ForumsWEPROwning a Gun?

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495 posts

On the news, in washington it is illegal to own a gun. I think they should be allowed I mean Murderers are going to be able to get them anyway they're always black markets for them but what about the citizens who can't pro tect them selves???

What do you think???

  • 259 Replies
618 posts

It's like those Arabs that shoot their guns in the street for every parade or whatever. When the bullets fall from the sky they kill innocent people. They should at least make bullets with little parachutes, just so no one gets hurt.

13,657 posts

a brilliant person once sayyed,

an armed socioty is a happyone

Yet Denmark has been considered the happiest country for the last few years, and we don't own guns.
4,220 posts

Despite being well over two years late, I feel the need to respond to the OP.

Their illegal in Washington to prevent a coup against the government. Our protection against the government clause in the second amendment is BS.

As for owning guns, I am 100% for owning any form of weapon. Why? Very few people are murdered by anything beyond concealable weapons. People aren't going to kill each other with machine guns or rocket propelled grenades. They're going to kill each other with much easier to acquire weapons.

Although here in Texas you can own pretty much anything, yet it is completely illegal to own a switchblade. Sorta retarded to me.

Anyways, gun control set to zero for me. It doesn't matter anyways, people will always be murdered with whatever they see fit. Only terrorists use overkill weapons anyways, and we can't stop that.

146 posts

You guys are Lucky. I live in Denmark, and noone can have a gun, only the police and the army. -_-'' the closest you come to a gun is a hunting rifle, and before you can get the hunting rifle you need to read and study about the Wild, Nature and Gun.

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

You guys are Lucky.

Why are they lucky?
16,587 posts

less guns less shooting. Remember a strong defense is a strong offense meaning having a gun can also be a bad thing. The FBI or the cops will handle the the black markets.

Us most guns 90 guns per 100 people.

909 posts

Us most guns 90 guns per 100 people.

I say that ratio is working since crime has decreased, read the bottom of this comment for my previouscomment from Feb '10.

Their illegal in Washington to prevent a coup against the government. Our protection against the government clause in the second amendment is BS.

Congress repealed/lifted the DC gun ban. Ha,ha, perhaps for the same reason(ing).

a brilliant person once sayyed,
an armed socioty is a happyone

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"

Benjamin Franklin

Posted Mar 6, '10 at 8:52am



267 posts

Wood - Knight I believe that guns should be available to those of a certain age. You need to have a license (I know they have that now, but it shouldn't take ages to get it). They should be confiscated in bars, stores, banks, and all federal buildings. Then they would be returned upon leaving.
Also, about all the people saying that guns were banned here and there and crime rates went up. That is obvious. If you just ban guns out of nowhere, people will still have guns and you would find and arrest them. Then you would call it crime.

Posted Mar 5, '10 at 2:03pm



3,169 posts

Wood - King
There should be strict firearms licenses, potentially dangerous persons should not be able to buy a gun. Persons with a violent and unpredictable behavior should not own any weapon, especially firearms.
The gun should be used only for self-defense, when your life is endangered. Many persons have been shot for stealing things such as bikes, it's definitely not needed shooting in such situations.
You should not carry a gun in crowed places, it's not wise.
The gun should be kept in a safe place, where nobody, especially children, has an easy access to it. Many children die every year, because somebody wasn't careful enough with his gun.

Frank, you are right, no one reads text, they just emotionally react to one or two "catch phrases" and go off on their tangents...
If you guys weren't stuck in a verbal worm hole I wouldn't bother going so far back in time but please, READ:

Posted Feb 20, '10 at 3:45pm



375 posts

Wood - Knight

In the March issue of "America's Freedom", the NRA-ILA magazine

See the very next page,(57) of the above referenced article:
"...a preliminary FBI report showing that murder and total violent crime decreased 10 percent and 4 percent, respectively, in the first half of 2009, compared o the same period in 2008."
compared to gun sales:
"In 2009, the number of privately owned firearms rose by more than 4 million, or between 1.5 and 2 percent....the FBI reported in December that during the first 11 months of 2009, the National Instant Criminal background Check System (NICS) handled more than 12 million transactions in new and used firearm sales, nearly 13 percent more than in 2008."

What all of this means is the FBI knows who I am, I'm in the data bank along with all of the other gun owners who have "legally" gone through the process of purchasing side-arms, or, pistols. Because I have my CC, concealed carry permit, I have the permission to carry my weapon any where, except the restricted areas. Also, I had to attend a special class, be tested by written exam and shooting accuracy.
I'm not trying to insult anyone nor do I wish to be insulted.

To: Goumas, I have provided proof too!

I am a woman whose husband works in a very bad part of town, going through gang neighborhoods where whores are out in the street, not just standing on the corners, high on crack and I don't wish to know what else. He works third shift, I'm at home alone to guard the safety of my son, who's soon to be a young man. I didn't consider owning a gun until one of our neighbors, a police officer moved. The neighbors across the street from us, brothers living side by side are both into drugs and occasionally take their abusive language outside, during the day. I own a number of different types of guns and enjoy shooting sports. Not to brag but I shoot a tight pattern with every weapon I own. Of course I practice in an indoor range with paper targets that don't move.

It would sicken me to ever have to use a weapon to defend myself but that's why I practice, because I will shoot to kill anyone who breaks into my bedroom in the middle of the night. I don't care if they break into the rest of the house but in the state of NC, I, a woman, have the right to shoot to kill while the door/window is breaking.
Once they are in I have to prove the perp meant to kill me, r*pe me or kill my family. I also practice because the officers I chat with at the range say a lot of their fellow officers don't practice at all. That ought to scare the **** out of not just every woman but men and children too. I've seen footage of police take-downs on the national news when it's taken way too many bullets to get the job done. I've talked to my new "range buddies" about this too and that's when they told me of the "Barney Fife"s in municipal law enforcement.
Like my father told me once, "don't own a gun unless you plan to use it and an unloaded gun is more dangerous than a loaded one".
We have a gun safe but I have a side arm by my side every night and if I have to drive any where alone I carry a gun. I think it's not just every citizen's right to bear arms but it's also every woman's right, especially on college campuses. Too many young adults have been slaughtered while just trying to gain an education.
1,989 posts

You don't have to have a gun to protect yourself. Pepper spray/Mace help. Blind the intruder or attacker than you can run off or call the cops.

In Australia we are only aloud to use our fists to defend ourselves or whatever thing in the room that can injure the intruder or paralyze the intruder. Anything in any room can be used as a weapon. This keyboard I am using , Yeah well you can turn that into a weapon too.

Having a dog is also handy too . To scare the intruders off .

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

More than 500 children die annually for accidental gunshots.
A study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that more than 1.7 millions children live in homes with loaded and unlocked guns.
Also a study published in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent medicine found out that 39% of the kids knew where their parents' guns were stored, while 22 percent said that they had handled the weapons despite adults' warnings to stay away.
What's more, age was not a factor in whether children had played with the guns: Five-year-olds were just as likely to report doing so as 14-year-olds.
I know from personal experience that guns and kids is not a good combination. My neighbors daughter shot and killed a boy, because she thought that the gun was a toy.
Other examples:
A 13-year-old boy shot himself with a semiautomatic handgun in the home of his guardian, a Maryland police officer.
The 10-year-old son of a New York City police officer died after shooting himself in the face with his father's loaded revolver. The boy found the weapon on a shelf in the basement while looking for a ball his mom had hidden.
Four-year-old Dylan Jackson shot himself to death after finding a loaded gun at a friend's home during a birthday party.

Now I do understand that a person might want the gun for protection, but he has to answer before the question: "do the benefits outweigh the risks?".

My opinion is that you should avoid having guns, when you have children, unless you really need it for your safety.

I also practice because the officers I chat with at the range say a lot of their fellow officers don't practice at all.

Unfortunate this is very true and it's also a universal phenomenon. Police officers do this everywhere.
16,587 posts

guns dont do anything but cause war!

909 posts

guns dont do anything but cause war!

I wish this were true, it's people that cause war. Guns are merely a tool. In an ideal world guns wouldn't be needed, not even to hunt with.
6,800 posts

My opinion is that you should avoid having guns, when you have children, unless you really need it for your safety.

I agree about this 50/50. The second part, yes. But MOST child-gun related accidents could have been prevented if the fire-arms were secured away in a locked gun-cabinet.

I read this thread often, but I dont think I've posted before. THis thread is about owning guns, yet I have never seen anyone really mention gun control?
909 posts

THis thread is about owning guns, yet I have never seen anyone really mention gun control?

Personally, in America gun control should be left to the States to decide how to "enforce" it. Gun control only works on a personal level in today's society. Guns didn't kill all of those children, irresponsible adults leaving them out in easy reach along with the ammunition are to blame.
I've lived in both quiet and rowdy neighborhoods but I never thought of owning a gun until I felt uneasy about my current neighbors reckless behavior. I didn't buy my first gun until my husband and I settled on which gun safe to buy.
My son is also of a good age to learn the basics and I've shown him a lot. Gun safety equals knowledge. It's the ignorance of guns that gets you hurt/killed.
96 posts

idk they is a good point and a bad point to it i think it really dosent matter because there are still bombs

4,220 posts

In response to Goumas:

All incidents were most likely caused by ignorance or retarded parents. Also, any responsible adult who has children and firearms should connect the dots and teach their kids about gun safety.

All incidents solved, just by knowledge and owning a safe to put your weapons in, in a room that you kids shouldn't be in.

Access and knowledge (or lack thereof) are the only causes.

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