This news will upset some of you. This news will gladden some of you. This news may be met with a "this issue is dragging on far too much" by most of the rest of you.
Uh, no. I was actually only saying that since most couples live together and sleep together anyway, marriage doesn't add to much to their actual relationship.
Then what is the point of marriage at all? That rule would also apply to heterosexual couples. Marriage wouldn't add to their relationship. So, why do it? -------
Well, what are the arguments you'd make as to why polygamists should not be allowed to marry? If three people all love eachother why are they different from 2 people of the same gender??
What I'm getting at is that marriage can either be restricted to man/woman, or open to polygamy & marriage. The middle ground wouldn't work (for very long).
work so one person will truly 'love' many people at
But gay marriage is still a union of just two people. Besides, human hormones don't typically make one person truly love more than one person, so that example is inapplicable. The number restriction is exactly that-two people of the same gender should be able to marry if they love each other-whiled polygamy is different because of the difference in number. ------- There are no nonreligious reasons to disallow gay marriage. At least, no applicable, correct ones, and all moral ones would also be based on religion. And do not quote Scripture, religion does not apply in legal issues.
I think its gross , and I believe a man should be with a women
That's totalitarian! You're unnecessarily taking away freedoms from a group of people. Also, that is not grounds to make it illegal. You're just trying to shut out a nonexistent problem by saying that it's 'unnatural.' It's unnatural to be really tall. Let's imprison all of the tall people! Being homosexual is not unnatural. Even then, if it was unnatural, you can't make something illegal purely be cause you think it's unnatural. Driving is unnatural. Let's crush all of the cars in the country! It's not your place, or the place of any lawmakers, to decide who someone loves. It's much more wrong than people marrying into the same sex. Marriage is symbolic of union, and any couple who truly loves each other should be able to have that symbolism. do you have any actual good reasons to keep gay marriage illegal? By that, I mean any non-religious reasons that aren't based on a person thinking that a man has to be with a woman.
Then what is the point of marriage at all? That rule would also apply to heterosexual couples. Marriage wouldn't add to their relationship. So, why do it?
That was the point I was making. Many couples do not really love each other, and marriage adds nothing to their relationships. Many people would want to have kids, so their relationship continues just a bit further. I think the way relationships have been perverted in recent years is wrong (that's not even referring to gays, just any relationship). All people care about is sex now, so marriage has nothing else to offer other than children. That was the point I was making. I'm not defending it either, just explaining it.
Alt: Well, I'd say not because straight couples do have children, just not all of them, and there'd really be no way to measure whether or not they would. Anyway, that wasn't really a reason why it should be illegal, but why there really isn't too much of a point. If they already sleep together and live together (which most couples do), then nothing more can be added. Again, not a reason to be illegal, but why their relationship won't grow from it, which I've always thought was the most important thing about marriage.