They aren't giving us more freedom by throwing us in jail for no reason, they aren't even giving us security. They are giving themselves more power. That's what it's all about, power.
And, Xzeno, btw, i support torture to gather information that could save lives.
Save lives at what price? That is a narrow line, but torture clearly crosses it. It may not affect you now, but there will come a day when you will regret it. We cannot allow our freedoms to slip away because of petty things like lives. By removing freedoms to defeat terrorists, they ironically win.
That's why Jack Bauer shouldn't have been questioned by the Senate Investigating Committee... =)
Mumbles something about how 24 is a government conspiracy to brain wash morality out of our youth. But seriously, it does desensitize you to some degree.
They aren't giving us more freedom by throwing us in jail for no reason, they aren't even giving us security. They are giving themselves more power.
I read an article about torture tactics used in the Gitmo prisons. The interviewee was sent there because his boss was accused of selling materials to an alleged "terrorist".
One of the big things they do is for 20 straight hours, music is played. Marilyn Manson, Eminem, Fall Out Boy, anything. They follow this up with immediate solitude and darkness.
"Four days with twenty hours of music and light, and four hours of absolute silence and dark is all it takes to break 'em."
They've even used the Sesame Street theme song...The reason it's so effective is that under the Taliban rule, music isn't allowed. Add this to a culture already deprived from the heavy beats and bumping rhythms of Western music, and only a few hours is enough to drive someone from the Middle East insane.
In fact, even the man who was interviewed said it was unbearable, and he had heard the music before.
I'm not so sure about waterboarding. It definitely rides a fine line, but I would have to do more research into it to decide whether or not I consider it torture. However, convincing someone that they are drowning by covering their mouth with cellophane and then splashing water on them, repeatedly, does seem pretty inhumane.
And, Xzeno, btw, i support torture to gather information that could save lives.
Salem Witch Trials. People confessed simply because they did not wish to die, and knew that they could get out of jail if they convinced people they were actually witches. People choose the lesser of two evils. In this case, why would they give the correct information if giving up any sort of data would mean escaping torture, and possibly being set free?
Well, about "the music torture", some people who have been cited for having their car stereos too loud have been punished by being forced to listen to classical music for a certain number of hours instead of paying a fine. If for some reason they can't listen to it, they have to pay.
now just 3 years until the device I'm making with him is complete and we shall destroy the-- uhh, I mean that I'm very excited and can't wait to see what he does with the country ^^;
I heard that he's closing a military prision in Cuba, that's quite interesting of him to do. Considering Bush would have never thought to close it mates.
Salem Witch Trials. People confessed simply because they did not wish to die, and knew that they could get out of jail if they convinced people they were actually witches. People choose the lesser of two evils. In this case, why would they give the correct information if giving up any sort of data would mean escaping torture, and possibly being set free?
who says they aren't going to die or go through more trials to prove that they are telling the truth