
309 60547
85 posts

Yo, theres alot of rumors out there about mormons. Ill tell you what we realy belive. Jesus is my savior and the book of mormon has jesus in it, he went to the americas after being resurected. Second, We don't beleive in plural mearage. Third, Our first prophet, Joseph Smith, did and saw everything that is said about him. some persecute us because he was so young.What about samuel the boy prophet in the old testimant? think about all of this

  • 309 Replies
1,523 posts

and America was based on Christianity and im pretty sure ALL of our presidents have been Christian.

George Washington was a Deist, and Abraham Lincoln was known to struggle with his beliefs from time to time, although he mentioned God in several of his speeches.

I thought it would have been interesting if Mitt Romney had been nominated instead of John McCain, or if McCain had chosen Romney as his running mate. I have no doubts that there would be a smear campaign by outside sources going on if that happened though.
158 posts

a little thing about mormons is that they worship lucifer

um.. wow. first of all, we do not worship lucifer. we happen to be The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. i think the name says it all.


and we don't kill babies. your making us sound like some dark magic cult; we're even against abortion.

Mormonism is a religion created by Joseph smith, right? and history states he was a con artist in the 1800's who got kicked out of several states. and eventually hung for his ways

okay, he did not create mormonism. he was visited by the Lord and God, and was eventually told where the golden plates were. he translated the golden plates and restored the Lord's true church to the earth today. He was arrested many times on false charges, but was always released because they had no proof. and he was shot, not hung. you obviously have no idea what your talking about.

and slightly_insane.. i think its a little more than slightly. witches making D&D to recruit people just seems a little farfetched. and what makes masons evil? you shouldn't call something evil just because you don't know about it.

"What's the electron configuration of Radium?"

AHH!! Quantum mechanics is evil!!
158 posts

so then are you saying that you are high enough up in the mormon to church to have been told this? we do not worship Lucifer. we worship the Lord Jesus Christ. and to call it proof, it has to be credible. and yes, we believe that they are brothers. we are all sons and daughters of God. and i am not in a 'bubble', as you might say. i know there is evil out there.

and you dont have the right to call masons evil or claim that they worship satan unless you have been to any thing they do and seen it for yourself.

remember, true power on this earth comes from ONLY 2 places, God or satan. so if a religion is not worshiping God they are worshiping satan.

We worship GOD!!
158 posts

i just looked at that CHICK book, the visitors. the one about mormons. OMGsh, what a waste of my time. the assumptions made in that stupid little comic were very far fetched

1 posts

Oh yes, mormons worship lucifer.

506 posts

umm, just because you can't accept the deap dark secrets that makes our world go round does not mean that you can call people crazy.

No no, he's just a crazy. I'd call him crazy to his to his face if I ever saw him. Or run away screaming, I haven't decided yet.

First, D&D WAS made By witchs for a recruting game ( i play D&D and witness to people so it is not all bad)

No D&D was created by Gary Gygax. Who, I can assure you, was not a witch.

chick warns use about alot of diffrent stuff through his tracks and books.

Like how not to be sane or think with logic.

witchcraft is real and it is pritty dark stuff.

Well Wicca is real but that's based in nature and doesn't really include god or satan in it's religion. Wiccans do not really have magic powers. This is not Harry Potter land.

btw masons also worship lucifer.

My grandfather was a mason he doesn't worship satan lol.
1,361 posts

I dont know anything about mormons

996 posts

Wow. First off, I want you all to know that we (as the LDS Church) NEVER claimed to worship Lucifer! Yes it's true that we believe he is a brother of Jesus. That is because We are ALL sons and daughters of God! Joseph Smith was visited by God and Jesus as well as a visit by the angel Moroni.

Just something to think about: Let's say you wanted to buy a Ford truck. But instead of going to the Ford dealer, you went to Chevy to ask your questions. Of course Chevy doesn't want you to buy to Ford so they stop at nothing until you give in and buy their truck.
The same goes for the Mormon church. Other churches don't want you to know the REAL TRUTH about other faiths so they create lies to get you to stay. If you want the truth about anything, go to the right source! In other words, don't accuse unless you know for sure. I don't want these lies about my church to continue, in order for that to happen, you all need to get your info from the Correct source.

Another thing, I wasn't brain-washed into believing this either, I wasn't a child when I joined. I was 16.

506 posts

you only find out about lucifer when you reach the 46 degree of masons

Which you have? Or did you get that from Chick-a-fils website? Because seriously extremists are crazy. Like, blow stuff up, crazy. You can't believe what the say or even try to understand what they think.

second they don't have magic powers all their power comes from satan (and it is real, it can hurt you if you are not protected).

No. Nobody has powers and nobody can do magic. No such thing as magic from god, or satan, or faeries. Magic can not hurt you.

how do you know that you have the right source? what makes you so sure?

You're source is a loony.

btw a bet that some Mormon or satanist ( that knows the truth)is reading your post and laughing about how little
you know about this world

I hope so. I hope people are laughing like nuts at this thread. Because frankly, it's just getting really silly.
158 posts

sorry, slightly_insane, but you are turning this into a craze. Don't comment anymore with such unproved bombastic 'facts'. Leave this forum for those with real questions about our religion.

506 posts

ok i will leave this thread alone, but i will pray for you all.

Well thanks. Could you do the same for my account and any comment you might feel like posting there?
996 posts

My source IS the Mormon Church! That's how I know it's the right source. And yes, this is turning into a crazy thread because of the outrageous accusations! How did the Masons get into this thread in the first place?? They have NOTHING to do with Mormons. As I have said in other threads, If you don't like what we are talking about, don't post here! This thread was made to teach about our Church. If you sincerely have questions, go ahead and ask!

158 posts

i think he brought up the masons because some of the original church leaders were free masons. either hiram or joseph, i cannot remember which, when being slain in the carthage jail cried out the phrase, "oh lord, my god, is there no help for this widow's son?" this is the distress call for masons. when masons are in danger of losing their lives, they yell this out and any nearby masons should be obliged to help them. so it is thought that hiram or joseph recognized the people who were killing them as fellow masons.

336 posts

Joseph Smith was nothing more than a convicted fraud who bilked a great many people out of money before making up mormonism as his great golden cash cow.

158 posts

um tanstaafl28, i would appreciate it if you didn't make such accusations. and you have no proof behind that claim anyway. joseph smith was 14 when God and the Savior appeared to him and had him re-establish the true church, mormonism.

he wasn't some swindler who stole peoples money then made a church to back it up, thats outrageous. and yes, he was always accused of crimes but these accusations were always false!! which is why he was released from jail every time

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