ForumsWEPROwning a Gun?

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495 posts

On the news, in washington it is illegal to own a gun. I think they should be allowed I mean Murderers are going to be able to get them anyway they're always black markets for them but what about the citizens who can't pro tect them selves???

What do you think???

  • 259 Replies
122 posts

Yes, but this does not mean that you should shoot a person for it

For what we work so hard to earn? And let some lazy bum who jumped the boarder take? I think I'm the only non-hippie/guy with common sense/not an un-experienced, sheltered, childish ****** on this board, scratch that Goumas13 and Grimml are the only un-experienced, sheltered, childish ******s.
879 posts

For what we work so hard to earn?

Don't you have an insurance?

Goumas13 and Grimml are the only un-experienced, sheltered, childish ******s.


There should be strict firearms licenses, potentially dangerous persons should not be able to buy a gun. Persons with a violent and unpredictable behavior should not own any weapon, especially firearms.
The gun should be used only for self-defense, when your life is endangered. Many persons have been shot for stealing things such as bikes, it's definitely not needed shooting in such situations.
You should not carry a gun in crowed places, it's not wise.
The gun should be kept in a safe place, where nobody, especially children, has an easy access to it. Many children die every year, because somebody wasn't careful enough with his gun.

I totally agree with you. And the datas of the gun owners should be stored, so you know who has a gun.
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

common sense

Unfortunately you don't have the common sense to know that when you pull out your gun in such situations, your life and the life of others is endangered. The robber may be more skilled and quicker than you, he could disarm you and kill you, so you lose both your life and the things you worked so hard to earn. Also you could miss the target or the bullet could ricochet and injury a person that was passing by.
Start thinking, real life is not a video game. The robber does not have a status bar, you don't know how he will react. Usually in such situations is better cooperating.
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

@TrainJumpa the only un-experienced, sheltered, childish ****** on this board and without common sense person is you.
And gladly I am not like you and I can support what I say:
If the carjacker threatens you with a gun or other weapon, give up your car. Don't argue. Your life is worth more than a car.
If you are ever confronted by an armed carjacker donât resist
Give up your keys or money if demanded without resistance
Donât argue, fight or chase the robber. You can be seriously injured

Accept the fact that you are not as experienced and wise as you think.

349 posts

I agree with all of that, goumas.

I believe that guns should be available to those of a certain age. You need to have a license (I know they have that now, but it shouldn't take ages to get it). They should be confiscated in bars, stores, banks, and all federal buildings. Then they would be returned upon leaving.

Also, about all the people saying that guns were banned here and there and crime rates went up. That is obvious. If you just ban guns out of nowhere, people will still have guns and you would find and arrest them. Then you would call it crime.

996 posts

Also, about all the people saying that guns were banned here and there and crime rates went up. That is obvious. If you just ban guns out of nowhere, people will still have guns and you would find and arrest them. Then you would call it crime.

That's not why the crime rates go up, because that's not something that gets picked up on as often as armed robberies and shootings, which is what often do go up in areas in which guns are banned.
you would only be contributing to the bad neighbor hood. Plus, how often does that happen to you? Almost never right? You'll get charged with either murder or manslaughter depending on the circumstances. Concealed handguns are illegal in most places. On top of that, why didn't the guy with the gun shoot you first? Your story makes no sense.

I don't feel like arguing speculatives, but gangs going around at night looking for someone to beat and stomp on happens quite often at night in bad neighborhoods. Also, that was based on a true story, and not too far from the truth.
Also: that does not contribute to the bad of a neighborhood-- it does not create more gangsters, crackheads, etc.

Right now in (my city of)Chicago, our ban on handguns (which definitely does nothing noticeable for our crime) is going up for consideration for removal to the Supreme Court. If this is an old topic, excuse me, but...
Cities and states have no constitutional right to ban guns. The Bill of Rights states that people in the US have the right to carry weapons and that all things not mentioned in amendments are left up to the state. The right to carry weapons is not left up to the state. There'll be a decision made on this sometime soonish, Supreme Court doesn't work too slow.
122 posts

I totally agree with you. And the datas of the gun owners should be stored, so you know who has a gun.

1. What would that do?
2. America doesn't profile. I think we should, but it's not my decision.

Cities and states have no constitutional right to ban guns. The Bill of Rights states that people in the US have the right to carry weapons and that all things not mentioned in amendments are left up to the state.

Exactly! Thank you.

And gladly I am not like you and I can support what I say:

With random links you look up on google?

Don't you have an insurance?

... Did you read what I said?
For what we work so hard to earn? And let some lazy bum who jumped the boarder take?

And the man who took the car was an illegal immigrant and he had
no weapon
, no gun, no knife, no screwdriver, no hammer, etc. if we had a gun we wouldn't of even had to shoot.
122 posts

(Sorry, the no weapon was supposed to be in bold)

Before I get "If you weren't gonna shoot than whats the point?" sometimes with guns you don't have to shoot, which is good, but if you do, you can. We got jacked w/out a gun, w/gun we wouldn't of, and he would've been arrested without a chase.(We did get the car back with no damage, surprisingly and luckily.)

173 posts

Anyone should be able to own a gun, I got a .45 and a .22 myself, but they should make some limitations to those who have a past of criminal behavior.

No not every one should be alowed to buy a gun are you crazy. Then a criminal could buy a gun and rob a store or bank who would want that. Your insane.

I agree to you guys, I mean we should be able to own a gun but that can cause more chaos then solve anything really.

I agree owning a gun can cause more chaos tan solve anything this a very good point. Btw in the U.S.A does every one need a gun license to buy a gun?

The problem is, people do alot in their lives and get away with it. So, I bet, detroits a pretty madhoused city if you say it the way it is. We should be able to use firearms, as a rebellious threat if somehow godoforbid our army turns on us.

I don't live in Detroit but I agree if ur army turned on you your screwd you would die but the military have a right to own a gun. They protect there country from threats and alot of the time they save our lives with out us noticing.

I bet 99.9% of them probley say it's for protection lol...

Your probally right. The owners of gun's probally lie by saying "It's for protection" just to rob a store or just to own a gun.
122 posts

I agree owning a gun can cause more chaos tan solve anything this a very good point. Btw in the U.S.A does every one need a gun license to buy a gun?

Yes, and it also has to be registered to said buyer, so Grimml, we actually DO keep records, but they really don't help anything.

"Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment." Will Rogers

I've studied history and made my own, I have experience and everything I know doesn't come from some book or random person and I just listen to them and went along with it, I make my own decisions and I make them as wise as I can.
5,043 posts

Unfortunately you don't have the common sense to know that when you pull out your gun in such situations, your life and the life of others is endangered.

Oh please! If I had a gun on me and a criminal had a gun pointed to my face, I'm not going to be stupid enough to draw my gun. If he has a gun pointed at someone else's face and he isn't looking at me, I can draw my gun and fire at him when he lowers his gun and isn't looking at me.

There have also been many over the counter crimes that ended up bad for the robber due to guns.

Lastly, I must explain to you that just because a gun isn't being used does not mean that the gun isn't doing anything. A petty theif or criminal will rarely EVER attack an innocent person that they think might have a gun.

If you go into a gas station with 5 people and it's legal for people to carry fire arms on them, and you know many people in you area are carrying them, you wouldn't be foolish enough to rob the gas station when one of those 5 people may pull a gun and blow your brains out when you aren't looking.
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

I used the links to show you that the experts say that you should not resist when the carjacker is armed, but yours wasn't, so yes you could have used your gun to intimidate him.
Gladly everything turned out well in the end and you got your car back too.

5,043 posts

Of course experts are going to tell you not to resist! They assume you will be unarmed. If you are armed, you will probably be smart enough to know when and if you should pull your gun out!

If I had a family and someone was in my house trying to fuck one of my kids, I would rather kill him then and there than wait for the cops to be too late.

If I had a gun, I can point it to him and tell him I'll shoot if he moves.

"But he might disarm you."

He might also turn into a dragon who's scales are super hard and eat you. Yes, he probably could disarm you... but don't be foolish, this is very unlikely.

Stop thinking that the police will save the day and think like a criminal. If you were a criminal, you would know that in most neighborhoods it takes about 3 to 5 minutes for the police to arive at the house you are in when that person calls 9-11. 3 to 5 minutes is a very long time for a criminal to get what he wants and to leave.

Will owning a gun always protect you? Of course not. Guns, however, give innocent people a higher chance of survival AND less chance of getting robbed in the first place by petty theives if it's known that they own a weapon.

I watched Penn & Teller's BS about gun control laws. One woman was eating at a restaurant with her family when a nutcase went into the restaurant and shot many people. He went to each person and pulled the gun to their head and fired. He wasn't in a rush or anything. This man killed that woman's father. Her mother cradled his body. The murderer went up to her and pointed his pistol in her face and casually pulled the trigger.

In the past, it was illegal for people to carry firearms with them in public. Today, there have been changes in the law. Today people may carry fire arms with them by filling out appropriate paperwork and following certain guidelines. The woman who's family was murdered helps people fill out these forms and rather than trying to get guns banned, she fights against gun control.

If any of the victims in that restaurant had a gun and used it, then many lives would have been saved. Sure, maybe a bullet would have accidently hit an innocent person (when everyone's on the ground and the criminal is the only one standing, you have to be one hell of a bad shot!). Sure, maybe the criminal would have disarmed you, but I doubt it! The criminal could have disarmed the person with the gun, but be realistic here! The odds of the person shooting the murderer are insanely higher than the odds that he will be disarmed.

64 posts

Like NoNameC68 was saying if more people had guns on them there would be less shootings. A quote from a 25 year cop on the force I know is "if everyone is packing them no one is capping" A few months ago there was a man that walked into a coffee shop (Tocoma WA) in open daytime and shot four cops on there break. Why the cops were not quick enough I don't know but if other people in the coffee shop had guns they could have taken this guy out.

355 posts

a brilliant person once sayyed,

an armed socioty is a happyone

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