ForumsWEPRNazis...seeing through their eyes

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1,532 posts

When people hear Germany they think of hitler and WW2 and how bad the nazis were. But the question is in their point of view were they bad people? Sure they killed jews. But when your country calls you have to go. their was rebellions, but none succeful. Try to flee the country instead of serving you would be shot. Most were excited and glad of what hitler said. He was gifted in the art of speech. Jews were also thought of as the enemy of Germany, and bringing their country down. What do you think of nazis?

  • 160 Replies
1,101 posts

yea definately... u know since im in grade 12 and all and i dont know what the f'ck im talking about.... And yea in the later years... god this is what i hate about this website, ppl take your words outta concept and use them to there descretion because there to lazy to write there own sh't... Anyways in the early years of slavery blacks were treated like sh't... Im not talking about the god dam civil war... White ppl treated them badly, and made them work in crappy conditions, and pretty much tortured them for a long time.. Not killing them, but making them live through horrible times, and paying them almost nothing for it. It wasn't until the later years that the civil war happened. You telling me to search up about the civil war is like me telling you to search up about ww2... Cuz ww2 was fought for freedom, and freedom of the jews as well... so there you go, before u post on here search up about WW2 =+)

522 posts

What a large thread!

The nazis were openly a totalitarian state and supported the theory of "survival of the fittest", making them extremely conservative. They killed poitical and even racial openents that were either considered sub-human or enemies of the state.

Millions of Jews, Gypsies, Communists, Capitalists, Socialists, Homo Sexuals, lesbians,ect ect.. were tortured, killed , or banished from the country if they got lucky enough.

383 posts

they only joined cause they were afraid of hitler, and most of them were jews(even hitler)

1,353 posts

so there you go, before u post on here search up about WW2 =+)

Um doode I believe your talking about the wrong war lol.
The japonese were treated badly in war world 2 -_-
Because the Japonese attacked pearl habor (which was one of the stupidist moves in the war).

I'll give you 2 tips this time = + )

1.Calm down,were only debating , theres no need for swearing lol.

2.And read up on WW2 = )
1,076 posts

With Flipski

Hitler needed better ways to effectively kill off large numbers of Jews, he had many ways of killing them, and this is the order that he went through for killing methods.

1) Hitler had patrols roll up to groups of Jews, round them up, and either shoot them against a wall, or he would have them stand in a ditch, and they would face a firing squad. But after awhile, there was so much damage and scarring to the patrols psycologically, that he had to find a better solution.

2) Hitler then developed "gas vans". These were vans that were fitted with a hose connecting from the exhaust pipe of the van back in to the cab of the vehicle. The van would be loaded with about 10-15 Jews, and the driver would lock the doors and leave the van running, and the Jews inside died of carbon monoxide poisoning. But after awhile, these weren't killing enough people.

3) Hitler decided to make gas chambers out of the showering areas. He would have the guards strip the Jews of everything they had, and then the Jews would be told to go take a "shower" where in reality, the guards would pop in cyanide gas in through the shower vents. It would kill the Jews in less than 10 minutes.

It is a horrible thing that Hitler did, all because he was a man on a mission from God.

1,353 posts

It is a horrible thing that Hitler did, all because he was a man on a mission from God.

Is that a joke or what?
1,076 posts

No it's not at all, you must not know alot about Hitler I take it chap? I'll fill you in

Hitler post WWI as you may know wanted the Jews to be murdered as they were responsible for the downfall of Germany in WWI. He took it upon himself that he was choosen by God himself to wipe this "vermin" from Germany and where else they may gather.

That is why I said that he was a man on a mission from God.

473 posts

That is why I said that he was a man on a mission from God.

hey, fritz.. back online

wait up, did u think that he was on the mission from god? and was he really religious or something and he thought that the bible said that he must do this????
1,076 posts

Psychologically, Hitler beleived that God was telling him to have the Jews murdered. Another thing to factor in there is that Germany was quite poor after the war, and they needed someone to step up and assume the role of restoring Germany back to it's former state. So Hitler decided then to place the blame squarely on the Jews.

1,532 posts

nd by the way im not saying slaves is good at all,but the americans acully fed the slaves (not very much), which the Nazis killed the jews if they were sick.

Actaully it depends on certain things. Some slaves were just workers until debt was paid off or if their owners felt like freeing them, but yes they livd in huts and were fed,but u cant really compare the jews to slaves because the jews were just left there to die in concentration camps and the slaves were actually taken care of (in some cases not all slave owners treated them like crap)

they only joined cause they were afraid of hitler, and most of them were jews(even hitler)

Im pretty sure he didnt practice the jewish faith as a child cuz im pretty sure jews r anti killing people

[quote]Millions of Jews, Gypsies, Communists, Capitalists, Socialists, Homo Sexuals, lesbians,ect ect.. were tortured, killed , or banished from the country if they got lucky enough.

[b] Eh i dont feel much remorse for the gays
1,076 posts

True, it wasn't just Jews Hitler killed, he killed mainly minorities

1,532 posts

fritz ur just scanning like all ww2 posts huh lol

1,353 posts

No it's not at all, you must not know alot about Hitler I take it chap

Yes,I actully do = )
You are right he did believe God was telling him to do thees things.
And your right about they needed someone to step up and Hitler did.
But Hitler did not believe in what fellow Christains believe.
Did you know hitler was a jew? Historians found out he was a jew after they did some research.
1,532 posts

Also didnt Hitler have some sort of mental problems?

1,353 posts

Do you have any evidence


Thats only one source...But Ive looked up two others that say there not sure.Im busy right now so I don't have time to post others.Just look it up if you wish .
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