You know, this has been bugging me for about a year as I pieced it all together through rants in my brain. Ever since the slave ages, kids have not had full human rights in America. The closest to having full human rights was child labor, but that was something of slavery as it had tiny wages. Are children not human enough to have full human rights of freedom of speech, right to bear arms and earn a wages from doing something besides house chores?
I think for the most part this is true. Perhaps in school children are denied some of these rights. I know when I was in elementary and middle school I certainly felt this way.
We don't need another industrial age, with children working 10 hour shifts just like their parents. Children are supposed to be given a great childhood, NOT a bloody job for their whole life. (If you have them working at an office when they're 13, what sort of child would enjoy it?)
I'm going to have to agree with this. Lord knows I would have liked to be able to make money as a child, however, I think being care free and relatively free from responsibility was nice. I often wish I could go back to that time. Kids should not have the right to bear arms, that is freaking stupid. I don't think that every kid would act irresponsibly with them if they had them, but it is far too much of a liability. I mean it is completely ridiculous how easy it is for adults to get guns in this country, look what that does for criminals here and in Mexico.
. . .but the kids that are smart enough should be able to- like (to be Narcissistic and honest) me, Pierce & Mary, and Thoad.
No comment.
Really, most kids may be barbaric and I'm not talking in the years of when you're an 8 year old but 13 year olds and 11-12 are pretty surpressed for an inner passion. Meaning, if you exploit it for a Minimum wage, you could make some good money if they like what they're doing.
Sounds good to me~
Anyways, kids should have proper rights as in, getting jobs, BEING RESPECTED (I took a proposition to the government because they were getting rid of a forest area, it was shot down because I was a kid), etc.
They're small, stupid, and immature.
We're talking 12-14 year olds here. I assume you must be at least stupid and immature.
Children are humans, why wouldn't they be? Are you guys stupid?
We don't have the rights of normal humans. Black people, children and women weren't allowed to vote (etc) and that changed for the Aboriginals and Women, what about us? Really, we don't need to vote, but we were left behind with the privileges they got.
Also, children having rights would result in children in jail. You won't arrest us until we're... Uh, in Australia it's eight I think... I thought it was higher. Nevermind.
Black people, children and women weren't allowed to vote (etc) and that changed for the Aboriginals and Women, what about us?
Because children will just vote for who their parent votes for. I'm 23 and barely beginning to understand how the world works. There's no way that children would be able to make an educated vote.
If the vote was expanded to kids, participation levels would drop.
. . .but the kids that are smart enough should be able to- like (to be Narcissistic and honest) me, Pierce & Mary, and Thoad.
You think you're a judge of who's capable of doing what? Honestly, what do you think 13 year olds could bring to the working world that adults can't?
As I've said before you can't make a law saying 'kids can work....but only smart ones'. How on Earth would it be enforced. Plus, as it's adults that make the decisions on these matters, it won't happen anyway, so stop kidding yourself.
Because children will just vote for who their parent votes for. I'm 23 and barely beginning to understand how the world works. There's no way that children would be able to make an educated vote.
We don't need to make an educated vote, we want the other things. Black people and women had nearly the same privileges as us. Then, they went so far ahead.
Anyone who try's to say a kid is not human deserves to die. Period. Trying take a kid and degrade or push it down to a level that is not human is barbaric and idiotic, evil really.
Kids have the same organs, the same traits, the same basic internal functionality as adults do.
We don't need to make an educated vote, we want the other things. Black people and women had nearly the same privileges as us. Then, they went so far ahead.
Comparing your 'light' for equal rights against women's suffrage and the civil rights movement shows how deluded you are. They are incomparable. Children have never had full responsibilities or rights in any modern society, and to think these rights and responsibilites should be bestowed upon you is just a juvenile refusal to think critically.
Comparing your 'light' for equal rights against women's suffrage and the civil rights movement shows how deluded you are. They are incomparable. Children have never had full responsibilities or rights in any modern society, and to think these rights and responsibilites should be bestowed upon you is just a juvenile refusal to think critically.
It's the same da** thing. Women and Aboriginals never had right up until then. Will it ever change for us?
Of course children are human, it's just that they have no real world expierence and can't make informed decisions for themselves. They have a smal grasp on responsiblity but if you gave them the right to bear arms as you so say they would precieve it to be just a big game. If they could earn wages for something other than house hold chores I couldn't realy point to any job they could really perform and perform it well without having to work together in large groups. Most children I've seen also have no problem with freddom of speech either, they say and do as they please until an adult disciples them for it, So while children are human they do have rights, they just dont have the capacity to fully understand them for what they are.
It's the same da** thing. Women and Aboriginals never had right up until then. Will it ever change for us?
No it will not change for children and for good reason. You need to be educated before you enter the workforce and no you can't do both at the same time. I don't even know why you want these rights. When I was 12/13 the last thing I would have wanted was more responsibility and work. School and social life took up all the time I had.
It's the same da** thing. Women and Aboriginals never had right up until then. Will it ever change for us?
How about you wait a few god damn years. And then you get those 'rights'. I mean its not like you neve get 'rights' you just wait. Why should you get 'rights' when your not even patiant enough to wait? Its not like you never get the right to vote or get a job or drive. You get like 60 years when you can do these things.
You can't really argue for equal rights as adults without presenting a full case for how it would work on all levels.
That's what thoad is arguing. I don't think TOTALLY EQUAL RIGHTS would work at all- children with guns would be crazy. I'm not looking at this like a debate or a case- more of a concept. SOunds like we're on different pages. Besides, I get and somewhat agree with many of the things said- there are so many stupid children that there are some rights that children shouldn't have because the majority has the acumen and intelligence of a guinea pig. -------
They're small, stupid, and immature.
If a comment has ever made me feel warm and fuzzy inside, it's definitely that one. --------
There's no way that children would be able to make an educated vote.