os=2">(list taken by this) -Love God -Love your neighbors -Do not commit adultery -Do not murder -Do not steal -Do not give false testimony -Honor your father and mother -Hate your father -Hate your mother -Sell everything -Hate your wife -Hate children -Hate brothers -Hate sisters -Hate life itself -Give up everything -Eat Flesh -Drink Blood -Be born again -Your righteousness must surpass that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law Jesus has no idea what the heck he was talking about! You can't reach heaven..
Okay that make more sense now. Just one question though.. why only Catholics though? Do mean Christians?
Ummm... what about benevolent atheist? I haven't read the bible in awhile, but I'm pretty darn sure you have to believe in Jesus to go to heaven. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
That is what I was thinking, I have read some famous and infamous verses from the bible and I read that somewhere along the way.
I believe in God because my religious beliefs have helped me become a better person. I know there are a lot of historical examples where religion only made things worse, but I've managed to break out of some bad habits just because of the idea of God. Also, in my case in particular, I had kind of a spiritual awakening. I could just be insane, but once you have one of those, it's pretty hard not to follow the religion (plus I'd have to accept my insanity). But I still try to look at my faith and the bible objectively, so if I am insane, it's just a little bit.
Do you think that someday all religions are going to get along and are you trying to push that?
Honestly, I don't think so. There are just too many extremists out there clouding the path. It would be a nice idea, but I'm not particularly trying to push it. I enjoy intelligent conversation, though, so I try not to judge other religious beliefs.
And, are you a democratic catholic, cause your post sound very... liberal.
It might surprise you, but I'm very, very conservative. I'm not a Rush listener, but I tend to agree with most conservative ideals. The reason my posts sound liberal is because I understand (sort of) the liberal position and respect it to a certain extent. Many conservatives cannot understand because they completely disagree and disrespect it. I do happen to hold a few liberal ideals, like my position on the death penalty.
Since your the first catholic that I have actually been able to get some of my questions answered, I just want to know why, from a catholics point of view.
While I'm not at all offended by your questions and only happy to answer and ponder them myself, there are many Catholics that would be. My post might not be much help to understanding how all Catholics feel. Of course, the Catholics I hang around with, while tending to be stubbornly conservative, do believe that heaven is attainable regardless of religion.
Have you agreed with any non-believers or believers in a different religion (Muslim for example) on something that has cause you to wonder to great extent why you are in the religion you are in, why you have been believing in god all these years?
Also, in my case in particular, I had kind of a spiritual awakening. I could just be insane, but once you have one of those, it's pretty hard not to follow the religion (plus I'd have to accept my insanity). But I still try to look at my faith and the bible objectively, so if I am insane, it's just a little bit.
Everybody's Just a little insane...
These are the last of my questions, I can answer some questions you have if you like.
I haven't read the bible in awhile, but I'm pretty darn sure you have to believe in Jesus to go to heaven. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
It depends on what Christian denomination you follow. Personally, for Catholics, we have different levels of sin. Venial sins are commited either with insignifican matter, without full consent, or without full understanding that it was wrong. While they damage whatever relationship exists between the person and God, they don't condemn a person to Hell. Mortal sins involve grave matter, the sinner gave 100% consent, and knew 100% that it was wrong. Good examples of mortal sins are murder and rape. Mortal sins, while forgivable, are what can condemn a person to Hell, in Catholic beliefs. We do have confession, but it is generally for more ritualistic purposes. All that is required to forgive said sin is true sorrow. HOWEVER, some would mistake this as easy. God will know if the person plans to do it again, and if they are truly sorry or not.
Anyway, in regards to types of religions, Jesus came to unite all religions, but only some witnessed his ressurrection. I don't think it'd be fair if only the people raised to believe in him could go to heaven. And the God I follow is fair. Keep in mind, these are only my views, and many Christians would disagree with them.
Have you agreed with any non-believers or believers in a different religion (Muslim for example) on something that has cause you to wonder to great extent why you are in the religion you are in, why you have been believing in god all these years?
Evolution is one of the things I agreed with once I knew enough about it, mostly explained by other atheists. But it never really caused me to wonder about my faith. But I have wondered, just on random occassion, in the past. Actually, in all honesty, I've been a little weak in faith the past few days. I blame this thread. > But after sitting in silence, there's just a type of mood I can feel. Faith is kind of a weird thing that makes absolutely no sense to someone else watching you, and that's something I live with. But I accept it because of my spiritual awakening, the morals I've learned from the Bible to better myself, and because my faith makes me feel at peace and content (and not insane). So I have had ups and downs with it, but I enjoy the experience and community overall.
I can answer some questions you have if you like.
On that, I might have to get back at you. My questions on atheism are generally ones of pure interest, so they pop up at unexpected times when I'll see something random or have a weird dream.
Anyway, I should go to bed. I'll stick around for Deserteagle's response to what I said, and if you have any questions that just popped, I'll check those out too. But I can't miss the Sabbath...
or the party I'm going to after mass. Two good reasons for me.
Actually, in all honesty, I've been a little weak in faith the past few days. I blame this thread. >
I will never try to convert people to atheism, I might say stuff that refers to that accidentally, or it might go along with a question. Also, I believe that anybody trying to convert a christian to atheism is the hardest thing in the world. ;D. If you truly believe in that religion that you follow, you can never really be converted, it would be with great means of difficulty with the opposing people.
I also believe wars over religion are completely and truly ridiculous.
Questioning faith isn't a bad thing. It makes you more open-minded. If nothing was ever questioned, humanity would never have learned anything.
No, it's not. If I was ashamed of it I wouldn't have posted it. I was just mentioning it because Krizaz asked if I had questioned my faith before.
But it might be easy to tell that I've questioned it a lot because I sound very different from most Christians, at least that's what I've been told a lot.
If heaven exists, I don't think that rules for going there are so strict.
On page 2 there are some links, you don't necessarily have to agree with them on anything, it just tells you some of the commandments and gives you a better understanding for the bible. Also, it's an pro-atheist video so don't be surprised if you start swearing at the computer.
Oh, I know. I just meant the thread title and link led me link upon link to GodisImaginary.com, with a lot of things to think about. But overall, I enjoy being challenged on my faith.
I sound very different from most Christians, at least that's what I've been told a lot.
Aren't you Catholic, or do you get along well with each other. Honest, I'm not sure what is different about the two religions, do tehy have different stories, different commandments? Different practices?
Oh, I know. I just meant the thread title and link led me link upon link to GodisImaginary.com, with a lot of things to think about. But overall, I enjoy being challenged on my faith
Oh.. I go through with enough of that during a normal day at a public school, being a vegetarian don't help, just gives them more reasons, my school is anti-anything thats different with somebody. If your just Atheist, it's cool. If your atheist and Vegetarian, it seems to have an affect on your social life more so than being atheist. Atheism is different in the town I live in, it is almost all christian and that is quite annoying, when it comes down to my views on religion.
But Catholicism has saints, and they also hold worship and high respect for Mary as well, I'm pretty sure.
And then there's the Pope. . . .
And in Catholicism, I'm pretty sure it's thought that somewhere in the Communion process, the crackers and wine actually become the blood and body of Jesus.