Does it help that obama knows what's going on because he's being praised? You really really really really REALLY should stop praising obama until he's made some serious "change" Do you know how many financial experts have predicted that this "stimulus bill' will make the crisis worse? And for ***** sake stop with the bush thing at least bush doesn't have a mangina like mr hope and change boy. The whole liberal party is full of looney toones nancy pelosi is the paula abdul of politics and micheal moore is just *sigh* F****** RETARDED. and republicans can't even make jokes anymore did you hear they fired a guy for making a comic of two cops who shot a monkey and said 'I guess they'll have to find someone else to write that stimulus bill'? one womens response was 'de republicans are trying to stop de hope and change' even tho we take **** everyday???
Wow. . .just wow. I'm not even going to dignify that with a refutation.
if replacing your computer with a device that shocks you everytime you look at it because we all know that you and i spend a bajillion hours a day on the computer, most adults/parents would agree that its "change you/we need"
well, tell me, is it really change you need?
getting shocked cant be too good for your health...
another of obamas ideas is this:
lets say that someone had a gun to my head. obamas plan woule be to sit down and talk to the guy about why he is doing this. after a long and pointless argument, said gunmen would shoot me, then obama.
lets say that someone had a gun to my head. obamas plan woule be to sit down and talk to the guy about why he is doing this. after a long and pointless argument, said gunmen would shoot me, then obama.
Ummmm. . .no. Just. . .no. I won't dignify you with a refutation either. -------- I've noticed that many of the posts are somewhat crazy- against Obama for no friggin' reason, and it's a little annoying. Setting aside your ideology for an actually analysis would be nice. FOR ONCE.
I've noticed that many of the posts are somewhat crazy- against Obama for no friggin' reason, and it's a little annoying. Setting aside your ideology for an actually analysis would be nice. FOR ONCE.
I don't think that's going to be very easy to find. Even if we agree or disagree with the things he's doing, we'll have to wait and see what effects take place.
Ummmm. . .no. Just. . .no. I won't dignify you with a refutation either.
alt, have you ever actually truly listened to rush limbaugh? im mean really listened, not just turned on, said it was crap, then switched to some other station? i used to support obama, then i listened to rush limbaugh...
On the topic of Rush, I think he goes to too far of an extreme on many issues. Sometimes he'll use just the right words, but other times he'll say something racist or evil. It may not be intentional, for I don't think he would intend to say that stuff, and it might just be a dry sense of humor, but only listen and keep your opinions to yourself. Sometimes I will listen and *translate* to a more logical and less offensive argument.
ok obama is like freaking amazing he is the best president ever and is gonna TRY to clean up the mess that bush made
Sorry, but I have to point out unsupported arguments. I'm sure you've got a lot of good reasons (hopefully) for your opinion, but it would help drastically if you discussed them. You don't have to write a novel, but you should discuss WHY you have your opinion rather than WHAT that opinion is.
alt, have you ever actually truly listened to rush limbaugh? im mean really listened, not just turned on, said it was crap, then switched to some other station? i used to support obama, then i listened to rush limbaugh...
Rush is as reliable as Michael Moore. And no, I havent't listened to Rush for that reason. He's a strung-out shock jockey, just like Michael Moore, and is too biased to trust. Really, don't believe everything you hear.
He's a stupid jerk. Call me a racist if you want I'll just ignore you. He is going to destroy our country.
can you tell me why? I mean he is going to bring the country out of the shithole it was left in by the previous president. He will lift the recession. I don't understand why you don't like him except that he is BLACK. Personally I don't like him very much, by limiting the bonuses of Wall street workers and such has dissuaded me from going into economy. Also the fact that he will most likely raise taxes to bring the American economy out of it's debt, that is the second thing I don't like. But really, it is seemingly severely racist of you to say that you don't like him, and provide no backup to why, and coincidentally mr. Obama is the first black president.
don't understand why you don't like him except that he is BLACK
I'm not racist. When I said "call me a racist I'll just ignore you" I ment it like there are people who will call you a racist (even though you aren't) because you say something against Barrack Obama.
I mean he is going to bring the country out of the ****hole it was left in by the previous president.
Yeah so how's that working out? America sucks. The taxes are horrible. The government spends money like its nobodys shit.
FYI but clinton is partially to blam for iraq, and the housing market wasn't destroyed (along with the economy) by the president, it was fannie mae and freedy mac.
clintion is to blame for not doing the best he could/should have with negotiantions. the signs were ther, he failed to recognize them. My uncle (currently in Iraq), actually said that something like this would happen, that terrorist would bomb somewhere, and US would go to war.
FYI but clinton is partially to blam for iraq, and the housing market wasn't destroyed (along with the economy) by the president, it was fannie mae and freedy mac.
Thank you, stupid Democrats piss me off. They blame everything on the Republicans, and realy there doing a pretty crappy job themselves.