On the news, in washington it is illegal to own a gun. I think they should be allowed I mean Murderers are going to be able to get them anyway they're always black markets for them but what about the citizens who can't pro tect them selves???
Criminals are always going to find ways to smuggle guns, and all it's really doing is assuring criminals that we can't protect ourselves from them. WATCH LOCK AND LOADED! YEAH!!!
- Yes guns are illegal in Italy, before you ask, you need to demonstrate REAL need of ANY weapon to be carried. -
My feeling is that I don't need a reason to own a gun (though I have plenty of reasons). Give me a reason why I shouldn't be allowed to own a gun. If the only reason is "it's unnecessary", doesn't that strike you as arbitrarily oppressive?
Welcome in Italy, where the rule is "if it's not allowed, then it's forbidden"! But guns are dangerous, not unnecessary. It's a lot more difficult to have the guts to stab someone to death, than pulling a trigger and let a gun does its magic...
i agree 100% with what you said taking guns away from the innocents who would only use it to defend them selves is IDIOTIC you really think a street gang would throw there guns in the garbage because guns became illegal? LOL it would only disarm the honest man preventing him from protecting his loved ones if guns become illegal in the US ill move to damn canada
Owning a gun is in the declaration of independence. Doesn't it state that "The right to bear arms". I mean come on, if we have no guns how can we bear them? Simple logic really.
The only gun you need is a bolt action rifle the rest should be considered man killers.
What about hunting with a shotgun? That's beside the point however: I don't deny that certain weapons were designed not for hunting but for fighting humans. What I don't see is how this is relevant to the issue of gun ownership.
Owning a gun is in the declaration of independence.
I'd say that noone should have a gun... I think that the USA is one of the countries with the most fire arm victims. (I'm not sure, so correct me if I'm wrong)
It's our right as American's. It's our responsibility as a society of free people to protect every right that is stated in the "bill of rights". If you disagree I encourage you to study the Federalist Papers and also the Anti-Federalist Papers.
I think what happened to gun owners in New Orleans following hurricane Katrina was a crime against citizens and their 2nd Amendment rights. The government seized all guns found in abandoned houses and left them to rust, unproperly stored, and then denied doing it. My source of info is based on an article in " The NRA" magazine back in (I think), '07.
I'd say that noone should have a gun... I think that the USA is one of the countries with the most fire arm victims. (I'm not sure, so correct me if I'm wrong)
With highly strict gun control laws, gun crimes go down. They still happen, however. Quite often.
Therefore, they failed in their impossible mission.
I say let anyone have whatever ever they dam* well please. We're not going to ever stop guns, why try?
Seriously, murders are going to happen forever. Take away every possession we have, and we're going to grab a rock and beat you to death. Have no rocks? Then I'll kick you to death.
No NO. Gun suspension equals more crime. If I was a robber, a smart one that is, seeing no guns would make me go crazy and I would rob everything I could!
Being from the South, I disagree with gun control rights. But I do agree with Wajor. I have actually recently read the Anti Feds and Feds paper. I'm in AP Hist It is against our right as U.S. Citizens to protect our rights lol. And the 2nd Admen. gives us a right to bare arms and a right to form a state militia.
When Obama entered the office he threatened gun holders by almost taking away their rights to own him. What made him change his mind was that the Texas Gov. said to him, "Take away our guns, we will secede from the Union." Fearful Obama quickly changed his mind.