Similarly, if two adults want to get together and have sex, and film it, and then sell it to people that want to watch it, it doesn't matter whether or not I agree with it - it's none of my business. If you don't like porn, or think it's disgusting, or think it degrades women or men or whatever; just turn the other way. No one is forcing you to watch it, and if you're worried about your children seeing it on the internet, there are ways to lock them out of seeing that kind of stuff too.
Pornography isn't two innocent couples fucking together then filming and posting it on the world-wide web. If it was like this, pornography would be the farthest thing from my, and probably everyone elses' conscience. If it was as simple as this, there wouldn't be porn shows, there wouldn't be porn merchandise, there wouldn't be porn companies, etc.
When kids first look at porn, it's usually because of curiosity. They see mom and dad kissing, or they hear about sex from a friend or on TV. That was how it was with me; one day I went into my parents' room while they were gone and I looked in their box, (it was used for storage) and I saw a porno movie. Naturally, I was disgusted because I never saw anything like it, and I put it back and didn't give it another thought... until I went on my bro's computer, which was ten times faster than my one... then I looked up a porn site.
My mom caught me. Ironically, my brother was going to the same porno page as me, and he was punished aswell.
I wasn't even depressed, mad, or curious for a long time after this. I realized that my mom really despised pornography, and she didn't want me influenced by it. (Just for the rec, I was 9 I think when this happened.)
But as the years went on, I heard more about pornography from general life, and I started looking it up a lot more when we got DSL. I started out really shy, looking at semi-nude women, then I started looking at fully nude ones, videos, then games. Some times I look at it everyday, and other times I don't look at it for a month. It varies, a lot.
What I'm trying to say, is that pornography is a natural part of the world. I'm TOTALLY against it, and I DO think it should be banned, (or, to be fair to perverts, (or addicts), it should cost money. I know that some porn costs money, but I really think all porn should.)
When you love someone, hopefully, the first thing you think of shouldn't be sex. All those people on the monitor that you are watching, they're doing it for money. They don't love each other.
Here's my advice to addicts, (I was/am one) don't think about it. If you have an urge look at it before it gets overwhelming. After you're done, for a few days you might look at it again, but don't worry. Sooner or later you
will get bored and you'll want to do something else.
Another thing that really helped me was telling my parents. I was scared shitless before I did, but after, I realized that I didn't care for porn, as much because someone knew that I was looking at it.
Whew, that was a long wall of text.