1st. There is no state of normalcy; therefore, neither homosexuality OR heterosexuality would make sense by your logic. (I use that word apprehensively in this case.)
The problem with that logic is that you stated that there is "no state of normalcy" and then you make the deduction, but is that first statement really true? I quote from webster's dictionary
Normal-according with, constituting, or not deviating from a norm, rule, or principle b: conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern
In this case the regular pattern is that of billions of people, thus there is a norm of society. Just like we don;t consider psychopath killers to be normal.
2nd. By that thinking, any hetero couple that marries but does not have children would be just as bad. Marriage isn't about children, it's about union and federal rights. Also, by that thinking, the missed opportunity would also apply to every masturbation and missed period ever, because it is denying children when children could be had.
If you look at the amount of married couples, of the
norm, a good percentage of the majority of couples' lives are devoted to children. As much as we might not like to think about it, the purpose of every species on this planet is to survive and propagate. As for masturbation, the child is not conceived, in my opinion (based on science) until the sperm makes contact with the egg,
but that is an entirely different topic if you really want to deviate.
3rd. Homosexuality is not entirely a choice. Homosexuality is not entirely innate. I posted a link in this thread (actual evidence! Something very rare here) to an article by the American Psychological Association, detailing that 'both nature and nurture play a part in sexuality.'
Indeed I did read some of that web page, and I remember reading the conclusion that they think it is both nature and nurture, as you stated. But to be honest, we, as human beings, still have
a lot more to understand about our own magnificent brains. The reason that I don't think it is in the genes is because if you look at our childhoods and understand all that we have been through, then it is apparent where many instances influenced the person we are today. If you raise a child and keep telling them that homosexuality is the only way to live, well, then that child will live under that exact belief. All of the gay people that I have seen have all had some sort of previous experience, more than likely something to do with the parents.
Nothing...so my next question is WHY!? do you think this is relevant to laws regarding homosexual relations?
Maybe not directly, but I am lost as to understanding of why people should choose to live this way.
And as for the the argument that it is the freedom of the gays to have these rights, what about the majority of people who are under the norm. Does their say not count? Perhaps they don't want to have to see men kissing each another or the same with women.
**** you shut him down alt, also to TSL3 you're thinking of scruples as right and wrong.
If you don't have anything relevant to this topic, Kyouzou, then I suggest you leave this thread. This topic requires you put your thoughts together in a [/b]constructive[b] way, gl.