Rush Limbaugh is one of the most disgusting people I've ever heard of. He is just so cold and disrespectful to anyone liberal. A good example is something he said about people to John Kerry. He mocked him for being a veteran! John Kerry laid his life down for two tours in Vietnam, fighting for the USA, and a fatass idiot like Limbaugh mocks him for it? Rush was probably eating KFC or something while Kerry was facing down The Viet Cong in a jungle? Rush doesn't have a place talking at all. He's just ignorant, insensitive, and he doesn't give a shit about the country.
Is that a mistake or are you taunting me? Sorry can't be sure.
Rush Limbaugh is one of the most disgusting people I've ever heard of. He is just so cold and disrespectful to anyone liberal. A good example is something he said about people to John Kerry. He mocked him for being a veteran! John Kerry laid his life down for two tours in Vietnam, fighting for the USA, and a ****** idiot like Limbaugh mocks him for it? Rush was probably eating KFC or something while Kerry was facing down The Viet Cong in a jungle? Rush doesn't have a place talking at all. He's just ignorant, insensitive, and he doesn't give a **** about the country.
Thanks for the reception! And just like Obama did towards McCain with the ole veteran stuff.
You listen to my idiotic rants... =) But that's off-topic.
You see, I like to know my enemy. So I listen to Air America and NPR every once in a while, just so I know exactly what I'm bashing. I've found that people who actually listen to Rush for a reasonable amount of time are better debaters because they actually know what they're talking about.
Every year, Rush Limbaugh gives millions of people cancer. There is not enough money donated to cure this ailment. The only know cure is to feed Rush to those afflicted. So the cause. Find Rush and throw him in a cage for later extraction. Kthnxbai.
Every year, Rush Limbaugh gives millions of people cancer. There is not enough money donated to cure this ailment. The only know cure is to feed Rush to those afflicted. So the cause. Find Rush and throw him in a cage for later extraction. Kthnxbai.
What type of cancer? Anti-Liberal cancer? I hear thats good for America. Oh wait, I know it is. Less government more freedom is what this country is founded on.