ForumsWEPRGay marriage law ruling in Conneticut

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10,816 posts

This news will upset some of you. This news will gladden some of you. This news may be met with a "this issue is dragging on far too much" by most of the rest of you.

Nonetheless, I pass the message on that gay marriage is now fully legal in the state of Conneticut.

My only question is whether this ruling is subject to appeal.

  • 131 Replies
562 posts

Earlier, Programpro said:

Wigginometry, please answer me on this...would you or would you not be satisfied with making civil unions the exact same, legally, as marriage?

This is now @ u 2, thisisnotanalt...
3,562 posts

hmg... The gay marriage defendants, say that Britney spears can marry someone on a whim for 8 hours, but two people who love each other very much cannot get married. Now think about that.

424 posts

Gay marrage should never become legal. im sorry to see it happen. hopefully there won't be a domino effect.

562 posts

Hmmm...thought about it, and I am okay with it (except for the fact that it's legally impossible to be married for 8 hours).

Here's another argument that hasn't been brought to the table, yet. Once gay marriage is legalized, there is no sound argument against polygamy. It'd be impossible to have gay marriage legal and polygamy illegal, at least for very long...

9,821 posts

u 2

Still Haven't found what I'm lookin for~
This is now @ u 2, thisisnotanalt...

The civil union thing would be even better, because it would be equivalent to marriage, they would get marriage benefits, and you wouldn't force any religious people to go against their beliefs so much.
Here's another argument that hasn't been brought to the table, yet. Once gay marriage is legalized, there is no sound argument against polygamy. It'd be impossible to have gay marriage legal and polygamy illegal, at least for very long...

How so? Gay marriage has nothing to do wih polygamy.
689 posts

The point was that, just because one is not directly affected by an issue that does not mean that the person can't feel strongly about and want to have an effect on the argument. And what's wrong with wanting to defend the holy sanctity of marriage?

I know what you were getting at, my point was that the reverse it morally wrong and if anyone truly believes it is a viable argument it says something about their character and also their view of equality.

I'll assume though because you didn't pursue it further the argument is not one you agree with. On that note what does it say about your position when you have to use abstract arguments you don't agree with to defend your ideas?

I'd like to think that it's a more natural thing to tend towards empathy rather than tradition. A lot of useless conflict could have been solved much easier if such were true.

In answer to your first question, there's nothing wrong with defending something you believe in if it has meaning. To say that marriage between two people of the same gender but who love each other is less than or even just different from the one male one female version degrades the meaning behind marriage. People who advocate for "civil unions" understand the symbolism better than those who are against.

In answer to your second question yes, it would restore some of my faith in my fellow man if everyone could agree that love is a deserving enough force to be allowed equality among us in all things pertaining to it. Maybe marriage isn't necessary to show one's love, but then why does anyone do it?
5,061 posts

Honestly this is getting old, to those of who bash same gender marriages UP YOURS! to those of you who support it, good for you it shows that you're not close minded sheep who follow the words of religious leaders. Those of you who're christian and bashing this ruling, does your precious bible not say that god created every man to be equal therefore who gave you the right to call them sinners! I have friends who're bi, straight and gay and it doesn't change a thing about them, they're still normal people they just happen to find the same sex more attractive rather than opposite sex not a big deal. Also to the moron that said gay people started HIV and AIDS here is a news flash AIDS AND HIV are sicknesses found in MONKEYS, it's also an STD i think you came come up with the conclusion.

1,226 posts

Well, The BSA in England actually had to stop, because there are to many Gay Boys in England!! That might happen in US... The gay's I've seen talk weird. :/

4,097 posts

[/quote]it's 2 guys...where the hell is this world going?

Some people see it as odd only because of what society in the past has made it out to be. I only hope that in the future society will be more open and less eager to judge people because of things they can not help. No one's telling you not to be straight, and even if they did you wouldn't be able to.

Yep, he destroyed the city, leaving only 3 alive who were good christians.

News flash. You don't have to be a good Christian to be a good person.

are you really gonna sit there and tell me gay marriage is okay in the eyes of god?

I believe that if a person is gay there is a good chance they were born gay, or at least born finding the same sex more attractive than the opposite to a certain degree. Then through events in their life they may have experienced things that encouraged their attraction to the same sex. My point is that if you believe God created us, then God created some of us as gay. If you say that God does not approve of gay people then you are saying he does not approve of His own creations.

All gays are going to hell, so screw you ***gots![quote]

If you don't like gays that much then you should be glad that they won't be with you after death. Unless of course you go to Hell also. The vulgarity was not necessary.
4,097 posts

Sorry I must have gotten the coding wrong, quoted my posts instead of his.

1,651 posts

Wow, are you kidding me? This many people on Armor Games think that Gay Marriage should be prevented? I would definitely allow Gay marriage to be apart of this world since love does not belong to one group of the world like food does not belong to the Asian groups or sports does not belong to the Europeans. Why can't we live in the world our founding fathers wanted? To be treated fairly and to live in god's world: A wonderful world.

1,310 posts

Personally, I don't care what they want to do with each other, but I would be ashamed to acknowledge gay marriage as an everyday thing. I know gays don't choose to be gay, but I also know that a gay marriage has no more commitment than the simple relationship has. They can always get divorced, unless they are religious and acknowledge the sanctity of marriage (in which case a lot of religions are intolerant of gays anyway, so they probably wouldn't be getting married in the first place).

Why doesn't a gay marriage have any more commitment then a simple relationship?

Sure, they can always get divorced.. but.. umm.. have you seen the figures on divorce for heterosexuals?

As quoted from

50% percent of first marriages, 67% of second and 74% of third marriages end in divorce, according to Jennifer Baker of the Forest Institute of Professional Psychology in Springfield, Missouri.â

The data used in the study isn't new enough to include any gay marriages, so that's all heterosexuals. Couples of men & women can always still get divorced too - even if they're religious. To your other point - despite the fact that there's a lot in the bible to denounce them, gays still have christian, and other religious beliefs (I don't understand it either).
1,455 posts

Why doesn't a gay marriage have any more commitment then a simple relationship?

Somewhere earlier I said since many relationships nowadays have people having sex and living together anyway, and since gay couples can't have kids, they don't have any added responsbilities with marriage. You can respond to that if you want, but I'm probably not going to debate this because it's not the most important issue to me (since I'm against, anyway).
1,226 posts

Why can't we live in the world our founding fathers wanted?

Hmmm, I bet our founding fathers definently wanted gay marriage, huh?
1,651 posts

Hmmm, I bet our founding fathers definently wanted gay marriage, huh?

Maybe. Maybe not. However ,they would not like seeing their citizens treating everyone differently just because of a small detail.
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