ForumsWEPRShooting of Doctor in Church

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Title tweaked to gain your attention, but I've omitted one important detail- the doctor ran one of the few legal late-term abortion clinics in the US.

Here's the reference article:

Kansas abortion doc killed in Church

Before I begin, I'll state for the record that while I acknowledge the complexities of debates on abortion and the intrinsic insufficiency in attempts to delineate what should be deemed a legal right and what is murder, I am not fond of the rhetoric nor the actions of pro-life activists. This would serve as a good example why.

It has certainly not escaped anybody's notice that the shooting occured in Church. I will go further to point out the hypocrisy in using murder to purportedly prevent or denounce that which is deemed murder, though this should be entirely clear to you already!

It has furthermore not escaped the notice of the author of the article linked to earlier that despite being a &quoteaceful" organisation, the founder of pro-life activist group "Operation Rescue" could not resist the opportunity to air his hostile (and insensitive) views. And look, even Westboro Baptist Church got in on the action!

Therefore it is my hope that despite the significant loss to womens' health services that this signifies, that this event may elevate Dr. Tiller to a state of martyrdom, thus strengthening the momentum of (for lack of a better term) morally liberal movements.

Over to you guys!

  • 110 Replies
3,176 posts

Hah! I bet Strop's eyes lit up like the Fourth of July when he 1. saw a medical murder, and 2. knew
that the murderer was a Christian against abortion. Two of his topics put together meant something
for him ;-)

I just want to know why he had to go so far to stop him from aborting? And shooting him in church
just sealed his fate with this one. When you are a Christian, with the whole "thou shalt not
kill" rule, when your Jesus tells you to "love your friends and love your enemies more", and
you shoot your enemy in church, you basically sinned 3 times in one sitting. Nice.

1,455 posts

I am against abortion. I was suprised when I heard that he was killed. All I have to say is "Live by the sword, die by the sword".

With that quote you prove that either you are too stupid to see the hypocracy in being a pro-lifer and no more than "surprised" by the doctor's death, or you are really pro choice and trying to give pro-lifers a bad rap. Either way, EPIC FAIL
653 posts

On a separate npte, I did not realise how brave/****** this guy was in the first place. Prior to this, he has been shot twice in the arms, and had his clinic bombed. Despite this he has continued. Props to the man.

All I have to say is "Live by the sword, die by the sword".

going by the live by the sword mentality the doctor should've blown up some churches and shot some protesters

btw pro-life kinda means you should protect all life not some lives but all lives including the doctor's

So we should just shoot all veterans coming back from Afghanistan and Iraq? Live by the sword die by the sword right.

only if they were performing abortions in Afghanistan (sarcasm)
6,800 posts

to all those downing the whole live by the sword , die byt the sword,

its all how you look at it.


1,310 posts

to all those downing the whole live by the sword , die byt the sword,
its all how you look at it.

What's that supposed to mean? A little more substance in a response would be kind of nice.
4,097 posts

What's that supposed to mean? A little more substance in a response would be kind of nice.

I think he was saying that all who kill should be killed in the same way they kill others?

I don't get the rest, and that first part might not even be right.

I agree with Hidden though, might want to explain just a tad bit further.
5,579 posts

I'm neither pro-choice nor pro-life. By that, I mean what does it matter that something that never even breathed dies? While somebody who had lead a fruitful life is murdered in church? Wouldn't that be considered a hate crime anyways? What better place to murder someone than in church. Where one of the key laws is 'thou shalt not murder'. Killing for lives that never were is the most hypocritical, retarded thing I've ever heard of.

3,722 posts

In my opinion, he took millions of lives, he got what he deserved.

813 posts

WHen I wrote "live by the sword,die by the sword", I meant he killed innocent babies he got what he deserved by being killed.
I agree 100% with Ricador.

1,416 posts

In my opinion, he took millions of lives, he got what he deserved.

Yes... let's solve murder with murder. Typical backwards conservative banter.

13,657 posts

In my opinion, he took millions of lives, he got what he deserved.

Oh yeah, f*** him for saving the mother's life! I can see the logic in that... Nope.
Really. What he did was saving the mother' life because the pregnancy was dangerous to her, this "For some weird reason" only by having to provoke an abortion.
Now, after he as saved a lot of women that way, on their demand, someone shoots him IN CHURCH, because he... SAVED PEOPLE!
Got get an abortion late because the pregnancy endangers the woman is really hard, both on the parents, but on the doctor as well. I am not sure you get how many parents he must have been talking to about it, and comfort, and seeing he was in church, he probably felt guilt by doing it, but he knew it was better to let the woman with the family, possibly other children and so, live, instead of letting the woman die, and possibly the child with her.

So, what is the logic in killing someone, when you condemn murders in the first place.
For Christians: "You are not to judge your neigbor, only God is to do that." For the rest:
Yes... let's solve murder with murder. Typical backwards conservative banter.
6,800 posts

most christians are AGAINST abortions, so isnt it ironic that an abortion doctor was shot in a church? just want to point that out how ironic it is...

6,800 posts

What's that supposed to mean? A little more substance in a response would be kind of nice

you guys are taking it to the extreme, its all on how far you want to take it, whoever mentioned 'live by the sword...' was porbaly thinking of the general meaning, while all you guys after, are taking it to the extreme. But, i dont kno, i cant read minds.
6,800 posts

Now, after he as saved a lot of women that way, on their demand, someone shoots him IN CHURCH, because he... SAVED PEOPLE!

didnt save the babies m8...

i dont kno wat type of clinic he ran but it was a late abortion clinic right? where the baby has develped so that is has working internal organs. at that point, i do think it its murder.

whoever said that soildiers should live by the sword, arnt the terrorist living by the sword, and the soildeirs enforcing it?

all i really have to say at this point is that the doctor made the bed, now he has to sleep in it.

ricador and craze77, i agree and support you guys 100%
3,224 posts

i dont kno wat type of clinic he ran but it was a late abortion clinic right? where the baby has develped so that is has working internal organs. at that point, i do think it its murder.

As well as elective late abortions, he carried out abortions that would have most likley harmed the mother.

whoever said that soildiers should live by the sword, arnt the terrorist living by the sword, and the soildeirs enforcing it?

Soldiers kill the terrorists, therefore they live by the sword too. Using the word 'enforcing' does not make it any less of a sin in the eyes of God.

all i really have to say at this point is that the doctor made the bed, now he has to sleep in it.

I remember I trod on an ant once, I guess I deserve to be killed too.
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