But wouldn't we all become vegetarians as well? If you could hear all the cows and lambs sayin "Please don't eat me!" could you?
I wouldn't want to eat anything else. Having your meal crying "Please stop" when you eat it would be sweet. I would be all like, "but you are so tasty".
Awhile a go someone that cristianity has only been around for 2 thousand years ago. But people have been cristians ever since the creation. Like Adam, or later there was moses and the escape from the eygiptians. Also someone said that the earth has been around for thousands of years, but doesn't things age fast underwater like when there was a flood with Noah and the ark.
Uh paintballer, you didn't get that completely right. The specific branch of Judaism known as Christianity has only been around for 2000 years, because Christianity started when Jesus Christ started having followers. And don't start saying that Judaism has been here longer, because the person who first said this already said that. As for your last comment asking about how the Earth was created. I think that's already been stated earlier by I believe Pixie, a few pages back. If you want to know how life was then sustainable on a molten, barren rock, take a Biology class. It goes into explanation of how it happened. First there were chemobacteria (bacteria able to produce food from chemicals since there was no ozone and the UV rays from the sun would kill them). Eventually the oxygen byproduct of this bacteria drifted into the upper atmosphere. This oxygen was O2. Lightning broke some them up, which attached to other O2 molecules to form O3, or ozone. Once enough had accumulated, bacteria slowly evolved into cyanobacteria, or bacteria that can go through photosynthesis. Smaller bacteria invaded larger bacteria, eventually becoming cells with primitive mitochondria and chloroplasts. Eukaryotic cells, or cells of anything not bacteria, evolved from these prokaryotes. Colonies of these cells began to evolve into multicellular organism. These evolved into fungi and plants. Then came arthropods. Then primitive fish, which some eventually developed backbones. These then evolved into primitive amphibians. Then came the first dinosaurs, evolving into sophisticated dinosaurs, evolving into birds and mammals. The beginning part of the sustainable life explanation I talked about may be slightly out of order, but that's the general idea. And man did I miss a lot while I wasn't on the forums.
Also, I forgot to explain where these chemobacteria came from. If you really want me to explain that, then just ask. I'm currently taking a class related to this, so it's no problem for me to explain this stuff.
unfortunately for Einstein, the universe is always expanding and at some point in the future all existence will cease so we know there's an end but scientists have never been able to explain the beginning at least not definitively so until scientists can completely shatter my religious beliefs with the sheer power of words then i'm gonna go on believing in God