This thread is about the gross misrepresentation of books by movies! Name the one movie you've seen about a book you've read that HORRIBLY changes it. You know what I'm talking about. You read a book you like and get hyped up when you hear they're making a movie about it. Then you see the movie...and it is waaaaay different/worse than the book. Here's where you post the movie/book names and how they were worse than the book. Mine is Eragon. I mean...they changed/chopped off...sooooooo much! I was really disappointed in it. I mean, a few changes are okay. But the list goes on and on. They didn't mention Orik or the Twins, they changed Murtagh hugely, they changed Brom's method of death to a more dramatic(and stupid) thing, and they totally misrepresented Roran and Saphira. All I can say is, if they're making a movie about the second book: 1. I am so not watching it 2. They are gonna have serious problems about the crucial bits they chopped off of the first one. I guess it was a good movie. But I went into that theater expecting the book...and I got a totally different thing, and a huge disappointment.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, lets see here. Pet Sematary The Shining was nothing like the book, but it wasn't meant to be... Eragon Dreamcatcher Salems Lot (the vampire is supposed to be smart and actually able to talk in the book) A Series of Unfortunate Events Harry Potter (the first two were really the only good ones) that's really all i can think of, but there's obviously more. But a movie that got everything right line by line was No Country for Old Men. The book was practically written like a screenplay and the Coen bros did an awesome job making the movie. And sorry for the really long comment.
Oh, Timeline by Michael Crichton is definitely in my top 10 of the worst book to movie switches.
They changed major relationships between the characters making a lot of the plot appear awkward, large sections that were very important (how they arrived at the back entrance of the castle, how the time machine worked, how they discoverd the time machine did damage, etc...) were cut out completely and replaced with strange looking lab equipment.
I love Michael Crichton, his imagery is amazing. While you're reading, he explains what the technology or creatures look like to a T, so you get this idea of how they will look and movies turn around and make the objects/creatures look like phonebooths or animontronic chickens.
Ooh, The Relic was really bad about that. They cut out some of the best characters, morphed two completely different characters, both of which were my favorites, into one, relatively unlikable character, changed the setting from the New York History Museum to the Smithsonian (I think so, I may have gotten that mixed up, but they almost completely change the setting either way), And it's just... Y-you might just have to look it up on Wikipedia. There's a whole list devoted to changes from the book to the movie.
I never read Harry Potter, but I did enjoy the special effects in the movies.
But with a lot of these movies mentioned, the books are excessively long and almost impossible to fit into one movie. Sometimes elements are removed so you're not not sitting in the theatre for 4 hours (Titanic anyone? We had an intermission at the 2 hour mark.)
Anyone else care to post? Because I have a new book to add to our rant.
INKHEART!!! The movie stinks in the first place, but they changed soooo much from the book that I could barely even recognize it. And with shoddy acting for Meggie, the whole thing goes down. But that's not what I came here to say. I came to introduce to you all a new segment of Worst Book-Movie Switch You Have Ever Seen...rebuttals!That's right! If someone posts here a movie that you think was good and loyal to the book then you can give a detailed Rebuttal of their post.This is optional of course but this is getting kinda spammy and don't you think that Rebuttal Battles would be fun?
Rebuttals are like this: If someone posts a movie here that you think doesn't deserve it, you write a post saying how the movie was good and loyal to the book. Then, the other person replies how it was bad. Rebuttals are optional but doesn't it make you mad when someone hates on a movie you like? Huh?
id say eragon aswell because while it was a dcent book ( a bit childish maybe but still pretty good) they messed up the film to the point that i think it is the worst film i have ever seen ,they made up scences took out huge sections of it killed of characters thay werent ment to die and never introduced pretty vital characters.