"Hey Alt, what are you doing now?" "Reading my story on armorgames. It's called the Neverending Story." "How could it never end if it only ends up being four lines?" "Read it closely." 0.o
Baba the sheep: Did you know the Earth explodes in 5 seconds? George: Who are you? Baba: I'm a sheep George: Why? Baba: All the others were taken. What are you? George: I'm an orangutan! Baba: Cool!
Rafael: What's with the sheep spreading the bad news that the earth explodes in 4 seconds? Clovy is supposed to destroy the earth, isn't he? Thoad: Yep, But I'm keeping him in a jurrasic park cage until he's old enough to slaughter the world. Rafael: I see.
Jezz had spent everyday with her ear to the Neverending Story Thread door just listening to the goings on within. She wanted to enter but was afraid to as she was just Jezz. Today, however, she decided she'd take part and become one with the nutters. xD She strode past Alt's statue and knocked on the door. There was a sign stuck to it reading "Not admitting single persons". After waiting a moment she opened the door. Walking in she called out "er... Alt? Chill? You really need a lock or a password for that door..." Hey there! That doesn't sound like Alt... Who are you? Im you, stupid! Coming in here allows you to talk to me. But who ARE you?! I am you... 0_o You know? Like Chill is Alt? *sigh* Don't you sigh at me. I don't know you. How can you be me if ive never thought of you before?! Don't question it, just accept it. I'm you and you're me. Except you're not me because I can't control you. So really i'm just you. I can control you?! YES! Jeez Jezz I might just kill you now... HA "Jeez Jezz" thats clever ^-^ Well if I can control you... *evil grin*... Hit your head on the desk as hard as you can! If your sure... *hits head. hard* Owww! Owww! That hurt me!! I AM YOU... dumbass...
gehh ive realised you cant even say dumbass here in AG Thats because they see it as a swear word. Good job you don't swear. Well I obviously do because you swore at me... Your point? I don't deserve bad language thrown at me! You do if your being a dumbass! HA That didn't show up *sticks tongue out* -_-'
"Wowz! Lotsa people here~" "Alt, wouldn't you expect that?" "No. At least-crap, they're almost all authors!" "What's so bad about that?" "They'll be really pissed that I burned all of the other God computers with gasoline and molotov cocktails!" "so?" "They'll probably all be asses and try to take me away from the keyboard with a forklift or something." "Alt, why isn't asses or pissed censored?" "Not exactly sure." Trood: It's confuzzling! P: Erg. . .nothing matters. . .any action just viciously thrusts me deeper into the untold darkness of depression." Rafael: Oy! Thoad! Get over here!" Thoad: I didn't write you to be Jewish.
Pfft this is madness... No. This is Sparta! LOL Alt thinks theres alot of people here... Well considering there are twice as many of each person, I agree with Alt. Well maybe you should leave Jezz! If I leave, your coming with me! Touche...
*sigh* Im well bored :S Who is Trood? I think he or she is one of Alt's creations... :O So Alt has a tri-personality?! Yep, Alt is pretty much insane~
Other me? Yeah? Perhaps I should name you? Hmm perhaps you should. Well, what would you like to be called? How about... SUPERAMAZINGBETTERTHANJEZZMOSTAWESOMEPERSONEVER?! ... ...? I'll think about it...
12563: Hehehe...No one knows who I truly am... George: Yeah, fst6 is getting confused I think. 12653: I think so, too. George: You put your numbers wrong! Fail! 12563257235: What're you talking about? That's a different person, and so am I. George: ... Frank: Hòla. George: O_o I'm being surrounded! 25367: Oooo, my name starts with a 2. Eat that. 12563: >_> So many people in one post. Okay, on three let's all say boom. 1...2...3! 12653: Boom! 12563257235: Boom! Frank: Que? George: What's going on? P: Why bother...
I think AG Greeter needs to get his numbers under control... 0_o... Use the power of subtraction perhaps? 12563: NEVER!! You can never destroy us!!! *backs away*
Im you, stupid! Coming in here allows you to talk to me
P: Oooooh, crap. M: Dear god... No! Hi guys! P: That one must be you, I'm too depressed for that. M: ALTER egos? P: Oh s*** Yep, that's right, I'm you! You're not gettin' off easy though Mairz~ P&M: Oh... CRAP! RUN! *doors slam, blocking exit* M: Oh sh** the insanity! P: Is C.Falcon still duct taped? M: Yes... And Link's still in bed with Zelda, Kirby and D3 are in the park, Ness is cooking with PK Powers, Marth is arranging his tiaras, and P: GET OVER HERE CHUCK NORRIS AND GEORGE! M: We are... So dead. > >
Cheers Pierce for getting all excited, but I really think I should get out while I can... xD
Oh god no not Chuck Norris! Now we're all doomed. Aaaaand guess what other me?? Something really really awesome has happened! Guess! Oh I dunno.. uhh.. Just guess! You uh... made Wood Knight? Well... Yes. Thanks for spoiling it. My pleasure
N: Arghhh!!! This really turns out to be SpamFest 09. D: Great, aren't we contributing to the ever growing pages that seem to expand like the swine flu. N: Truth be told, it kinda scares me. D: Yeah, spam comes from pigs. Spam.... N: Let's kill every pig in sight! D: Fantastic, now let's start with Pinky the Piggy Bank. N: Thor, we need you right now. D: Wait, no! Not Thor, never! N: Thor, Pinly not me! Grah! Ouch, my toe! Ouch my SPLATTT!