ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Moderation Wars (Download/View Parts 1-20 on page 96)

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It was a sad day for was maybe 6 months ago. Our founder, and something of god, Daniel McNeely, had passed away. Of what? Well, Prostate Cancer (because he was too stubborn to get an exam), and about 1 million spam bots, and another 1 million ghosts, that haunted ArmorLand. Daniel went out in a blast, however, he had slaughtered almost all of the spam bots, and revoked half of the ghosts. He did it all by himself, how was he killed? The 3 spamlords, had destroyed him.
His sucsessor, Carlie, was then put in charge in the ArmorCastle (Most of the places I will be talking about is Here Thank you strop for the well illustrated map), and hunted down the 3 spamlords whom killed our honest and great king.
Carlie Ruled over ArmorLand for another 3 months, it was quiet, but she had ignored the hauntings, especially fluent in the Tavern. Many Drunks were possessed and killed during her Term. We thought that it was still okay, however. We praised Carlie. Sadly, her term was not as long as we had hoped, she soon died. Of what? Murder.
Crowds of people came to the meeting hall, and the ArmorCastle, ranting, raving, rioting, and hatespamming of this terrible crime. "Who could have murdered Carlie?!" Everyone shouted. Indeed, it was a sad time.
After this, the Mods had done something they almost NEVER done before, they argued with each other. The arguments and debates never ceased, and then, it turned to flames. War broke out in ArmorLand! Some people flee'd to the gates, but using their mighty ban-tools, the Moderators crushed the fleeing users, and captured those who might survive the mighty blow. Those who were captured were either brainwashed, raped, or enslaved.
Oddly, Ubertuna had never went into the moderation wars, he stayed at the ArmorCastle, completely unknowing of this terrible instance! He had been too busy fighting off several armies, some of which from the moderators themselves, trying to either defile or conquer the Castle, taking it for themselves.
Zoph had been fighting with Strop for the Imaginarium and the other artistry sectors of Armorland, mainly composed to the south. Strop took over alot of the North, and some of the west as well.
Moegreche had completely exiled and pushed back strops efforts to capture the debate area of ArmorLand. Using large, mechanical constructs of stone and powerful Logick (majick + logic), that crushed the users mind with pure sense, and that won every debate. Moegreche has two, extremely large Contructs, which he calls the Sentenials that stand guard out his Mansion.
Zoph has a castle made entirely out of paintings and sculptures, and has a garden/field of mazzelhs, which tend to sleep with her. Her good friend Cenere is her right hand man, and has a regemin of warriors modeled after her character Kai.
Ubertuna stays at his post, constantly fighting in a valiant battle against the riots of the ArmorLanders. He is a great soul, indeed.
There was but one force to stop the madness (SPARTAAAAA) of the Moderation wars. That was called the Syndicate, a group of long time users that go into the tavern for secret meetings, telling each other of the moderators plans. Most of the people in the Syndicate are club members. Sadly, clubs were the first to be enslaved.
The Moderation wars have just begun.

WHOO, I've been thinking of this concept of the Moderation Wars for a couple days, I hope you guys all like, since ArmorGames themed stories seem to be pretty popular nowadays.

  • 1,054 Replies
13,658 posts

I saw a part where thoad said "don't kill me dude" but I seriously don't get whats so bad about it, or if thats even the part that you are referring to....

I have been poked in five minutes by Zophia. That is hard enough...
5,420 posts

I have been poked in five minutes by Zophia. That is hard enough...

I guess not having as much of a corrupted mind I am obviously not following what you are saying.
13,658 posts

I guess not having as much of a corrupted mind I am obviously not following what you are saying.

We had a poking contest. I got black marks from being poked the same place for five minutes. Painful.
5,642 posts

Brain? You were about to say brain right? I mean I thought you were a zombie or something....right?....oh by the way you just lost the game.

1, F U.
2, I'm a zombie slayer, biznatch. When the breakout starts I'm gonna lock you out.

After several hours of sitting around, Cenere arose from his pile like a zombie from a grave, and meekly mumbled, "Ok, let's go." I stood up, and Skater did as well. Zophia sat there and looked at us, and stood up herself.
"What? Girls can't come?" She asked, as I looked at her. I nodded that she could come, not opposing her, and went towards the hole. When I eventually came up to it, the rotten bodies had gone and there were skeletons laying where the people once were, dry pools of blood were on the walls, and the bits I found on the floor turned out to be rust. I guess we were away longer than I had thought.
We walked through the brickstone streets of ArmorLand, seeing many slave threads in the tavern areas of the city. I missed the old days so much. Stopping by Cen's area of the residency, I noticed no one was near. Normally Cen's profile was bustling with mail, but I saw none. I didn't like this. "Hurry up, bud" I told cen, crossing my arms and leaning on the wooden apartment. Cenere nodded and went upstairs.
5 minutes passed and I got worried. "Skater, check up on 'im, it doesn't take this long to get some glasses" He responded with a grunt, and walked up the stairs. Not 3 minutes afterwards, he came stumbling down with blood all over his hands. I look at him in shock, and calmly said, "Skater what the hell?".
He was exhaling and inhaling deeply, and he blurted out, "ZOMBIES, EXCEL, ZOMBIES" he passed out on the floor in front of me, most likely because he was taking dry breathes, too fast to actually get any air.
"Zophia, try and get him okay again, I'm checking on cen," I told her, running up the stairs. I saw a small crowbar on the side, most likely for a fire, but I'd have expected an Axe. Oh wait, the axes aren't for another 20 ranks up. Cen would get there soon. Taking it off it's holster, I put it at the ready until I saw it. My beautiful Excel Virus, punching in Cenere's door. "SHIT" I yelled, whacking it over the head, killing it. The good thing about all of this was that they were easy to kill. I banged on the door. "Cenere! It's me! Open this door we want out and NOW!!!" I yelled. I heard removing of barricades, and then a large flintlock pistol at my face.
"I'm glad I was in the club to know that Excel could impersonate their hosts" He said, only putting it back in the holster after he had seen I had no mold on my arms and legs. (Author's Note: I got the perfect song for the zombies part)
The twins were playing catch with a ghastly ball, a skull with red eyes on the side of it. "Twinkle twinkle little star, How I wonder where you are" they sang in unicen. The torn wallpaper of the ZSC was unsettling, but the twins didn't mind. They had always liked dark and depressing places, even when they were regular users.
Both the twins looked to the north wall of the classroom (of which there are 4 in the ZSC), with wide eyes and a small gaping frown. "What is it, sister?" Rebekka, the first wraith asked Sistine, the second.
"I feel something isn't nice. More powerful than us," she dropped the small ball with the skull on it, staring at the wall. Sistine stared at her sister instead of the wall, worried. "Why won't they just leave us alone, Sistine?" Rebekka wondered, staring back at Sistine.
"I don't know Sister, but we'll have to do something. We like our place here, we don't want to go," She started to ramble, until Rebekka held her hand on her sisters mouth. Their locks seemed as if they were made of a pure white smoke, so pure yet so tainted. Their locks of hair disappeared to the ceiling, the 3 foot or so bodies almost completely see-through.
Their despair of another visitor turned to a deep smile. "Fun, sister?" Sistine asked, and Rebekka giggled, meaning yes. They dissapeared into the nearby wall, holding hands. The ball rolled towards the south end, the smoke floating off of it, reavealing a red and yellow handball. It had the words "Be Happy, You're Not Dead" on the front.
I had rounded the ampitheatre, when a large chunk of ground hit beside me, and hit Zophia in her tail. She yelped in pain, as I called out to our group of 4 (Author's Note: Hahaha, I just noticed that there's 4 of us, like in left4dead, hahaha), "INCOMIIIING". A few of the EVZ (Excel Virus Zombies) had been tailing us, and about 3 of the 10 roared.
Cen started mumbling to himself using stress logic. Skater was listening while I threw rocks that were painted using Zophia's ban brush. Causing a ban-rock type of ability. We knew we couldn't kill them all, and skater said an evaluation of Cenere's rambling. Basically meaning, run into the ampitheatre, then run.
So we did.
The twins looked out from the ZSC tower, which was where all the bigwigs of the ZSC met up to talk about new idea's and appoint more members. Also, grades for the ZSTS's (Zombie Survival Tactics Sheet's), in case another deadly outbreak of Goliath comes, or even if the game section of ArmorLand has another zombie breakout. Which is the entire reason why the ZSC was made a part of the academy.
"Where are they, Sistine?" Rebekka asked, still holding her hand. Sistine's green eyes looked at Rebekka's purple eyes, and blinked.
"I'm not sure, sister. They might be stalled," she responded, continueing to look into the city of ArmorLand. It was the laughing stock of the internet, as soon as the Moderation Wars started. Mainly because they had been talking about war to Kongregate and AddictingLand, but it hit the users like a ton of bricks when the moderators had started the uprising.
"Looking for the artifact under the castle, maybe?" Rebekka, said, when they felt a disturbance in the air around them. They both had gasped, shocked expressions on their faces as they looked at the bottom of the tower. Strop had entered the ZSC, without the twins's permission.
Strop rounded a corner with his eyes a sharp purple. His voice was womanly like before (Author's Note: Yeah strop, THAT MEANS YOU'RE STILL POSESSED *grumpy*), and turned a corner to the main room of the ZSC, where most of the larger lessons took place, such as best places to go, or overveiws of the viruses.
He stepped through the ladder behind the Thoad's past desk, and continued up the spiral stairs to the top of the tower. His messenger stone flashed green and KingRyans voice resonated through it. "Strop, are you there?" Strop immediatly held it to his ear, not speaking into it however.
"There's EVZ, a lot of them! I hope you get that antidote soon because-" A loud crash came from the stone, and some sounds of clay tablets falling to the ground. "THEY'RE HERE, ATTACK!" The transmission was cut off, as Strop went up the stairs. The twins had more knowledge than any other wraith combined. Even Ezekiel and the taverndweller, who were the most known wraiths of all.
"Kill them!" Yelled KingRyan, his troops heading into the battlefield with great grace, slicing most of the zombies in half with polearms (Author's Note: Actually a type of axe, I forgot what it was called but it's an axe on a large pole, and is considered a polearm).
KingRyan retreated into the back of the chambers, pulling out a chinese sword that Strop made especially for him. It had designs of Capoiera on it, a few different moves that Strop taught him before the war. Sadly, on the hilt it had "Bogan Buddy" chipped into it.

I hope all of you liked it, there's another comin' at ya saturday and sunday next week.
9,824 posts

Author's Note: Hahaha, I just noticed that there's 4 of us, like in left4dead, hahaha

Look out, the smoker's got Zoey! Crap, Francis just alerted the witch! OH HOLY SHIT!!!! Get the molotov on the tank! IT'S A SUPER ZOMBIE BIZNATCH!!!!
The polearm things you're talking about are called halberds.
5,420 posts

wow thats a long segment...also

1, F U.
2, I'm a zombie slayer, biznatch. When the breakout starts I'm gonna lock you out.

I know you were going to be annoyed by that, but I get the feeling I may not be featured in another segment of the story and if I am that I will get killed off for some reason...
5,642 posts

I know you were going to be annoyed by that, but I get the feeling I may not be featured in another segment of the story and if I am that I will get killed off for some reason...

To say the truth, you don't play too much of an important part in my story, lol ^^;.
The polearm things you're talking about are called halberds.

ah, thank you.
4,196 posts

Lolz...Bogan Buddy...How Quaint.... >:Z


5,642 posts

Lolz...Bogan Buddy...How Quaint.... >:Z

hahahaha, you and strop are bogan buddies ;D
13,658 posts

Slight confusion, but well, never mind.
Hmm, twins + Lucie trying to get info = chaos...
Cen + stress rambles = a lot of wtf...
And the wonders of zombies + Thoad having to run = doom.

5,420 posts

To say the truth, you don't play too much of an important part in my story

yeah I know....I have little more to say...
9,824 posts

yeah I know....I have little more to say...

Crimson saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad?
4,376 posts


Not when I say it Cen, not when I say it.

Hrm, I figured out a system. If you only read one little +-+-+-+-+- ection at a time, it lasts longer. One a day for the week!!!!!!!!!
5,420 posts

Crimson saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad?

nope just short on words. I can't always think of long comments to make.
5,642 posts

Alright, since I'm off school (and being put on homeschool...again, due to battery charges (I was jumped)) I decided to post another segment.

Listening to - My playlist

KingRyan had ran out to the courtyard, seeing a majority of his troops dead. The "Zombies" had been killed though. KingRyan was a little dissapointed that he wasn't able to slice any of them, but instead yelled out for a headcount.
Afterwards, he concluded there was about 20 casualites. 50 of his troops were left. Amazing how lucky he was to get an exact number. Kingryan looked away from his group, and mumbled under his breathe, "When is Strop going to get back with that cure?!".
Finally getting to the top of the stairs, "Twins?! Show yourselves!" called strop. The meeting room was filled with dust and cobwebs. A few maps of the zombie gaming section were laid out incase another outbreak occured.
Not a moment too soon, the twins popped their heads out from the ceiling. "Leave us alone!" They scolded simultaneously. Strop had no time to deal with this.
"Listen, there's zombies everywhere and you two are the most knowledgable of all Wraiths. Tell me if there is an antidote to the Excel Virus! It originated here, so TELL ME!" Strops womanly tone came out yet again.
"Oh, Lucie. I didn't think you'd take control of a... male... horse?" Said Rebekka, giggling like a schoolgirl.
"I have my reasons, now tell me, wraith!" Strop told them, shaking his bandaged fist at the wraiths floating from the ceiling.
"We'll give a riddle, and maybe a rhyme! You'll have to fiddle, you'll have to chime. To the right and to the left, who knows who will be next? Could be you, could be two. Could be me, could be three!" The wraiths receded into the ceiling.
"Don't warn me of anything, twins. I just want the antidote!" Strop called out. From the side, Rebekka's hand grabbed Strops arm. Images of EVZ, how it was constructed and how to destroy it raced through his head. "Is...that really all I need to do?" he asked himself. The twins had disappeared as quickly as they appeared, and Strop was left dumbfounded. "Lima beans...." he thought to himself.
Thoad was fearing for his life as he locked himself in a costume room of the Ampitheatre. It had only been used once for a play someone wrote. Everything was covered in dust. Cenere and Zophia were just behind, skater was attacking a few EVZ to let us get in.
"GET IN HERE SKATER!" I yelled at him. He ran in the room with us, and Cen was still stress-logicing his head off.
"This place is old, but it'll hold up well," Zophia said. I looked around the room, seeing if we could do anything to prevent our deaths.
Moegreche had finished a new weapon. One that could just maybe get through Ubertuna's mobile banfish unit. The work of Ezekiel's mad science combined with Moegreche's knowledge of ArmorLand worked to his advantage.
The colossal construct reached the ceiling of the underground facility. It's carapace was made of pure lojick ore, and the inside was of marble. Lojitech was all throughout the machine, it's eyes being made of it.
"Finally, through about a month of high labor construction, it is DONE!" Moegreche yelled with Ezekiels voice. Laughter filled the entire chasm as he walked towards the cockpit.
The face of the contruct looked like a lions face, and large circles with blades were laced on the back. They worked as propellers to get the machine to float when in certain situations. It wasn't built to fly however.

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