We've received several reports of popular games such as Amorphous+ going missing, which I'm sure must have been most distressing for many of you!
Fear not, I think we've figured out why this has been happening. As you know, more developers have recently been working on optimising the site so that it doesn't 'lag so much' and 'break' (both common and valid complaints we hear about), after which the administration will be able to implement changes to the site much more easily.
A side-effect of this is that certain game files might go missing. As far as I know, they were not intentionally deleted, nor is it a permanent loss, as we should be able to recover them as soon as we figure out precisely what's going on.
In short: your favorite game missing? It's not gone forever: We'll get it back soon!
@Despite14: thx for that link. i knnow that but i cant login with my armorgames account on that page. it works until the game stoped working on armorgames.com
Armorgames: We have problems! Game after game goes missing! Please do somehing :C Examples: The Light temple Viricide hit the jackpot 3 gemcraft chapter 0 etc
Ok, Not to go all psycho mad here,but Free Rider 2 is also missing. I don't mean like it won't load. It's actually missing because if you try going to it, it will take you back to the homepage. I hope it's fixed soon.