waaaaaaay easier. Nice drawing =D
Lol~ Thanks^^
Drwagon! Or something like that. It's so cool. Ice growing out of its back.
Hehehe~ Hmm, making it look like ice when colouring might actually be cool. Hmm.
Is that supposed to be a color-variety Lugia or something? It looks like the Pokemon, except it has a dinosaur tail...
It's a Lugia crafted out of nougat, marzipan, different chocolates and a few almond splinters.
Dinosaur tail? O.o
Can't we think of it though? Please...
No. :P You can call it Pegasus-like, though.
I don't know why, but the Pokemon seem unrealistic to me, mainly because they have different eyes to the original characters.
How do you mean unrealistic in this context? It's not like the eyes on the original design are realistic. O.o
They're awesome, but I had to read the comments to realize the purple thing in the corner was Granbull... But otherwise they're awesomez! They are eerily close to real dogs that have been painted.
Thankses, and lol~ Yeah, Granbull does have a large way to go before it looks like a bulldog, the others were easier to translate to more "real canine"-like forms.