I've been asking many people this question, and theyre answers have varied greatly. Yes, Atheism is the belief of no higher power, but is that really a [i]lack of religion, or is it a religion? 1. This depends on peoples beliefs or what constitutes as a religion. 2. Is a lack of religion, a religion?
It requires little faith and belief, whereas a religion requires a great amount of faith and, by definition, is a set of beliefs. Therefore, atheism would not technically be a religion.
Although there are many Atheist religions from Satanism to Buddhism. Atheism isnt a religion because it is only the belief that there isnt a god. A religion, in my option, tells people how to live there life and guides there action, although not always in the right direction.
I hear people call atheism a religion sometimes because, they argue, it required faith or beliefs. But atheism certainly doesn't require faith - this proposition is just silly. So we are left with beliefs. But certainly a set of beliefs cannot make something into a religion. I believe my car is parked outside, but that is not a religion. The question is really moot and there's only one acceptable answer: NO. Even the roots of the term atheism means without a religion. Perhaps a better question is: Is a lack of a belief still a belief? Actually, maybe this question isn't any better... The point I'm getting at is that atheist don't have to hold the independent belief that god does not exist. All we have to do is deny the theist's belief that a god does exist. Now, I do hold the belief that god does not exist, but this is not an independent belief. This belief is formed in response to the proposition that god does exist. For the atheist, the question of a belief in god is like a belief in quirxels. What is a quirxel? I have no idea, I just now made it up. But I'm going to now define it as a fire breathing ant with wings that can destroy Tokyo. Before I made this proposition, no one had any beliefs about quirxels, but now that I have proposed that they exist, suddenly people have beliefs in response to my proposition. These are not independent beliefs. Just like any other thing that doesn't exist, we don't actually axiomatize those beliefs. We only confirm them if presented with something that is contrary to them. I hope this explanation definitively clears up any confusion about atheism's status as a religion. It clearly is not.
for someone to come up with a belief i would guess it would eventually fall into nature, combining an elephant, an ant, and the destructive force of a forest fire
now wouldn't you say everyone has their own belief in how everything is formed? instead of everyone explaining their own belief they would rather just say i do not believe in this. Atheism would actually consist of everyone with their own separate beliefs that they infact have faith in. I'd guess Atheism is a group of everyone with their own separate faith joined together against the other larger religions
Atheism isnt a religion because it is only the belief that there isnt a god. A religion, in my option, tells people how to live there life and guides there action, although not always in the right direction.
Religion isn't purely a belief in god. Look at Buddhism. Its a lifestyle in a way, like you said, and me being an Atheist guides some of my actions. Its guiding me right now as a post this. With atheism though, its not one mass lifestyle. While you'll have millions of Christians living by the same set of rules, one of the freedoms of atheism is constructing your own rules about life. So...yes, I'd say its a religion, just not in the formal and accepted way unfortunately.
It requires little faith and belief, whereas a religion requires a great amount of faith
i don't define religion by the magnitude of something, rather if some thing is there or not
everyone has a religion (if you define it by having a belief and a faith) caused by reasoning and curiosity making them believe what is based on their surroundings i.e. nature. When/if their belief is proven wrong by more than reasonable doubt then they try to compromise and make a new one up
Religion isn't purely a belief in god. Look at Buddhism. Its a lifestyle in a way, like you said, and me being an Atheist guides some of my actions. Its guiding me right now as a post this. With atheism though, its not one mass lifestyle. While you'll have millions of Christians living by the same set of rules, one of the freedoms of atheism is constructing your own rules about life. So...yes, I'd say its a religion, just not in the formal and accepted way unfortunately.
So. ..it's a religion, just not a religion by definition. . .that makes sense. :P
Atheism is not a religion but a belief. I've always thought of religion as something that defined, or at least shaped the decisions you make and how you run your life and since my beliefs on the topic give me free reign, then no, it is not a religion.
Atheism is not considered a religion. A religion is belief in a deity, like God, or Yahweh, or Buddha. Atheism is rejecting all religious beings and replacing them with theories. Therefore it is not a religion.
Atheism is actually, the absence of religion, because these people believe in NOTHING. So therefore Atheism is not a religion. You could however rephrase your question to, "Would you consider Science a religion?"
God, or Yahweh, or Buddha.
Buddha was a prince, who was tired of life, and made up his own relgion or saw some visions of stuff.
Now if you are talking more about the chinese version of Buddhism, then yes, the buddha is a god, but since everyone forgets about china, I assume you are referring to Hinduism.
Not always thats Theistic Stanism I was reffering to the more modern LaVaeyan Satanism who belief that there is no heaven or hell so they wont be punished for sinning. Satan is used to represent mans inner nature to sin. I should have been more clear.
It's been said many times already, and I agree with what thye are saying: Atheism is a belief that there is no deity, and no belief in faith. That alone makes it not a religion. Just a belief that people hold.
"Would you consider Science a religion?"
Oh I bet you can find people who would argue this. Personally, I don't. I see it more as a career.