ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Moderation Wars (Download/View Parts 1-20 on page 96)

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It was a sad day for was maybe 6 months ago. Our founder, and something of god, Daniel McNeely, had passed away. Of what? Well, Prostate Cancer (because he was too stubborn to get an exam), and about 1 million spam bots, and another 1 million ghosts, that haunted ArmorLand. Daniel went out in a blast, however, he had slaughtered almost all of the spam bots, and revoked half of the ghosts. He did it all by himself, how was he killed? The 3 spamlords, had destroyed him.
His sucsessor, Carlie, was then put in charge in the ArmorCastle (Most of the places I will be talking about is Here Thank you strop for the well illustrated map), and hunted down the 3 spamlords whom killed our honest and great king.
Carlie Ruled over ArmorLand for another 3 months, it was quiet, but she had ignored the hauntings, especially fluent in the Tavern. Many Drunks were possessed and killed during her Term. We thought that it was still okay, however. We praised Carlie. Sadly, her term was not as long as we had hoped, she soon died. Of what? Murder.
Crowds of people came to the meeting hall, and the ArmorCastle, ranting, raving, rioting, and hatespamming of this terrible crime. "Who could have murdered Carlie?!" Everyone shouted. Indeed, it was a sad time.
After this, the Mods had done something they almost NEVER done before, they argued with each other. The arguments and debates never ceased, and then, it turned to flames. War broke out in ArmorLand! Some people flee'd to the gates, but using their mighty ban-tools, the Moderators crushed the fleeing users, and captured those who might survive the mighty blow. Those who were captured were either brainwashed, raped, or enslaved.
Oddly, Ubertuna had never went into the moderation wars, he stayed at the ArmorCastle, completely unknowing of this terrible instance! He had been too busy fighting off several armies, some of which from the moderators themselves, trying to either defile or conquer the Castle, taking it for themselves.
Zoph had been fighting with Strop for the Imaginarium and the other artistry sectors of Armorland, mainly composed to the south. Strop took over alot of the North, and some of the west as well.
Moegreche had completely exiled and pushed back strops efforts to capture the debate area of ArmorLand. Using large, mechanical constructs of stone and powerful Logick (majick + logic), that crushed the users mind with pure sense, and that won every debate. Moegreche has two, extremely large Contructs, which he calls the Sentenials that stand guard out his Mansion.
Zoph has a castle made entirely out of paintings and sculptures, and has a garden/field of mazzelhs, which tend to sleep with her. Her good friend Cenere is her right hand man, and has a regemin of warriors modeled after her character Kai.
Ubertuna stays at his post, constantly fighting in a valiant battle against the riots of the ArmorLanders. He is a great soul, indeed.
There was but one force to stop the madness (SPARTAAAAA) of the Moderation wars. That was called the Syndicate, a group of long time users that go into the tavern for secret meetings, telling each other of the moderators plans. Most of the people in the Syndicate are club members. Sadly, clubs were the first to be enslaved.
The Moderation wars have just begun.

WHOO, I've been thinking of this concept of the Moderation Wars for a couple days, I hope you guys all like, since ArmorGames themed stories seem to be pretty popular nowadays.

  • 1,054 Replies
9,824 posts

That segment was primarily dialogue, and it seems that you tend to fare better with dialogue than you do with descriptive passages. You captured the essences of the characters well in that segment!

Sorry for the wait everyone, I had a moderate case of fire hole again :P

Chill with the hashbrowns. . .need I say more?
5,642 posts

Chill with the hashbrowns. . .need I say more?

even though last time the fire hole WAS because of hashbrowns, I'll say that I don't have fire hole JUST because of hashbrowns, dude.
1,523 posts

Awesome lige impression. Also, we can make fun of him all we want and he won't step in here because he doesn't want to ruin his Jesus-like post count! >

I never understood why he said he won't post. Or how is post count is perfect.
5,420 posts

I never understood why he said he won't post. Or how is post count is perfect.

his post count was 1337 as in Leet.It is sort of a joke, but when I saw his post count after hearing about it I almost flipped because I just simply did not expect that.Its basically a word spelled completely in numbers,and that really is the essence of the word leet or as some would say 1337 or l33t or however they say it,but its interesting how he got a post count like that.Here is an urban dictionary definition(or definitions) of the word leet to better explain what makes it so interesting...


Anyways I hope that explains it a little and now I shall continue to wait for the next segment of this story.
5,642 posts

Sorry guys, I think I'm going to make this a weekly longer segment thing, school is eating up my day and the first thing I wanna do when I walk through my door is to nap it off. So please be understanding, I know it's a drag, but it's gonna be a bit before I can do the next segment. I have the idea and it'd take me all of 20 minutes to get it down, the only problem is that I'm so sleepy that I can't focus and it'd take somewhere near 3 hours just to get it down. Of course I'm exaggerating but still.

Again, I hope you guys could understand :P

9,824 posts

Sorry guys, I think I'm going to make this a weekly longer segment thing, school is eating up my day and the first thing I wanna do when I walk through my door is to nap it off. So please be understanding, I know it's a drag, but it's gonna be a bit before I can do the next segment. I have the idea and it'd take me all of 20 minutes to get it down, the only problem is that I'm so sleepy that I can't focus and it'd take somewhere near 3 hours just to get it down. Of course I'm exaggerating but still.

Okay. Have you had spring break yet? Because I just got out of pre-spring-break DST/sickness fatiguedepression. It's understandable, happens to most, if not all of us.
5,642 posts

Okay. Have you had spring break yet? Because I just got out of pre-spring-break DST/sickness fatiguedepression. It's understandable, happens to most, if not all of us.

Glad to know someone understands, and yes, of sorts. I did have spring break.
*is stuck in critisizy and uptight alter ego which he uses to critisize a bunch of people over the internet because of their drawings/books/fanfics/stories*
9,824 posts

Yep. Also, what time do you usually get home? Three days a week, I don't get home until around 6 O'Clock. Itt makez mee trd srsly, tihs iz srs bizniz!

5,420 posts

hmm I still have two weeks or so to go till spring break.It feels like such a long ways away,and once it begins I'm being forced on a trip.I'm surprised you already have had spring break though.Anyways I guess I can wait....once again.

4,196 posts

One week...and 2 days....YAY! Thats all till First Term Holidays!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!

Then one week holidays then a camping trip for school...then another week holidays...

9,824 posts

I'm in spring break now~
6 days left. . . .

5,642 posts

ahoy mateys, guess what I be throwin' at ya?


They'll be appearing, after I finish most of the linework of this twin. This is twin 1, name is Rebekka, who was a wraith. When you finally get to see them and everyone else interact, you'll see just how creepy they are, and what wraiths are in the Moderation Wars, since I know that all of you are still trying to figure that out.

5,642 posts

here it is, and I hope you like this Conceptual Crap Art, NKA (now known as) CCA. It's of the twin rebekka. This looks almost nothing like her, but I got the eyes right. Nothing else, though. The hair should be alot more smokey, and smaller strands, also, less standing on ends. The mouth was supposed to have more depth to it, but I couldn't quite figure that out (if anyone would like to make a revision, go ahead, just link it to me, plz). The eyes are purple, and guess what? YOU GET A NEW SEGMENT TOMORROW, BE HAPPY ABOUT IT.

10,816 posts

Hm thoad, your internet must have failed pretty hard: you quadruple posted and I don't see any image...

5,642 posts

ohcrap, I'm sorry, I was really tired when I made it, so I forgot to post.

I need to win moar internetz, cuz I'm dying D:

anyways, twin 1:

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