Now why would Carlie do a thing like that (I would do it first) lol
I think closing is an interesting area of science that we haven't perfected yet (poor Dolly the sheep). I think a practical application has to be found for it the only cloning I know about was just done for "fun" to see if we could do it.
here's what i mean. is it a good idea to copy people and make more of them or should we not do that. christians would not like it because they feel it is a violation of nature because now man can create man, something christians feel that only god can do.
I don't think that it's a good idea to clone people. Not because of the religious aspects, which I don't believe, but because of what it would do to the population. We'd be able to decide who gets cloned, how many people we clone, we'd have total control over our population. I don't think that humanity can handle that, we'll end up killing ourselves off.
is it a good idea to copy people and make more of them or should we not do that.
Well I see no reason to do that. Except cheap labour but slaveryis wrong and these clones would still class as humans. I'm also against desogner babies and the like however "saviour soblings" are a good thing.
As for cloning humans I don't think it would be a good idea. Maybe in a medical sense to harvest for organs, but that sounds too much like the movie The Island. I just don't see the point in having multiple people around. Maybe for protection for people like the president or pope or whoever but not for the mass public...
Well if it were a perfect process, I think it would be a great idea however due to technological barriers, the best cloned human will have an IQ of 50-60. (70 is borderline mentally retarded). Though then again if they are just used for organ harvest it doesn't really matter does it?
Though then again if they are just used for organ harvest it doesn't really matter does it?
That idea sounds evil, cloning retards, or just cloning somebody makes them retarded, so that you can use their organs, but it could save lots of lives. Haven't you guys ever played a game, or watched a movie, where someone makes something becomes alive, essentiate or something? And it revolts, it kills, it asks questions, it gets smarter, and so forth. Like in the movie with Rob Williams where he plays as a robot, that wants to be a person, he asks questions, he gets smarter, and he learns things, and eventually becomes a real person. Or Mass Effect, The Geth, were created as slaves to some alien species, and they started asking questions, why do we have to work? Who are you? What am I doing? and in that game, they became smart enough to rebel.
The Geth became smart enough to rebel because the more the built, the more complex their quasi-hive intelligence became, until it was intelligent enough to reason. Cloning is different, because each one would develop the ability to reason solo, no matter how many clones are made. /fanrant
why do we have to work? Who are you? What am I doing? and in that game, they became smart enough to rebel.
umm... I'm pretty sure they do not have the mental capacity to rebel, much less than use the bathroom not on the floor. Cloning is a tedious process, and during studies it is proven that the motor neurons (2 years ago, do not remember article, it was new england journal of medicine) could not connect well growing a clone, and the brain was severely dysfunctional.