably (d) Dodge attacks (e) etc etc etc. Being able to Shadow Blend on top of that just makes them uber.


Abilities that just add coefficients of stats don't help the problem. If there's a class which primarily deals in effects surrounding Instinct, there's no sense in making an ability which deals damage in high factors of multiple stats. The math is pretty simple and revealing; if I have an attack which uses 200% STR + 200% INT and I can distribute 100 stat points to either stat, there's no way I can come up with a number besides 200 damage for the ability unless I'm throwing points away. At a distance, this approach makes it seem like it allows for multiple builds to share abilities, but really it enables the primary stat to get overblown without risking a deficit in damage, and it's because the attacks aren't strict enough in demanding their damage come from a singular source. Cold Hydros are better about this as they clearly split things UNevenly and as such this actually increases the diversity of Hydros.


This sort of ruins PvP, since arguably the first one to Crystallize wins. Giving any one stat the capacity to rule soooo many effects is a recipe for lopsided gameplay and turns any would-be player vs player into a battle of who's Speed is higher. Speed's probably the most important stat in the game because of Bios, and vice versa.


Some things are just too unfair to allow to exist in multiples. The first thing that comes to mind is Doom; you have to be exceptionally lucky to save a character which has two Dooms on it as it (a) Negates Healing (b) Damages the player every turn (c) Has a 50% resist dispel rate. Now whether or not the fact that it happens is rare is less an issue than the fact that assuming it does happen, that's just about a guaranteed dead man walking.


Maybe I missed something, but of all the different Piercing and Defense shown in the menu, Sonny and Co. can really only benefit from like, 4 of these? Why show me a stat that I can't affect?


There's no clear way to improve a given teammate as all the important information - how they apply their stats and bonuses - is entirely hidden. We shouldn't probably be able to build their character for them, but if we don't know exactly how to equip Roald to make him better at being the kind of character he is, we're just playing dress-up.


For as many fantastic abilities as there are in a given moveset, there's a lot of tripe. You already limit the sheer number of stat points that can be spread out by determining (a) what level a character can access the skills (b) how many stat points it takes to power-up those abilities. Putting in dummy moves is a redundant way of reigning a character's power level in and it precludes the character's development. I'm not saying get rid of ability trees by any means, they just need pruning.

222 posts


Characters who throw all their points into one stat are imbalanced and likely to fail. Sacrificing damage for hit chance or health is a better idea than not doing it (except for speed bios, which are stupid). The question is how much, and there's enough room for your build and personal style.

Having two coefficients could have been made into a good idea if it had been used more. It's not just a dumb attempt to make diverse builds. It would actually work. Example: If you were to slap some instinct coefficients onto the hot hydro skills without changing the strength coefficients, players choosing a straight hot build would still pump purely strength (mostly because of hot blooded, but forget that) and the instinct coefficients would make no difference to damage whatsoever. If they decided to mix up strength and instinct stats on their character, they would still end up with the same damage, as you have shown. All that mixing strength and instinct would do is allow them to use some purely instinct- or strength-based skills as well mixed, although the pure ones would be pretty weak.
The problem is that it wasn't used enough. If the developers had either used multiple coefficients more often, or given some bonus to people who decided to mix strength and instinct (with equipment stats, probably, or skills that maybe complemented each other well but had different coefficients), we could have probably gotten some really weird builds. It would work. It's not unfair, as you have shown with the percentages. It's just kind of stupid as it is.


You try making one of these builds. It's hard.

Stop whining. Learn to play.

99 posts

I agree totally with Jerkoid.

The number suggestion is a good idea, but the game is already out and has been out a while and people have finished it and played it a bunch WITHOUT numbers, so it works fine without it. I can understand if you're on a laptop, but it's still not worth changing the game just for you.

Speed as a damge stat, most definitely.

3 posts

Discussion is good

@ Jerk - it's not as if I'm personally having an issue playing the game or anything. Double Doom was just the first major annoyance that comes to mind, because at the level one would encounter that, it's pretty much a given that the character is DED, it totally neutralizes Veradux's capacity to heal that character and they take something like 240 damage per turn for 4 - 6 turns. A better example on my part probably would have been Crystallize, because its capacity to just remove an opponent from the game until such time as you're willing to deal with it is overtly overpowering. I didn't do a very good job of addressing the fact that it's not just the monsters that abuse status afflicts, and the best ones just outright eliminate a character until such time as you're wont to take them out.

And my own capacity for designing a build isn't really a pertinent issue. Yes friends, even on the Internet, ad hominem still represents a logical fallacy. The fact of the matter is the ability tree has multiple redundancies built into it which make character building cumbersome at times. Example; Electron Charge and High Voltage are garbage, yet we need a point in High Voltage to get to Electrical Storm and Wraith Form. Those abilities already have a level requirement and one of them requires several points to max out. Why put Yet Another Restriction on earning the ability? If the only active feats worth using are Shock Therapy, Electrical Storm and Wraith Form, just give them a shorter tree with more point requirements. The build emerges more quickly and still takes time to hit its full stride, and you're not left to experiment with schlock or dead-end abilities on the tree.

As for Piercing/Defenses, I'm just not sure why there would be spaces for N damage types when the player only has the capacity to affect N - X of those qualities. If I can't alter my Magic Piercing, it's a waste of space to even put it up there. I understand that they were a part of the last game and the game probably runs on the same basic engine, if that's the only reason to list them then that's an unfortunately lazy aspect of an otherwise very entertaining game.

501 posts

Electron Charge and High Voltage are garbage

I assume that originally, Krin was going to make them more powerful or they were going to buff you instead but decided against it.

If I can't alter my Magic Piercing, it's a waste of space to even put it up there

It was in S1 and will likely be in S3. I suggested a Cosmic/earth based class to utilize it. There are three classes and eight elements used. Common sense says that there should be one more so I created it. Quite possibly, Krin wanted to make something that ran on those two but had already racked his brain to create the other trees. I am a programmer and trust me, not deleting something because the engine is similar is not laziness. The problems lies in the fact that game engines are so elaborate that everything is connected and intertwined. After deciding not to have a fourth class for release, he probably didn't want to delay release due to rewriting the entire engine.
222 posts

I agree with you on the crappy skills. It's difficult to make all the skills good, and make them all compatible with one another to be more powerful, without making certain combinations more powerful than others. It takes, like, a team of people focusing on just that. It took the players a while to find out about the 4hko or the speed bio with crystallize PVP thing, and there are a lot of us. The piercing thing, while you are totally right, is kind of nitpicky, and I think Volt is correct about the production stuff.

Anyway, I think it would be great if each class' tree was as versatile as the single one from sonny 1, or more. That's what made the first game fun.

3 posts

FWIW I wouldn't want to see - who is it, Krin you say? - I wouldn't want to see this individual tear down his whole engine over stuff like Magic Piercing. I might be overly critical, but that's only because I find Sonny and Sonny 2 to be fantastic distractions.

If anything I'm thinking more about the next game.

501 posts

Ok... And yes it is indeed Krin. I also agree that you are right about S3. It should have four classes.

1,648 posts

Well you didn't create that class alone.
A lot of us pitched in.
I came up with the name, for exsample. and Light Wall too. (though, technically Krin himself came up with that one, it's just a cosmic version of suppression from Sonny 1.)

329 posts

i think all the aspects of the classes helped krin out also the new weapons and stages

39 posts

I think there should be fire, earth, and cosmic attacks. The androids' analysis looks very intriguing. Also, more one-handed weapons would be nice, and Armor set bonuses too. That way you could actually benefit from using sets such as that one for lighting piercing in zone 4 and the secret police set. Plus that would make the characters look better, since they wouldn't need mismatched sets for maximum power.
Thanks for reading this, and I hope I haven't repeated any previous suggestions, I just got bored of reading the posts at page 6.

634 posts

Lal! I have a Psycho on lvl 14 i think and it have highest rank on Shock Therapy(I think it's name, 330% DMG and chance to take away 3 debuffs) and almost highet rank on Lightning piercing. And i hit around 1,2k ^^

118 posts

I think I remember the game not having a time limit for each turn. Why add this? It is a pain, something happens that distracts my attention for a moment and I miss my turn, doing nothing.

If you won't remove this turn time limit, please add in a pause function. Battles can last awhile, and it is a supreme pain in the ass to not be able to step away from a battle to go to the bathroom or what ever else because the game will cause you to miss turns of battle, essentially ruining the battle.

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