ForumsWEPR[necro]3th World War in 2012:North Korea

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195 posts

Well,everybody thinks world will end in 2012(or once thinked),but in my opinion,the will be another world war based on nuclear and atomic weapons that will destroy most world's envroiment and population,or just make we angry and at 2013 will be a faire's tale?Take a look and see if the maya guys were wrong:finance Crisis(please excuse grammar mistakes),North Korea nuclear weapon stuff,Iraq war is getting bad,etc...and the good is that Barack Obama is making Cuba a ally for what is coming.The maya civilization could be some years wrong,i mean, the end could be at 2010,2011...Or even in this year!

  • 111 Replies
3,224 posts

I wasn't expecting you too, I'm just saying that if Russia launched a war against the west, I would think that UK would be one of the first to respond...

It depends on the context. It's very difficult to assume anything about this. Although geographically and politically speaking, I think it would be difficult for us to remain neutral. I really don't see why or how Russia could effectively invade war against 'The West', which isn't exactly it's own entity.
501 posts

True. I only tried to make an educated guess as far as how the war would progress and knew that at some point, Russia would align itself with the East... I stuck the UK in there because it is the only country in Europe that I know of that isn't a haven for pacifists...(Unfortunately, I am relatively unaware of European affairs and if you would not mind enlightening me on the willingness of other countries to join such a war, it would be appreciated because I feel rather ignorant on the subject...)

3,224 posts

Well it all depends on how it played out. It is really very difficult to predict if or why a European nation would/wouldn't join in this conflict. Any nation with a brain would stay out of it in my opinion though.

NATO and ISAF would bbe a pretty useful tool in the 'Western' team's arsenal, consisting of various nations including all the major European ones. Thos emost likely to go to war would probably be Germany, Italy, UK and France, based on their current military strength.

501 posts

Hmm... I knew about France but I was thinking that Germany and Italy became pacifistic after WWII... Apparently not though...

4 posts

And besides, just wait till they come out with N-Bombs and AM-Bombs... If you thought nukes were bad, things just got a whole lot worse...

And may I ask what these are?
3,224 posts

Hmm... I knew about France but I was thinking that Germany and Italy became pacifistic after WWII... Apparently not though...

No, they have large, well trained, well equipped militaries. They have since joined ISAF and have been fighting alongside Britain and the USA in Afghanistan. They aren't pacifist by any means.
501 posts

Neutron bombs and Anti-matter bombs...

Neutron bombs are nukes without the fallout. They have the same explosive potential but don't use the salted earth policy that nukes do...

Well AM bombs are the most dense explosive we know of now. I am of course discounting things like Axioms and X,Y,Z bosons because we have no clue how to create them...

There are other hypothetical weapons such as any form of coherent energy beams that would be just as deadly, but no one has any iota of how to make one yet...

Eventually, Ion Cannons, Particle Cannons and the like will be a mainstay of war, as will orbital strikes... I'm saying that it could get really bad once these things are developed... "Find an excuse to light one of these babies up, and the bad guys won't even want to come out of their caves." ~Ironman~

501 posts

They aren't pacifist by any means.

Didn't know that.. And I definitely didn't know they were over in Afghanistan with us... Okay, well if I revise it, I'll have to at least mention them.. Even if they don't join, their existence would make a difference... One country I know won't go to war though is Switzerland... How many hundred years has it been since they fought anyone?
3,224 posts

Didn't know that.. And I definitely didn't know they were over in Afghanistan with us... Okay, well if I revise it, I'll have to at least mention them.. Even if they don't join, their existence would make a difference...

Many people actually have no idea whose fighting in Afghanistan alongside the British and Americans. It's a sad state of affairs, the general ignorance.

Even if they don't join, their existence would make a difference... One country I know won't go to war though is Switzerland... How many hundred years has it been since they fought anyone?

Pretty sensible policy if you ask me. Be untouched by the hardships of war whilst getting rich by keeping everyone's money in your banks.
195 posts

VoltCruelerz said on his first comment here:

The age we are entering is that of nanotech, quantum physics, and relative peace. Sure there will be wars, but all the super-powers of the world are on the same side. China needs us, so the two of us won't ever go to war. Israel needs us and the UK or it would be dead right now. The European mainland is pacifistic. Russia doesn't feel like conquering the world. The only powers that are preventing world peace are terrorist groups. If they are quelled, which they eventually will be, should we continue to fight them, the countries that remain will have no reason to fight us and as such will be peaceful.

That looked like a poem...almost make my cry(just kiding!i dont cry so easly!)

84 posts

China needs us

China Needs Us? I think *we* need China. We depend on there imports into the U.S. Besides that, I agree.

The only powers that are preventing world peace are terrorist groups. If they are quelled, which they eventually will be, should we continue to fight them, the countries that remain will have no reason to fight us and as such will be peaceful.

There are a few things wrong with that,

I. There is no such thing as World Peace, "As long as there are men, there are wars" There will allwese be someone picking a fight, there will allwese be a nation fataly aruging about somthing.

II. There is allwese a reson for conflict, not that I want conflict- there is allwese someone looking for reasons for war.

3th World War in 2012: North Korea

First of all,

Why would the "3th World War" link to 2012 and Korea?

Russia doesn't feel like conquering the world

Were not that greedy...
4,682 posts

No No No No. We will not have a 3th world war. All world wars are over for now in my opinion. Also, we can just murk them anywhere and anytime.

2,513 posts

The title was a grammar fail. It was also a knowledge fail. A World War is how it is read: A World War. WWII was located in countries in all different continents. WWI was in Europe and Asia. If there is a war in North Korea, it'll just be a war.

383 posts

Well the Aztec people might be right about the world ending. I mean they are an advance civilization so i'm not very sure.

55 posts

I do beleive that a 3rd world war may be sparked by North Korea, but i do not beleive in the 2012 superstition, it is a silly rumor, just like how the world was supposed to end in 2000

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