uhh, dacer, there are scientists that are working on all of those things. Scientists study DIFFERENT SCIENCES!!!!!!! You're confused because you think that the majority of scientists are studying that. There are hundreds of sciences out there; physics-type sciences, astronomical sciences, life sciences, ecological sciences, electrical sciences, atmospheric sciences, etc. not all scientists are studying Mars.
@thisisnotanalt I didn't mean we weren't animals. I as just a bit annoyed at dacer. However I wasn't aware any other animals could think on any level above basic instincts. Have you any examples i would love to find out more about them.
Anyway, I'm personally atheist. There is a scientific explination behind almost everything that people say 'God' has done. And for the things people claim 'God' did, that doesn't have a scientific explanation, cannot be proved in the first place. Bottom line~ Religion and 'Gods' were just created to explain the unexplainable. But now with modern technology, most of the inexplainable things that people say 'God' did have been proven. And those that haven't will probably be proven in the future.
If we didn't have Brains then we couldn't think about God. Think about it if we didn't excist then there wouldn't be a god. It would be interesting to talk and speak to animals in their (languj).
That would be bad, because if animals could communicate with us, then they would be made to do some kind of labor. Besides horses pulling wagons and stuff. I'm sure someone would find somthing for animals to do.
If it was eat the cow or die, then I would eat the cow. Besides, being a vegitarian can be dangerous. The human body was made to also eat some sort of meat.
True but it was just hypothetical anyway. Although I disagree with vegetarianism I don't think it is dangerous for fully developed adults people have survived for years without meat.
"I'm a level 5 vegan, I don't eat anything that casts a shadow" Jesse Grass
yes, in fact, i do. When I was littler, our family had a German Shepherd dog. He was big. really big. so, of course, he ate a lot of food. He was getting used to my mom at the time. one day, before dinner, he was playing outside. when dinner was ready, (my mom had cooked pot roast and mashed potatoes) the dog got his own helping. He thanked my mom after dinner, even though he didn't see her cooking. He thought that his master never cooked like that, deducted that this new person must have instead, and learned in the future, yummy dinners were associated with the lady. Also, dolphins have exhibited altruism on many occasions, and altruism is most likely not an instinct type of behavior. One example is when a boy on a boat was tossed into the Gulf Coast by Hurricane Katrina, he was in the water, struggling to stay surfaced. After the storm had cleared out of his area, the boy was foundering. A pod of dolphins showed up, and formed a cushion under him to keep him up, and they swam him to shore. It is doubtful that it is in a dolphin's basic instinct to save the life of any children they see out in the water. Most animals can't think at that level, but some can. And we most likely won't be talking to animals, because they have different vocal cords than us, so they wouldn't be able to speak English or any other human language. ----------------------------------- I don't feel any guilt eating cows, because cows are stupid
i don't think that animals have their own languages..but they use body language and tones of rawrs (like 95% of human language is body language)
i was born into a christian family and am forced to go to church every week or i get grounded until i go to church again...i'm an athiest and get most of my info off of sci channel
so you're part of the Christian Atheist Underground? That sucks. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Body language is very profound, though. And perhaps (and I'm going waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out on a limb here) that the intonation of the rawrs would mean something? Some animals, like dolphins and dogs, seem to have some sort of somewhat sophisticated communication.