ForumsWEPRCan you be Christian, and still support abortion?

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1,532 posts

Title says it all. Is it possible to be a christian, and support abortion? I think their was a thread on christian political views, and someone did mention this, but i wanted to focus on this one topic.

questions to have in mind:
Does it go against my christian ethics?
is it my choice to choose life or death?
What does my religion say about abortion?

  • 57 Replies
45 posts

I think it's a popular idea for christians to support pro-life institutions, but just because an idea is popular doesn't make it the only valid option. The thing about christianity, particularly in western culture, is that it tends to be a very personal experience. People are allowed to define their own moral parameters and develop their own interpretations of their holy texts.
Bearing that in mind, is it possible to be christian and pro-life? Absolutely. Can you be a GOOD christian and be pro-choice? Absolutely; the abortion debate is only one small part of a person's religion, and shouldn't be the be-all-end-all deciding factor of their spirituality. Is it hypocritical? Perhaps, but that's another discussion altogether... Plus, ask yourself the same thing about Christianity and the death penalty; "an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth" vs. "turn the other cheek", and bear in mind how many American christians are in support of capital punishment.

996 posts

I am in support of capital punishment, only if that fits the crime. Also, it's your own choice on whether or not to support abortion. No one should decide for you.

2,180 posts

The answer is yes. However, I would question the state of one's faith if they believed that abortion was morally acceptable.

1,455 posts

I don't think you can be a commited Christian and support all abortion. Christians are supposed to be against sex without a procreative intent, which is what causes the percentage of abortions (birth control) that Christians should not support. If anybody wants to cite some biblical verses that seem to support abortion, go ahead. I've looked up a lot used for arguing, and found that out of context, the Bible can say almost anything. So if you want to cite something, cite the ENTIRE paragraph, NOT a sentence or phrase.
I'm not out to judge Christians, and unlike many pro-life people, I do indeed have respect for many pro-choice people, as long as they aren't quoting bumper stickers in defense of their views. But I don't believe that a Christian that truly understands their faith can support abortion for birth control. For medical reasons, that's different. For child problems, I don't agree that a bad life is worse than no life, but I can understand how a commited Christian would arrive at that conclusion. As Christians must look at the after-life, they must see that if they abort while the child has a soul, it is killing an innocent life. If it is a soulless fetus, then they are erasing a soul from existance. As souls don't hold up in non-religious debate, this doesn't apply there. But for Christians, it certainly does.

786 posts

No I dont think so but I must admit I am christian and normally against abortion unless if the mother has to have the abortion to save her life or something.

2,180 posts

BigP08: Well said, however, I believe you make a major error when you say "soulless fetus." Let me point to the paragraph which directly refutes that:

Psalm 139 13-14
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

1,455 posts

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

I knew there was a verse somewhere. However, I didn't look it up, and I didn't want people bashing me for saying it was *somewhere in the Bible*. That's why I took both scenarios. But thank you.
671 posts

You can be a Christian and support abortion. All being christian means is believing that Jesus was the son of God. But if you get more specific like say, a Catholic, for example. You can't be.

3,224 posts

It depends if you are a fundamental Christian. If yes, possibly not, if not, why not?

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Yes you can be a Christian and support abortion, because abortion some times is needed.

77 posts

Yes you can. Its like political parties. People are in the party but they don't like everything the party believes. You can still be Christian and approve abortion.

1,455 posts

Yes you can. Its like political parties. People are in the party but they don't like everything the party believes. You can still be Christian and approve abortion.

It's not like political parties. Christians believe the fetus has a soul while it is being aborted, therefore an innocent life dies. So if you're the kind of Christian that isn't too into their faith, sure you can. If you deeply believe, if you read the Bible, then no, you must understand by that point.
310 posts

Christians are supposed to be against sex without a procreative intent, which is what causes the percentage of abortions (birth control) that Christians should not support.

Big I've got to say that I agree with this statement. Abortion shouldn't be used as a form of birth control.

There are times when the mother's life is seriously at risk from pregnency. If a woman in this position chooses to try to carry the baby to full-term she essentailly risks two lives, her own and the childs. Is it more ethical for her to abort the fetus to save one life or carry it to full-term and potentailly kill two?

Now comes tha part where I have to say that I make no claims to be a "Good Chirstian". What bothers me is that some (not all) Christian groups are against any form of birth control. I realize that the Bible is against sexual activity with out procreative intent but is it really reasonable to expect a married couple that knows that they are not in a financial position to support a child to not have sex at all. There are plenty of people out there that have a whole herd of kids and can't provide for them properly.
1,633 posts

How is abortion a sin? The fetus is nothing more a microscopic ball of cells. Is it really fair for the mother and the father to have a child when neither of them can support it? What if the mother got raped and because she can't have an abortion she is stuck with the horrible memory of being raped. What if you accidentally knocked up your girlfriend. Knowing the average age of kids on Armor Games you are probably in no condition to support the baby the mother and yourself. But if you believe that you are going to hell just because you had an abortion, by all means don't get one.

1,633 posts

I think I hit the soft spot no replies in a while. I never knew you coulden't say RaPeD.

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