The world governments try to keep organized civilization intact. All the while, the various advanced steampunk societies of the world are fighting wars and chipping away at each others infrastructure. In every city, every town, warships can be seen in the air, and the rumbling of subterranean tanks can be heard. You are a mercenary who is hired by one of the nations, known as "Gozara" to all, and you are put in a squadron of other mercenaries. As you get shipped off to the front line in a subterranean tank, one of your allies says that the nation you're fighting, Udiston, has started deploying monsters to the battlefield. You're appalled at this, but before you have a chance to reply, your tank bursts out of the ground, and you rush to the battlefield.
There are five classes in Dystopia RPG. (Note: these are the starting stats, and can be changed by leveling up, equipping new equipment, and things of that nature.)
Footsoldiers are the default class. They have a good balance between offense and defense, and have medium health.
HP: 35/35
Defense: 3
MP: 10/10
Equipment: Weapon: Infantry Rifle Atk+3 Armor: Military Armor Def+3
Skills: Double Tap (shoots enemy twice, costs 3 MP) Stimulant (doubles damage of attacks for the next turn, costs 4 MP)
Shocktroopers are a close assault unit with very high attack and high MP, yet low defense.
Skills: Full Auto (pumps a whole clip into an opponent, triple damage attack, costs 6 MP) Napalm Shot (reloads weapon with a clip of napalm bullets, doubles damage for next three attacks of for one Full Auto, adds fire damage, ignores armor, costs 10 MP)
Paladins are warrior-medics with high MP, HP, defense, and healing magic, yet very low attack.
Skills: Kick (kicks the enemy, stuns them for the turn, allows for a second action, costs 3 MP) Heal (heals one character for 5 health, costs 3 MP) Medicate (heals all characters fully, costs 20 MP)
Yaris are energy weapon and mage units, using offensive magic to crush their opponents. They have low health, however, and their regular attack damage is halved.
HP: 20/20
Attack: 2 (physical attack damage halved)
Defense: 2
MP: 40/40
Equipment: Weapon: Laser Rifle Atk+4 (magic damage x1.5) Armor: Cybernetic Armor Def+2 Special: Energy Node (10% chance to let a skill be used without MP cost)
Skills: Shock (charges the enemy with electricity, does normal damage, costs 5 MP) Incinerate (destroys an enemy with sheer force, does quadruple damage, costs 15 MP) Snap Freeze (stuns an enemy, does normal damage, costs 7 MP)
Close Combat
Close Combat units are outfitted with powerful magic and attacks. They are considered expendable, so they have only the most basic MP training.
Skills: Blaze (chars an enemy with a flamethrower blast, does double damage, costs 6 MP) Plasmid Blast (hits an enemy with an energy blast, does triple damage, costs 8 MP)
As you level up a class, you will learn new skills, but some skills are weapon-exclusive. Also, your MP and HP will go up. In addition, you will be able to increase either your attack or defense permanently by one point. Here is a link to the Dystopia RPG website.
BURN whacks it with his cannon, then sprays napalm into the rock golem! +25 damage! 100 damage! He does that again! 100 damage again! BURN rushes behind the piece of cover. Laela charges up a pulse and fires it at the rock golem's head! You knock it away! +30 damage! 78 damage! The Rock Golem falls and dies. BURN leveled up! HP increased to 38! MP increased to 16! one stat point! ------- Laela leveled up! HP increased to 26! MP increased to 37! one stat point! ---------- Rock Golem dropped a Granite Shield! Stats: Armor ATK+0 DEF+6 10% reflect damage Any Class Requires level 3 ------------ You continue, slaying vermin without turning. The enemy army is almost completely gone. You find the last batch of surviving enemies! Oh noes! Encountered 4 Dark Shades! 4 Dark Shades 50 HP each vs. FT Bob ShcT Laela CC BURN PlD Tyler ------ There are four chapters, counting this one.
- Name: BURN - Level: [3] - Class: Close Combat Specialist - HP: [38/38] - Attack: [10] (2x Attack Damage) - Defense: [2] - MP: [16/16] - Weapon: Napalm Cannon (Attack +15) (2x Physical Attack Damage) - Armor: Speed Suit (Defense +1) - Skill 1: Blaze (2x Damage, -6 MP) - Skill 2: Plasmid Blast (3x Damage, -8 MP) - Skill 3: Inferno (3x Damage, -7 MP, 30% Critical Hit Rate) - Skill 4: Napalm Injection (x5 Damage, -10 MP) ===================================================================== I dart toward the four dark shades and before they realize what's going on I Spray an Inferno trying to get 2-3 of them at once.If that's enough to kill them I use another Inferno at the last 1-2 shades.Also my speed suit is doing great, so I'm not changing it yet.
You charge your speed suit and blast a storm of napalm in front of them in a wide arc! You hit all shades at once, then come back around, and hit them again! (this took 14 mp because you used inferno twice) You deal 60 damage to #1, 50 to #2, 40 to #3, and 30 to #4!
Laela shoots and kills the first one! The second one phases out of reality and avoids the bullet. ---- BURN sends a blast of napalm at the last one, hitting it directly! It is dead. ------ You fight forward, and come to the ridge that the enemy was holding. At that point, Laela is tackled by a werewolf who seemingly comes out of nowhere! BURN kicks him off before he does serious damage, but the creature immediately engages you! ----- BOSS BATTLE!!!!!! Cursed Lycan ??? hp vs. CC BURN ScT Laela anyone else who joined (laziness ftw)
You crouch, then shoot the lycan twice. First hit, 5 damage. Second hit, critical! 15 damage. The lycan leaps into the air and tackles Bob! 15 damage! The lycan taunts you, saying: "Your kind is inferior. Die, you vermin!"