What do you believe? Do you think teaching evolution in Biology classes in high school is acceptible? Discuss the topic and your opinion, but please keep it clean.
At my high school we're taught evolution alongside the belief that the Earth was created by a diety. So I'm ok with evolution being taught in high schools.
Please don't turn this into a big argument about whether evolution is real or not. Thanks!
So do you think people in high school are mature enough to learn about evolution? Thatès all there is to it then, and whether or not the leaders of the schoolès community beleive it is true, or even worth teaching.
Well, it's not exactly something basic & easy. Conceptually, maybe, but definitely not the details. Late High-school/Post secondary education.
Fair nuff. But isn't it exam time, pretty much right now? Shoudln't you be revising boy?
The exam was last Friday, sir, and all we needed to know was Bandura so it as more about the study than the background ideas. Thanks for the info thogh.
Creationism shouldn't be taught in school basically because it isn't much of a very good theory. Any other scientific idea with so little supporting evidence would be laughed at and discarded. The fact that so many people even know about Creationism is because of its ties to religion.
Schools are a place to learn freely, religion in schools, unless kept under tight control, tends to hinder that freedom. I think that it should be mentioned as a possible alternative but it shouldn't receive any science class time.
At the same time I think schools should offer a religion studies course where it is taught.
So do you think people in high school are mature enough to learn about evolution? Thatès all there is to it then, and whether or not the leaders of the schoolès community beleive it is true, or even worth teaching.
Yeah, I have no problem in high school. But I mean *hinting* at it, mentioning it in passing as though everyone believes in it gradeschool may get to the kids. I'm learning about evolution now (and I don't disagree with it, but if I did, it wouldn't be a problem). The same logic goes for creationism, unless you go to a private Christian school or something.
I was taught evolution in Middle School....And to be honest,I don't give a crap about what they say. I don't even pay attention to the stuff that is actually true.
I was taught evolution in Middle School....And to be honest,I don't give a crap about what they say. I don't even pay attention to the stuff that is actually true.
Evolution is true. . . . Creationism is a religious belief, and an incorrect one at that. So no, Creationism should not be taught in science classes.
1. The point of science class is to teach science 2. Creationism has been debunked by science, has no scientific basis, and does not follow any scientific method 3. Creationism is not science 4. Creationism should not be taught in science classes
Asking if whether or not evolution should be taught in high school is like asking if math should be taught. Or english, or any of the other staple subjects within high school...it is a necessary thing to learn no matter how uncomfortable people are with it. Who knows, for those of you who currently don't believe that evolution is real or true, maybe one day you will drop the beliefs that make it impossible for you to accept science, and then you'll be happy that you were taught about evolution so that you are not completely in the dark about the truth.
I think that since Science is still a scientific theory and not law, that the alternatives to should be presented to students. Teaching a belief that hasn't been wholly verified could be bad if evolution does, in fact, prove to be false.
I'm semi-religious and I believe in evolution! That has to say we aren't all bad!
Whaa? I never said that creationists were bad... I just said that they flame us for OUR belief in evolution. And so after that, we fight back, and we win
Yes, this is pretty much a good "debate" ; it's good relief from all the other "god isn't real" stuff.
*magically copies his last post unto this one, but really didn't*