But deth, the reason you said you're remaining religious is the same reason I'm agnostic. Since there's no solid evidence either way, it just seems silly to completely believe anything related to this stuff. All I'm saying is the explanation I'm leaning more towards. In some thread, I've said I believe in the Big Bang Theory, but I think higher power started it, but not necessarily God.
the universe is always expanding and at some point in the future all existence will cease
That is only one theory. Yes if the universe is expanding to quickly everything will get too far apart and any kind of transfer of energy will take to long and we shall cease. On the other hand we may be expanding too slowly inwhich case the universe shall collapse in on it self (and go singularity on you) or it could be going at just the right speed and everything will be just right. I bet you can't see why this is sometimes called the Goldilocks theory.
There are 2 reasons. A: You were told things by people you saw as smarter than you at an impressionable age and took them as fact. B: You figured out what is true and what is not on your own.
What is naive about it? It is one (very unlikely) possibility. Its not like scientists believe it is giong to happen, though i'm not sure which of the other two are the most likely.
just saying it would be a bit naive to believe that the universe will expand at just the right rate like u said its an unlikely possibility its like saying the pirates are gonna win the world series
I suppose nobody can really prove if there really is a god or not. Some people can just believe that they are the playthings of god, that if bad things happen to them, it's because God is punishing them. I'm sorry to anyone who may be offended, but I think that's really silly.
Look god do really exist but some people didint believe in jesus but not everyone believes him people have there own relegion so stop making this nonsense
Each individual believe in diferent things, that is what makes us individuals, in a way. If you believe in God, then he is real for you. If you don't, then it isn't.
Er.. It's impossible to prove anything outside of mathematics. Note that I highlighted the word "rove".
But.. Scientists can basically rule out the existence of God because it is so unlikely. It's considered an outrageous claim to defy all of science to say that a god did everything. It's up to the makers of an outrageous claim to gather sufficient evidence to support it, and so far no believer in God has done that to the scientific community.
If you take it with a more poetic perspective, then, sure, why can't God exist? "After all, how can something that doesn't exist inspire people and give them hope?" Just stop trying to debate it scientifically. You'll lose.
I think that the bible is at best a metaphor fot how we should live. Though iPC you can't rule something out because it soesn't fit with scientific convention. For years science couldn't explain atoms; they existed completly outside of everything that had gone before. Apart from that I almost completly agree with you.