ForumsWEPROwning a Gun?

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495 posts

On the news, in washington it is illegal to own a gun. I think they should be allowed I mean Murderers are going to be able to get them anyway they're always black markets for them but what about the citizens who can't pro tect them selves???

What do you think???

  • 259 Replies
389 posts

I was watching the news. Apparently some people were nervous because Starbucks allowed people into their restaurant with guns. What sissies!

That made me lol. ha.

Very good example, too. That is so true, but some people don't understand.
374 posts

The only people crazy enough to actually use a gun are the same people who are capable and are willing to illegally obtain a gun.

Whether we legalize weapons or not, there will exists individuals who are capable of committing weapon-related crimes. So we might as well just legalize them, anyway.

909 posts

It took me a while to find Govenor Rick Perry's "tax day tea-party" statement calling for secession:4/15/09 Texas' Sucession Threat

I also found Gaddafi's threat to Switzerland Gaddafi's Going Off, Again

Desert Eagle, I will report you to every moderator the next time you use that language with me.

4,220 posts

Guns are made to kill things.

This is why they are good. They kill everything from deer to targets to some mass murderer trespassing on my property.

Well, joking.

Guns were made to kill, but we've also found some other applications beyond murdering each other. In fact, the majority of guns won't ever kill another human being. Machine guns to small caliber handguns, most of them will never let lead onto a person. If they do, half the time or more, it's in self defense.

Now, some people like letting off steam. If someone here can honestly tell me that shooting a high caliber weapon and obliterating a beer bottle or a target or whatever isn't stress relieving, they're lying.

Also, criminals will have guns, regardless of the laws. They're called criminals for a reason. You and me might not be criminals, and probably rarely disobey the law. We wouldn't have guns, and that psycho burglar will.

That's bad.

9,504 posts

Y'know, at first from the introduction you made in your post I thought you were a pretty legit guy. Now I don't know anymore. Yeah, I'm going to pretend you didn't just post that and move on.

Also, criminals will have guns, regardless of the laws. They're called criminals for a reason. You and me might not be criminals, and probably rarely disobey the law. We wouldn't have guns, and that psycho burglar will.

And then when we remove our gun privileges, the criminals will still find ways to obtain them. Making them themselves, or by bootlegging from other countries. Either way, removing the gun privileges ain't going to happen.
879 posts

By saying that you just contradicted everything you've posted.

No, I'm still against weapons for private persons, I just said that I can understand why some people want to have weapons.

And some people are just gun enthusiasts who like shooting targets and trying out different guns.

Can't you go to the butts and use weapons from there? (I don't know)
122 posts

I'm still against weapons for private persons, I just said that I can understand why some people want to have weapons.

Self-defense, believe me it helps, My Mother, 2 sisters, and cousins were in a Texas when they got car jacked, if they had a sawn-off under the seat everything would've been cool.
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

There should be strict firearms licenses, potentially dangerous persons should not be able to buy a gun. Persons with a violent and unpredictable behavior should not own any weapon, especially firearms.
The gun should be used only for self-defense, when your life is endangered. Many persons have been shot for stealing things such as bikes, it's definitely not needed shooting in such situations.
You should not carry a gun in crowed places, it's not wise.
The gun should be kept in a safe place, where nobody, especially children, has an easy access to it. Many children die every year, because somebody wasn't careful enough with his gun.

1,101 posts

Yea i own a gun.. But i keep it holstered all day, and only pull it out at night.. giggity giggity guuuu

122 posts

shot for stealing things such as bikes, it's definitely not needed shooting in such situations.

It was a $40,000 car...
1,633 posts

Desert Eagle, I will report you to every moderator the next time you use that language with me.

Lol! Speaking of Texas, This is a free country I can say what ever the F*** I want! =p

Dude, The American Civil War covered that issue. State rights vs. Federal law. Federal Law won. No State can legally and constitutionally secede from the Union. Even if Texas "seceded" What can they do? Rednecks vs. Marines. I wonder who's going to win that one....

Also consider, That the governor is a part of that shameful tea party crap. He maybe against Obama, but The Republicans Wouldn't go that far. The only positive thing Texas could gain from secession, is noting having to pay taxes to the IRS. Oh yeah, they could then buy AKs and shoot each other. >_<

Self-defense, believe me it helps

Pepper spray gets the job done with out bloodshed.

I agree with Goumas on pretty much everything.
996 posts

Pepper spray gets the job done with out bloodshed.

Attacked inside your house, if they have a gun and see you with some object in your hand that you're pointing at them, you're fucked.

Outside, you live in a bad neighborhood and you're walking home at night. Gang attacks you-- two/three guys with weapons, one with a gun, or some sort of combination. You try to pepper spray them, you're fucked. You pull out a gun right quick and shoot the other guy with the gun, you just escaped whatever was about to meet you.
389 posts

Dude, The American Civil War covered that issue. State rights vs. Federal law. Federal Law won. No State can legally and constitutionally secede from the Union. Even if Texas "seceded" What can they do? Rednecks vs. Marines. I wonder who's going to win that one....

Many Marines are red necks -_-
Its also illegal or rather unconstitutional to get rid of an admen.
Also, if Texas secedes other states will follow suit.
By the way Texans are cowboys not rednecks.
1,633 posts

Outside, you live in a bad neighborhood and you're walking home at night. Gang attacks you-- two/three guys with weapons, one with a gun, or some sort of combination. You try to pepper spray them, you're ****ed. You pull out a gun right quick and shoot the other guy with the gun, you just escaped whatever was about to meet you.

you would only be contributing to the bad neighbor hood. Plus, how often does that happen to you? Almost never right? You'll get charged with either murder or manslaughter depending on the circumstances. Concealed handguns are illegal in most places. On top of that, why didn't the guy with the gun shoot you first? Your story makes no sense.

Many Marines are red necks -_-

Do you know any Marines? The Marines that I personally know are in there because it helps them get into college and it is easier to get jobs.

Also, if Texas secedes other states will follow suit.

No, that won't happen. If Texas declares that it is an independent nation, The entire world will simultaneously facepalm. I take that back actually, Nevada might, but considering its a lawless wasteland with poker tables. Most States have the common sense and intelligence to realize that seceding is a stupid thing to do. Everyone knows that predator drones beat shotguns.
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

It was a $40,000 car...

Yes, but this does not mean that you should shoot a person for it, if you are good with guns you can try to intimidate the robber. But it's not worth to get into so much trouble for an object, my opinion is that it's wiser letting him steal it, cause you don't know what could happen when you pull out your gun, you could kill a person or hurt yourself and/or other persons. We should not risk our and other people's lives for an inanimate object.
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