Hmmmm...I like 'andemics', so much chaos ^^ And the flash game is good too!
It has yet to reach my town, but it's pretty close actually, Visalia(1 case confirmed) is about...20 miles from where I live. We're pretty close to being forced to bring anti-bacterial products to school, although people are stupid here and sanitize their hands(yet you're more likely to catch it through breathing it in anyway at this rate I think) every 5 minutes, which diminishes your body's ability to fight off sickness ironically. People at my school are panicking and bringing their own sanitizers to school already anyway >_>
I find it funny though, because the death toll has only reached about 200 or so, and the lowest death toll for Influenza Pandemics is like 1 Million or so I believe. So really, it's far from being a serious problem in my opinion. Don't see why everyone's so up and about cause of it...
*sweatdrop* thanks for sharing Cheze, although you might wanna look into spell checkers. Raptor, people are really concerned about this new virus because the last time something like this happened millions of people died.
pigs ar sreally cool but they gsive yoiu dame diseases
Lol, that made me laugh for some reason.
I think it's kind of ridiculous though they're already calling it a pandemic, compared to other diseases it hasn't killed that many people yet. It reminds me a lot of the bird flu, people freaked out a ton over that a few years ago and now no one even talks about it.
I live in California, home of many Mexicans, but that does not mean that it's a quarantine zone over here. It may soon turn out to be a pandemic, but the plagues were pretty bad too, and people have lived through that. and anyone can get it, there is no use in simply avoiding Mexicans, that's racist, now isn't it? -.-
I love how people are getting confused with the facts on this one. Like for example thinking you need to eat some type of pork product to get it as means of infection.
Here is why it's called "Swine flu":
Fukuda said that genetic analysis of the new virus indicated that it was originally a swine influenza virus "but is now behaving more or less like a human influenza virus." Reflecting that change -- as well as pressure from the pork industry -- many officials have begun referring to the virus as the H1N1 virus. European officials prefer to call it "novel flu."
"There is no evidence that people are getting infected from pigs or that it is dangerous to eat pork," Fukuda said.
source:,0,4696825.story?page=2 (on the second page explains it)
I couldn't find it, but I'm pretty sure they believe it's an airborne virus.
Somers, at this point I wouldn't be nitpicking over whether somebody was "American" or not, because the point is that said person died "on American soil" i.e. geographical location.
A flu virus like this doesn't seem to care two hoots about what nationality you are when it's killing you. I hope you can appreciate the significance of that instead of tripping on a nationalistic hangup.
As of 45 minutes ago:
Yahoo news report. It pretty much confirms all the stuff I've been saying previously.