ForumsWEPRNobody can go to heaven...?

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Steps in the bible to reach heaven.....

os=2">(list taken by this)
-Love God
-Love your neighbors
-Do not commit adultery
-Do not murder
-Do not steal
-Do not give false testimony
-Honor your father and mother
-Hate your father
-Hate your mother
-Sell everything
-Hate your wife
-Hate children
-Hate brothers
-Hate sisters
-Hate life itself
-Give up everything
-Eat Flesh
-Drink Blood
-Be born again
-Your righteousness must surpass that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law
Jesus has no idea what the heck he was talking about!
You can't reach heaven..

  • 63 Replies
2,399 posts
2,399 posts
2,763 posts

Really you can't prove god doesn't exist or does exist.

I personally don't believe in it.

4,682 posts

If you fallow those rules Zega you will be hated by the Devil! I believe anyone who really wants to can go to heaven.

1,416 posts

fundamentalism takes a literal interpretation with the Bible, I'm pretty sure. . . .

Fundamentalists interpret the Bible to exploit it and the people who are dumb enough to listen. Notice how most fundies are wealthy? They could care less about the real messages in the Bible. To them, it's about the money and power.

2,820 posts

no offense to anyone posting here but this is a stupid topic, all can reach heaven as god forgives and loves.

question answered, case closed, have a nice day.


2,399 posts

no offense to anyone posting here but this is a stupid topic, all can reach heaven as god forgives and loves.

question answered, case closed, have a nice day.


No offense but 30+% of america would call you crazy and delusional.
2,820 posts

whos this kid?

you do know 25% of americans are retarded, and a large percent are atheists or not even catholic.

get bent.

oh my old catch phrase...

THINK before you SPEAK!

2,399 posts

whos this kid?

you do know 25% of americans are retarded, and a large percent are atheists or not even catholic.

get bent.

oh my old catch phrase...

THINK before you SPEAK!

No, you got it wrong. Your convinced by a bunch of people that wrote the bible that had a crazy imagination, it's all in your head. There are very few if any Scientist that are Religious, by that I mean 'believe in god'. If we all believed in Creatism we would never have a science, if that were true we would kill all people that believed in evolution and didn't believe in god. the bible is no proof saying that God exist, many people wrote the bible. I want other proof, trying to get proof of god out of a Christian is impossible, I know that for a fact. Yet you ask an atheist why he doesn't believe in god he can explain scientific evidence that god is imaginary. If it weren't for athiest we would all be wackjobs and thousands of people would be dieing cause we would pray that the sick one would live, prayer does nothing. You need to get your facts right, i have already learned. I mean, how can you kill anybody that has worked on a Sunday, or the Sabbath day? As stated in the bible. Watch the video that says the bible is repulsive. If Jesus is dod and God is Perfect, why would he want to kill them, I thought he was all forgiving.
332 posts

you do know 25% of americans are retarded, and a large percent are atheists or not even catholic.

Bad, bad choice there. Now I have to get involved :K

1. I think you need to know, that by that made up statistic, I have lost any potential respect for you. Just letting you know
2. You do of course realize that you saying "think before you speak" is just kinda sad after a post like that?
3. The fact that you believe in a talking snake, two humans creating a 6 billion+ population in under a few thousand years, and ignoring an extremely large amount of scientific evidence isn't exactly helping the claim that only those who are Atheist and Non-catholic are idiots.
4. The "Who's this kid" is actually rather amusing to me, since using the "kid" statement is an attempt to make yourself sound superior, while it really just seems pathetic when used online.

no offense to anyone posting here but this is a stupid topic, all can reach heaven as god forgives and loves.

question answered, case closed, have a nice day.

The basics of the bible state that non-believers are doomed to hell, and "God" is not a merciful figure who watches over us as modern preaching would try to make you believe, but by looking at the things in the Bible you might realize that its not all the fluffy niceness you seem to think. I haven't read the bible, but I do remember hearing about a section in which god destroyed a town for not believing in him. Does this really make you think someone like that loves and forgives? Besides, this love and caring stuff doesn't make sense when you apply it to life, because by that grounds we would not have the suffering we would today. Oh, I know, you'll say he wants us to learn from it or something, but that's still not the nice guy you make him out to be.

This isn't my best, but you really didn't give me much to work with. Post some more comments like that and I might really be able to enjoy this.

1,310 posts


I've been looking for this damn quote for ages; I remembered it but I couldn't remember where it was: On this particular discussion, and other dicussions we've had on the subject of interpreting the bible...

I already mentioned being born again above. Anyway, all I'm really saying is that this thread is based off of a lack of interpretation, which is a necessity when reading the Bible.

Yet in 2 Peter 3:16 (KJB) warns about interpreting the scripture:

speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
2,399 posts

Mike412 is awesome, which is why I agree with him and why I am very happy he just pwnd and humiliated dacer and made your religion look like idiots.

Dacer, I am 3 years younger than you. And I am more intelligent than you on a number of levels, and the question is why did you try to make yourself look more superior, when clearly you have no idea for what your talking about, and have no defense for what you are saying. And yes, 'THINK before you SPEAK' is exactly the opposite of what you did, and you didn't even speak, you posted something on here that is permanent a shall forever be mocked.

1,455 posts


Hmm. I guess I would say that I read with a certain type of interpretation. I understand that I could interpret it wrong, but with the experiences in my life and the wisdom I gain from the Bible (of course, there are some passages that I completely blank out on), I don't think I could look at it another way.
With the quote you have, it is clear that an incorrect interpretation of the Bible may lead me to fall off the path. I generally try to interpret things such as the seven days of creating the universe, day could be God's day, meaning an age. With something like that, it doesn't matter whether I know how long it took, and is open to interpretation.
Of course there are other things, like sacrafices, that don't fall under that circumstance, but in all honesty, I don't understand why I would need to slaughter an animal to please God. I guess the main thing I'm saying is that I read the Bible, and interpret it to reveal a God that I can respect. If God would send people to Hell for eating shellfish, I wouldn't respect him.
Of course, these are my own ideals alone, and I know there are some that would like to bash them and call them anti-Christian or stupid or whatever. But maybe this better explains the viewpoint I look from. I know in a lot of our conversations it was unclear where I stood on biblical quotes.

2,399 posts


So your basically saying that you don't believe in some passages in the bible, or some of the old commandments and dissagree with believers that slaughter animals to please god, correct? Wouldn't God be punishing you for that, or do you think cause you just are skipping a few passages he will have mercy, god is not merciful. God would want you to Believe everything that he says or else you shall face death as a punishment, at this point i would never trust god even if I wasn't an atheist.

2,820 posts

people have somthing called opinions, i have mine and you have yours, i have a strong hate for athiests , thats just me, and i relize most athiests think on the same wave length.

but when you DENOUNCE a religion as a athiest, or w.e its just stupid, learn to keep idiotic thoughts to your self.

k thanks

PS. i not all that religious but there has to be some meaning to the bible, oh and in the futre don't post in my profile.

annoying kids really... annoy me lol

oh yea, stopping the arguement, im to known for that.

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